View Full Version : Same day manifestation of things
18th July 2011, 11:50 PM
If it is wanted for something to manifest in the same day as the urdge for it to exist has formed, will intending for the thing to manifest and also intending for it to happen in the same day allow it to manifest in the same day?
Time will not allow for some things to be accomplished in a single day, but will other things that can happen in a single day manifest if it is intended for them to do so?
Has anyone tried to get things to show up within 24 hours in the past?
I have also been harassed by negative spirits for much of my life. If the same day manifestations of things are possible, should i be concerned about being tricked by negative entities in dreams to intend for awful things to happen?
19th July 2011, 08:53 AM
Hello, josh.
Manifestation works best if what you are trying to manifest would actually truly help fill a need (not some random desire), aid your learning, healing or progress, and if you perceive clearly why you need it. Understanding your need fully speeds the process.
Manifestation is not separate from your actions, but in fact helps to shape the outcome of your actions. Yesterday I manifested an outcome within hours. An unrelated action I had triggered the same day did move me a step closer to my goal. But things really got kicking after I got clear about what I needed, why I needed it and what good would come of it. All of this I had detailed out in an email to a friend. After I wrote that email, events kept coming forth that I relate to my original need and intention.
That's also why it is so hard to manifest Ferraris. ;)
As for being concerned - you can rely on your own commonsense. If not sure if something that you want to do is potentially harmful, run it by your commonsense. If still not sure, don't try to manifest it. Like any other action in life manifesting by intent has karmic consequences. It is a responsibility.
One hint - when trying to manifest things that only other people can provide, like for example friendship or a service, never intend it to come from specific people. That's like trying to make people do your bidding. Not only would it probably not work, it's also not a good way to proceed as it conflicts with free will. Just leave open who will fulfill your need, like a placeholder. If there is a person willing to fill that need they can step into the picture (probably unconsciously) and help you manifest your goal.
To make it very concrete - let's say you want to manifest a love interest. If you have someone specific in mind, it's better to let go. Let go of who you want it to be. Just focus on what you want the love interest to give you, share with you, the experience, the love, and so on. Then there's a chance that the person you might have had a preference for might be willing to answer that energetic call - and if so, it's according to their free will. And if it is someone else there would be a reason, too.
So, as a more general rule, it is best to leave open who will fulfill your need.
It's also helpful to try to contain impatience or frustration. When your mind is occupied with these it stalls the manifestation process. If you cannot do that easily, set your intention first and then launch yourself into an unrelated project of some sort. Get busy, get to work, occupy your mind with it. Let the unseen forces work on the manifestation and get busy with your project.
The only tricky thing here is that you still have to be open for getting signs and signals having to do with your original intent. Either signs of what you have to do achieve this intent. Or signs that your intent might not be appropriate. Or signs that you have to modify your intent a bit or make some other changes within you to make your intent come to pass.
When you work along these lines, your manifestation attempts should be safer and might come easier to pass. It is possible that they come to pass quickly, but there's no guarantee.
Take care,
19th July 2011, 09:27 AM
If it is wanted for something to manifest in the same day as the urdge for it to exist has formed, will intending for the thing to manifest and also intending for it to happen in the same day allow it to manifest in the same day?
It depends entirely on your own beliefs, attachments, and resistance. I generate small but significant manifestations of desire on the fly, sometimes (stuff like good parking spots in busy carparks, temporary cessation of rain, etc.), so certainly it can happen (happens to me all the time).
And, well, time is an illusion, so the difference between "later" and "much later" and "right now" is just a matter of human perception of linear time.
Time will not allow for some things to be accomplished in a single day
There are those who practice "reality jumping" who report that things changed not "in a day" but instantaneously, or even in the past, thus changing the present. (Think "Back to the Future" ;))
19th July 2011, 09:37 AM
Manifestation works best if what you are trying to manifest would actually truly help fill a need (not some random desire), aid your learning, healing or progress, and if you perceive clearly why you need it. Understanding your need fully speeds the process.
I agree that this is true if you believe that it should be. I used to believe that, too, and that's the way things worked in my reality as a result of that belief, but now I understand that there's not that much difference between "need" and "want" in most cases (it's just a matter of framing and self-justification), and that I was unnecessarily limiting my reality by putting those kinds of classifications on things.
In some cases, that which we perceive as a "need" will have more urgency and energy attached to it, which can make it actually MORE difficult to allow it to happen (energy, especially fear, is a powerful block!). It's harder to release something you perceive as a "need", and without release, manifestation can be nearly impossible (i.e., you have to let go of the seed and put it in the ground in order for it to sprout and grow; holding on to it will ensure that it cannot grow).
If not sure if something that you want to do is potentially harmful, run it by your commonsense. If still not sure, don't try to manifest it. Like any other action in life manifesting by intent has karmic consequences. It is a responsibility.
Excellent advice.
One hint - when trying to manifest things that only other people can provide, like for example friendship or a service, never intend it to come from specific people.
Also excellent advice.
It's also helpful to try to contain impatience or frustration. When your mind is occupied with these it stalls the manifestation process.
Absolutely. Impatience and frustration are often manifestations of fear, as well (and fear, as noted, is a powerful block).
19th July 2011, 04:56 PM
If the same day manifestations of things are possible, should i be concerned about being tricked by negative entities in dreams to intend for awful things to happen?
..but you can always report what happened back here! :D
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