View Full Version : Band in the park.

Neil Templar
22nd July 2011, 11:49 AM
This is the end of what i know was a longer dream but haven't the earlier details...

I walk along the lane at the back of my childhood house, to the park (which is a regular site of activity in my experiences, and IRL is now a housing estate), I am looking for a girl, she's not someone i know IRL, and i'm yet to meet her in this dream, but i already know her... as if i've viewed her profile or something :|
I turn the corner and go up the hill. I have a memory of a band sometimes practicing up here. As i near the top, i see the band are there, and a handful of other people too.
The band leader sees me, and seems to recognise me.
Behind the band, a little distance away, i see a group of girls sitting on the grass, all wearing purple. One of them waves, at me? I'm not sure. I ignore her and move over to the right, where another group of people are spread out on the grass. There are 5 or 6 of them. They don't seem to be together, none are sitting close enough to talk to each other, yet they seem to be deliberately close enough to each other to enjoy the experience of listening to the band together. I go over to them, and look for a spot to sit down. The grass is overgrown and untidy, we are close to the trees. I find a spot and sit down. It's actually a depression in the ground, a hole, maybe 10 inches deep. It's very comfortable to lie there, like a natural recliner, with my feet "up" on the level ground.

I look over at the girls in purple. It looks like they are backing singers for the band.
It also looks like they, and the band are packing up and getting ready to go. I've missed the performance.
Ah well, i simply enjoy the experience of lying in the sun, in contact with the earth. As i think about this, i'm sure i can feel a deep resonance vibrating in the ground below me. Almost imperceptible.

I look up at the blue sky, and remember that this is a place i've often seen spacecraft in the sky, i wonder if i'll see any today. Of course right then i see way up there, what looks like space debris, tumbling across the sky...

The band are packed and begin to leave the area. I start humming, a single tone, like OM, in response to the earth vibration i'm feeling beneath and around me.
I do this for a while, then become conscious of the others sitting nearby.
Suddenly i am aware that my bike is next to me on the grass (i hadn't noticed it so far)
it looks like the wheel is tangled in the wheel and mudguard of someone else's bike. I reach over and untangle the two bikes. I don't want to damage anyone's bike, or my own.

Then i see a guy i know, Eric, walking past pushing two bikes along. The tyres are rubbing together making a squealing sound. I realise that the other bike mine was entangled with, is actually mine too.
I get up and pick up the bikes, deciding to head home. I remember from my time in Amsterdam, how to ride one bike, and hold the other beside so it balances and rolls along, so i get on my bike and do this.
Looking down, i see that both bikes have yellow paintwork "just like my bike in real life" i think to myself.

This could have been a moment for gaining full lucidity if i had wanted, but in the back of my mind, i knew i was gonna remember this experience, so i was quite happy to just go along with it...

I continued down the path and headed for home, admiring my bikes gleaming in the sunshine...8)

22nd July 2011, 03:00 PM
Hello, Neil.

There's a term in theosophy - "Kama-Manas" - when the emotional and mental aspects are entangled with each other. That would basically be the astral and mental elementals. What you seem to do here is to disentangle and separate them carefully, and then keep them aligned (riding one where your consciousness is based while keeping the other alongside). Furthermore, in a process of alignment, the lower body would begin to reflect the higher one (both having the same paintwork).

I cannot say if the experience summarises a process that has taken place or depicts you while doing this. When you hummed you may have "attuned" yourself to the vibration of the plain/plane you were on, quite possibly the lower mental plane. When that process was complete and the inner senses fully kicked in, you began to see the elementals with familiar symbolism. Take also note of the fact that there's three things present - two vehicles and the you consciousness riding them.

No idea about the band so far.

22nd July 2011, 03:23 PM
PS -

As for the background singer girls... I just thought that the practice of having female background singers is most prevalent in Soul and R&B. So, I think it wouldn't be too far off to maybe think "soul group" here. Remember the friendly wave, but maybe it wasn't your purpose there this time.

Whatever you see in the skies during experiences could be from a higher plane - not reachable for you at that moment, but related to you and you having some perception of it.

Neil Templar
23rd July 2011, 01:47 AM
Hello, Neil.

There's a term in theosophy - "Kama-Manas" - when the emotional and mental aspects are entangled with each other. That would basically be the astral and mental elementals. What you seem to do here is to disentangle and separate them carefully, and then keep them aligned (riding one where your consciousness is based while keeping the other alongside). Furthermore, in a process of alignment, the lower body would begin to reflect the higher one (both having the same paintwork).

I cannot say if the experience summarises a process that has taken place or depicts you while doing this. When you hummed you may have "attuned" yourself to the vibration of the plain/plane you were on, quite possibly the lower mental plane. When that process was complete and the inner senses fully kicked in, you began to see the elementals with familiar symbolism. Take also note of the fact that there's three things present - two vehicles and the you consciousness riding them.

No idea about the band so far.

Very interesting Oliver, i've never heard that term before, but that makes a lot of sense, and the symbolism, ie the bike(s), lends credibility to the idea.
I think it's definitely time for me to explore the Theosophical works. The more i learn of it, the more it seems to fit with my experiences. I've been attending meetings at the Edinburgh Theosophical Society, but recently started working at a job that usually has me busy at the time they're meeting, so it's taken a bit of a back seat. Their library is unbelievable! The books i discovered during a brief look got me so excited i nearly wet myself, well, you know what i mean. hehe... I was thinking of asking Kurt, if he's ever in the UK, if he'd be interested in coming along and doing a short talk.
He recommended a bunch of books, Blavatsky and Leadbeater IIRC, to me. Time to get my hands on them i think...:)

Neil Templar
23rd July 2011, 01:50 AM
PS -

As for the background singer girls... I just thought that the practice of having female background singers is most prevalent in Soul and R&B. So, I think it wouldn't be too far off to maybe think "soul group" here. Remember the friendly wave, but maybe it wasn't your purpose there this time.

Actually, the band was very like a soul band. The lead singer had a saxophone in his hands, and i was definitely expecting music along the lines of soul...

Whatever you see in the skies during experiences could be from a higher plane - not reachable for you at that moment, but related to you and you having some perception of it.
i hadn't thought about it like that, that's interesting. It's quite a common experience for me to see things overhead.