View Full Version : Clairaudient development

3rd July 2011, 09:38 AM
G'day Robert!

I remember reading a story where you mentioned a lady named Selena who you said was a very very good clairvoyant and clairaudient. I read it last year and it's really interesting because a lot of the stuff you write comes back into my mind weeks or even months later. And for me i believe it was for a reason.

Something i have been working on for some time is developing clairaudient ability, but there's not really much i know of that i can do other then sit in meditation and try to hear. You mention clairvoyance a lot more then clairaudience but maybe you'd be able to shed some light on perhaps some practical exercises, affirmations or something so that i can start actually making progress. Im after long term development, so i don't need quick results, just something to actually practice and do!

I would have asked about clairvoyance development as well, but i think it's worth the wait for your program to come out.

Any help or good affirmations would be just super :D

Hope you're well. Thank You.

10th July 2011, 01:52 PM
Hmm i've had a little time to think about it and this is what i've come up with.

"I am clairaudient" is a no brainer.
"I hear spirits" - this one im wary of because say if i venture further into mediumship, this can be helpful, but i would like to have a way to turn it on and off. Perhaps commands would fix this? I dont even know if that's safe in the first place.
"I hear my Higher Self" - This im unsure of too because according to your teachings HS is normally like a wall of silence, apart from that time the voice spoke to you about living by personal experience. Perhaps there is a way that HS can bring forward a more talkative part of itself so that i may learn more directly through conversation. hmm.

Robert Bruce
10th October 2011, 03:34 PM

Keep up the affirmations, daily, spoken aloud when you are alone.

I also suggest you get a copy of Franz Bardon's book, 'Initiation Into Hermetics' and start on the exercises. You should be able to find a copy online.

The exercise of your senses is the way to actually develop clairaudience. This is like imagining you can hear voices, but in detail. this builds the mechanism in your mind whereby you can hear spirit voices.

My friend, Selena, worked with a spirit guide, White Feather. She was old school spiritualist, from UK.

I think, as you develop this ability, the way to shut it off will become a part of your training.

Developing a relationship with your higher self, and learning how to do a pentagram banishment, will also help.

Everyone going into psychic development should know how to do a proper banishment. It is very effective.
