View Full Version : Any tips?

28th June 2011, 02:18 AM
Hello all!
I like the new forums! It's been a while since I last posted, but I have still been practicing my projection. So, the reason that I need help is because I have been practicing pretty enthusiastically since around January and haven't once actually exited. I know that I have asked CF and CW for so much help, but I can't exit. Every attempt, I feel very light vibrations, hear astral noise and I often see faces, people, etc., and get a sense that I am floating. I have tried many suggested exit techniques but nothing has worked... I'm not sure how much more help I could get, but any help would be greatly appreciated(:.
I was thinking about getting RB's 100 day guide, as I have only read the 10th anniversary Astral Dynamics. Has that helped any of you?
Thanks for your help!(:

28th June 2011, 07:35 AM
Every attempt, I feel very light vibrations, hear astral noise and I often see faces, people, etc., and get a sense that I am floating.
If you do get all that, then there should be a way for you to get also moving. Now I do not know what exit techniques were already suggested and what you tried. So here some that you can try next time, if you have not yet:
* When you feel the vibrations or like floating, start a rocking motion - it is a bit like being on a swing or a boat and trying to get it to rock. Do not yet think of getting out of your body, but just get your energy body moving.
* Allow your hands to come together and start to rub them.
* Allow a scene to expand a bit - when you see faces, allow yourself to see a bit more - maybe you can go into the scene. If you are in a dreamlike scene, but very fleety, try to spin or allow yourself to fall sideways.
* Feel yourself floating down the bed/seat towards the foot end. Or feel how you rotate sideways. Then sit up.