View Full Version : Is Kundalini Sexy? Should I go for it?

27th June 2011, 02:17 PM
As of late i've noticed a distinct trend in mounting "Kundalini Awareness" which in hindsight results for a majority of first-post queries here, going along the line of "Is this kundalini?" "Is this my Kundalini calling"? "I think i might have "Kundalini Sensations" "Today my Kundalini feels very active - should i be grounding more?"

For sake of greater understanding i go on to illustrate these :

* "I have energetic sensations along the spine and associated areas".

* "My basal/sacral chakras are very active i definitely feel Kundalini".

* "Am I kundalini active if i feel something moving upwards my spine?"

* "I'm seeing a lot of "Serpent" type Kundalini "Snake" visions - is an awakening immiment?.

* "I'm particularly third eye sensitive - is this Kundalini?"

* "I'm very prone to depressions and mood-swings is this Kundalini induced "psychosis"?

* "Do i have to lose my marbles to let Kundalini rise?"

* "I'm a stay at home wife with two great kids , will Kundalini fit fine into my routine?"

* "As as advanced practioner i might be ready for Kundalini as the "next upgrade"-what should i proceed with".

* "What about Kundalini resorts? - I'm spirtiually inclined and this might be spending time productively for me"

* "Where can i get a shakipat and how long will it last?"

* "I've done a fair amount of energy work and yoga - am i ready to take on Kudanlini?"

If you feel or acknowledge the stance stated above , i think you might be at a place where you want to consider :

*Kundalini as a phenomenon is at nascency in both understanding and prognosis of development.

*As of yet there is no going criterion as to what actually consitutes a Kundalini releasing stimulus/trigger (many things from simple prayer to child birth to electric shocks to falling flat on your coccyx have unleashed Kundalini) but the precise mechanisms of the event are not in the general mass-know-how's yet. That itself makes rolling the Kundalini dice both risky and unpredictable (imo)

*OP's research has brought forth this somewhat of a sharply telling insight : the number of people who unleash Kundalini accidentally (or after years of a certain type/method of energy work) distinctly outdo the number of people who work on more direct methods of Ignition.

*Kundalini is a process with a definite agenda and a goal.Some aspects of this energy signature even strike one as sentient by their methodology of procession. Controlling or trying to predict how an event with its own motive will proceed is judgement with little prudence (imo).

*All this might hint to the obvious : If kundalini is that elusive and the genuine case that far and few in between what generates all the massive hype? Understand that Kundalini for most* people by its conculsive stages will leave the undergoer with a whole new mindset/prespective. Total 360. I won't be surpristed if person A whom you knew all your life is now a stranger who goes by person B. This in itself might be to different for the "Post Abduction Syndrome (http://www.rense.com/ufo6/pas.htm)"

*Kundalini is never once raised and done type of energy work. It's a presistent cumulative effect of many* changes going on in your energetic and psychic constructs each paving the way successively for the upcoming ones.Initially you might feel the ectoplasm passing through the vertebral column as a snake rising upwards (consequential subconcious selective attention to serpentine symobology and manifestation in RTZ). As the initial stages subside a whole new symoboloy might in its wake takes place denoting the progressive evolutionary signature.

*As to the current media hype and how sexy kundalini is : Kundalini isn't a limited edition LV clutch you must sport or a shiny new app that works a charm in your iphone (crass bourgeois analogies, i know, but they will have to do). Its a life changing phenomenon that is starting to fall prey to commercialism sadly. In Meet the Fockers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meet_the_Fockers)with Ben Stiller - Barbra Streisand who is a sex-therapist during a yoga lesson blurts "Come on people lets get that Kundalini Flowing!"

*For the more dedicated/assidous approach there are a number of books who offer a "programmed release" or a "systematic unleashing" of Kundalini (i think my quoted make my point clear) these books more often than not turn out to be compendium of energy and meditative exercizes that are "covered" by a lot of postulation and hyperbole as to what kundalini is and how one goes about obtaining it.

*Also understand that Kundalini is a "Snow Flake" pheonmenon. Reading, understanding and query will make the transition more acquainted but by themselves will not result into anything much other than eyeache.

Further reading : RB's musings on Kundalini (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?12110-RB-s-musing-on-Kundalini.).

27th June 2011, 05:12 PM
I like how you listed everything in such a concise way. I like this post very much.

28th June 2011, 01:02 AM
For a long time I though kundalini was a kind of joke, exactly because of attitudes and books like you mentioned psionickx. It seemed like the stereotypical "new-ager mumbo-jumbo" along with "chakras" and "crystals" to be wheeled out for ridicule in tv and movies (like meet the fokkers) whenever the writers wanted to portray the least down-to-earth character they could. And reading comments like you mentioned on forums just compounded my beliefs that kundalini was merely product of peoples' imaginations.. feel some sensations you can't explain? - ooh I know it must be kundalini! But after reading robert's accounts of intentionally-induced, visceral experiences I realized that it is a real phenomenon.. albeit extremely rare in its fullest form. Perhaps in a way it is good that there is so much misunderstanding surrounding it, so it does not become a danger to ill-prepared people? although I suppose that is little help to those who experience a spontanteous activation...