View Full Version : Apollo 20 Mission

17th July 2011, 12:40 PM
Dear Sir...

Google with topic subject and answer to:

¿What do there are of true/fantasy about this?

For me, there are too many aspects beyond standard that makes me to doubt about (skeptic assumption) this is not more than a huge hoax.

¿Your opinions?

Thank you very much



Robert Bruce
22nd July 2011, 09:18 AM
Your question is unclear.

please reply here.


22nd July 2011, 12:00 PM
Dear Sir...

Done changes, from older astraldynamics' forums to newer astraldynamics' forums, my prior identity (asalantu) was missing, so my new identity (-asalantu-) carries with some limitations like unability of to post URL's (until I reach the limit of, about, 30 posts). So, that's the reason I instruct you to do a search with google.com (done keywords: Apollo 20 mission) in order to gather material enough to seed reliable answer to my inquiry.

Allegedly, Apollo 20 mission, never was launched since it was cancelled (altogether were cancelled the Apollo 18 and 19 missions) but launched (from Vanderberg military air-base) under a top secret protocol jointly with USSR.

From info on web, Apollo 20 findings were so strange, that, for mine, if not an hoax based on extreme rambling of human imagination, effectively, indications of discovery of a huge alien spaceship (a cigar' type one, about 3.3 km in lenght and 500 meters in cross section) at far-side of Earth' moon was done.

Too, recovery of an humanoid type alien (mummified done time elapsed since spaceship crash) with strange and unusual body characteristics contributes to enhance my verosimilitude suspicion.

¿What's your opinion about that?

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Note: I aknowledges this thematics line is out of your main interest, but you are one of the few had witnessed the most deep facts at boundaries of accepted (for world leaders who try to cut and hide it from public opinion) human knowledge. In order to satisfy such genuine interests there are an astraldynamics section devoted to UFOlogy and related matters. If this topic attracts undesirable attention from R@ndi et al. I authorize you to suppress this one.
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Apologies about my poor quality english quality expression. (spanish is my first language)



Dear Ángel: You have my permission, from now on to post links, since we know you from before-CF.

Thank you, CF, but link amount is so high that quoting a few can cut some of RB interest under the drive of its intuition.



4th September 2011, 01:29 PM
Dear RB...

If you don`t likes to answer I'll understand you, since you already has stablished opinion about this subjects:

"I've seen a lot of things during obe, but much of it I do not discuss."
(Excerpt from http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?9779-Alien-Civilisation-Artifacts-Physical-Planets)

but your attitude could have changed, as your attitude to commercial purposes.

First image (NASA photo) at that thread matches 100% with subject of my ask (see first and third post thread) to you.

But certain things don't change; as alien privacy, that may be you regards avoiding to make public some discoveries from you. ¿That's right? If that is the case, I'm with you.

Certainly, I'll must to persevere in development of my skills (APing, Remote Viewing, etc.) only then I'll get reliable answer to my inquiries (and I've a lot more of them). The main reason against my success is lack of material time.


Robert Bruce
20th October 2011, 03:43 AM
There are ETs and the moon is not as bare as it looks. Some of what can be found there is from past Earth civilizations, and some from elsewhere. There are also giant ships out there. Several ET factions are involved, and some are friendly. Its the same in the deep oceans and other places. Our technology is catching up, but still very primitive in comparison. The mindset of our leaders too closed to allow what is known to be published. So everything is kept secret by default.

I will speak more on this in the future, but not at this time.
