View Full Version : How To Transform Into A Ghost Apparition In Physical Plane (real-time)

28th June 2011, 02:31 AM
I believe with practice one can transform their OBE to manifest their spirit form to appear as an apparition in the physical world in real-time. This could explain some of the ghost encounters. The Tibetan monks can increase their body temperature just by thought. Therefore it is possible we can transform our OBE into a form of a visible apparition (ghost body) in the conscious world (real world) at any geographic location in real-time to communicate with people.

Meditation Changes Temperatures:
Mind controls body in extreme experiments
http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/2002/04.18/09-tummo.html (http://www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/2002/04.18/09-tummo.html)

28th June 2011, 04:09 AM
Personally I think it could even be taken a step beyond that where a person could manifest a second physical body, that is my theory about what happened with Jesus resurecting for example.

28th June 2011, 06:13 AM
There are many reports throughout history in all kinds of cultures of people seeing, speaking with, and having other dealings with people who were verifiably elsewhere. I think it's known as "bi-location"? Anyway, it's certainly a known phenomenon.

I, myself, went through a period where I appeared to have a "doppleganger" who was going around the town I lived in doing stuff (she apparently went to bars and other social venues; I never heard of her getting into any particular trouble, though, which is good). A number of people saw her and asked me if I'd been at such-and-such a place, when I had not. Then the phenomenon stopped as quickly as it started, and I haven't had it happen since (though I am known to show up in peoples' dreams sometimes, but that's a different phenomenon).

It's possible there really was some other young woman who looked just like me and apparently laughed like me (I have a very distinctive laugh!), or perhaps it was a sort of projected double. I've never really been able to explain it, but projected double or bi-location is one of the many possibilities I've considered. (Obviously, though, if it was a projected double, I was not consciously aware of it. Given my state of consciousness (i.e., almost complete lack of self-awareness) at the time, I think it's actually possible to have projected that way without my conscious awareness.)

28th June 2011, 09:02 AM
I believe with practice one can transform their OBE to manifest their spirit form to appear as an apparition in the physical world in real-time. This could explain some of the ghost encounters. The Tibetan monks can increase their body temperature just by thought. Therefore it is possible we can transform our OBE into a form of a visible apparition (ghost body) in the conscious world (real world) at any geographic location in real-time to communicate with people.

I suspect that this is possible too. I agree that projectors are sometimes seen by people (with clairvoyant vision?) and misinterpreted as ghosts, or even physical people. There appears to be considerable anecdotal evidence for this and I've shared some of these elsewhere in the forums. Sometimes they're more "solid" than others. Sometimes they don't recall the projections.

28th June 2011, 09:52 AM
BeeKeeper's post reminds me of something that happened a few years back.

I was thinking about my mother (can't remember why) and the next thing I knew, I was standing on the front porch of my parents' house. I was aware of my physical location (sitting in my own home, on a different continent), but I was very clearly aware of the details of my parents' house (they still haven't fixed that broken step :roll:). I went up to the door and just passed through it, and I noted that there had been some rearranging since I was last there, many years ago.

My mother was in the front room, which she had turned into a little "office" of sorts, to work on her genealogy and other projects she fools around with. I couldn't see my grandmother's piano or various other things that had been there. It was bright daylight when I was there, which is the opposite of where I was, physically (and which makes sense, because of that whole "other side of the world" thing).

She kept looking around while I was there. I had the clear impression she felt she was being watched. She seemed to have some awareness of my presence, though I don't think she could have said what she was aware of, other than "felt like I was being watched". I stayed for a few minutes, picked up some other information about her, and then left.

Some time later, I was speaking to someone who is still in contact with my mother, and all of the things I'd seen and observed where completely confirmed. To the point that the person said, "That gave me chills. How did you know that?"

My mother is not the most self-aware of people (rather, I'd say she's self-oblivious), but she has always been quite psychically aware, even if she's not entirely conscious of it.

28th June 2011, 04:17 PM
I agree that projectors are sometimes seen by people (with clairvoyant vision?) and misinterpreted as ghosts, or even physical people
True - i think it has more to do with how "developed" the spectator is.

Aunt Clair
27th August 2011, 01:30 AM
Magicians have reported seeing peers appear to them clairvoyantly. And I have seen several peer magicians do this, also.

Unfortunately,it can be problematic to teach a method to appear, like an apparition. Reasons can include;

1.It may be difficult to replicate this skill at will because it was intended but not understood mechanically.
2.Some report that they did this spontaneously without intent or understanding.
3.Some report being successful linking and appearing to a peer with intent perhaps because of stronger available energy during that session but lament an inability to replicate their methods.
4.Still, others do not have any recall of such projections when their peers question them and appear to have projected an aspect of self unconsciously.

In 1995, I saw Robert Bruce appear in a full body indigo silhouette and walk across the room after entering purposefully at the door. He must have done this with intent because he claimed he would accomplish this.

And Lonewolf aka Daniel T. can appear to the homes of friends, at will, most of the time. And he has proven this to clairvoyant peers. However, even he can not always appear to the clairvoyant and he hasn't been able to pass on a method so others could have the same result.

The doppleganger effect mentioned above seems similar, imo ,to what Robert Bruce calls his Astral Bob. This is, I think, an aspect of self that projects without our intent with little or no conscious recall of such travels. Our own projection is alive and experiencing whilst we are busy in the tedium of the day. It continues to learn and then brings these lessons back to the monad where we retrieve them in sleep projections and in dreams and meditations.

One difficulty in the development of this skill is being able to be seen by a clairvoyant peer. To overcome this, projections of an "apparition" could be scheduled with a peer capable of receiving them for evaluation.

The ability to colour up to be seen by a clairvoyant peer is not something that I have done often at will. I did find a peer who used to write here at AD who was from Poland. And I was able to project there and be seen by him and he could project here. I have been able to be seen by two of my daughters in projection but I do not know how to do this, at will, every time. And in circle , my peers have been able to see each other in the higher planes and within the sacred chamber. Appearing in projection takes a lot of energy and it is easier, I feel, during a period of high energy such as the full moon.

I open as usual, I pull energy down the crown through the spine to the perineum. Then I raise energy up the feet through the legs to the perineum to the belly. But, rather than carry this bolus of energy up the spine to the third eye, I project to my destination. Then I pull the bolus of energy up to the belly and continue to pull up earth energy to fill self up to the crown. Earth energy makes it harder to separate from the body but allows the body to be seen. And I can walk through the room and be seen by those clairvoyant peers in circle.

After remote linking and projecting to a clairvoyant peer, I fill the body with earth, once there ,and this allows me to get there in a lighter projection and then colour up. So the filling is done with bi location of consciousness, in this method.

Earth energy is shades of red ime; salmon, red, ruby , crimson et cetera. But I choose pink which is a mixture of earth with a bit of air to make it lighter. Earth helps to colour up but it is heavey. Air helps the earth to lighten so the magician may project with colour without being too heavy or grounded. In this manner, I can usually lift , fly and move in the real time zone.

To pull up energy I breathe in with visualisation and intent the attributes of earth and call these into the soles of the feet through the insteps into the legs and up into the spine ;

"I have EARTH.It is red,damp,heavy,dark,negative,male energy. I have Earth."
Although opinions certainly differ regarding colour and attributes of elemental energies, so describe and invoke EARTH, as you will.

The trick imo, is to be able to link and then move energy while in projection through remote view and remote consciousness in trance state.

However the magician may begin by opening in protection , raising energy within the sacred chamber and then projecting from the EarthStone or belly of the astral body.The unaware human is black night on left and white day on right . More maturely, the magician begins red on right and blue on left as Franz Bardon espouses in IIH.

The female magician will tend to separate from the back and left of the Tree of Life and this is water the opposite of which is earth so she colours up pink or rose coloured earth. The male magician tends to separate from the front and right side of the Tree of Life or Human Energy Body and this is red earth. The negative of this film is the reciprocal blue to indigo water. So the entire silhouette of the male projector may be blue.

Of course once the body becomes truly tetrapolar then the magician will be able to project a full coloured apparition , if they pull up enough energy to be seen and are able to link to a clairvoyant audience.

del Dardano Turann
30th August 2011, 03:00 AM
Should I master such a technique I fear my trickster side.