View Full Version : Melting dream characters, and a trip to faery realms..

Neil Templar
21st June 2011, 12:12 PM
Ok, so this was very cool indeed.
I was barely even asleep, i could hear my housemate moving around downstairs, making food, which i guess is the thing that allowed me full lucidity ;) when i began phasing/dreaming, i could still hear him, so i knew what i was seeing was a dream...

i walked into my Mum's house, there were lots of strangers there, along with my Mum, Sister and step-father. i went in and said hello, but nobody responded. i got the feeling they were all ignoring me on purpose, like i'd done something to annoy them or something. i wondered if i'd been particularly noisy when coming home last night (i was out late last night, visiting old friends, and drank quite a bit of red wine.) obviously not fully lucid at this point, thinking this was actually the place i live.

only my sister looked me in the eye, and she was holding something across her face, some sort of fabric, like a veil...
as i was getting no response from these people, i ignored them and went up to my room... on the way up the stairs, i heard my housemate moving around, and realised i was dreaming. :)
when i went into my room, three strangers were in there, one large man, and two females.
i went in and asked "who are you? what are you doing here?"
the man started to reply, and i remembered this thread.
"you know this is a dream, right?" i said.
he didn't respond. i went over and looked him in the eyes, "this is a dream. i am dreaming. you're in MY dream"
he looked at me, and then his face started to melt, like the nazis at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark..hehe..
i turned to the women.. "HEY! you know this is a dream? this is my dream!"
same thing, melting faces, until they became formless blobs, and then evaporated from view.
i turned around, and the guy was still there, but he had a different face, "i'm not stupid, this is MY dream pal!"
he melted, and dissolved...

i went downstairs, eager to see who else would melt, wondering if any of my family members might not melt...
my Sister was at the foot of the stairs..."hey, this is a dream. you're in my dream."
melty girl. it was strange to see...like, at first, the facade of my sister's face would melt, then i'd see the true face of the imposter underneath, then that face would melt, and then dissolve...
into the living room, where my Mum, step-dad and some other unknowns were..."HEY GUYS! this is a dream. you're all in a dream that I'M having!" my Mum, turned and said, "no we're not!" (which would be typical of my Mum, to argue against my ridiculous ideas that make no sense to her view of reality)
"yes you are, i'm dreaming right now"
at that they all melted, became formless, and vanished..
i went around the house, no-one was left. i went outside into the street, wondering, what would happen next.
i've evaporated all the dream characters..

i decided the only thing to do in this situation was take advantage of my lucidity and have fun, so i looked straight up at the night sky, and flew as fast as i could towards the stars...

the dream dissolved, i was in a black/grey void.
in front of me appeared a book. it opened.
on the page was a picture, an illustration of a fantasy landscape. rocky mountains, with caves, surrounded a lush green valley, at the bottom of which was a river of clear flowing water.
a voice in my mind told me, "these are the spirit lands"
nature spirits, i realised, and had a quick memory of the experience i had a while back, where i went into the faery realms, while on my bike...

i was looking at this picture, floating in the void, i decided to go in...
i focused on the green valley, and started slowly moving in to it.
i seemed to push thru an invisible membrane, and the illustration became real.
i felt like i was standing on my head, looking down on this land...
i floated down, down towards the river...
then when i got to the river, i went under the water, enjoying the fact that i could breathe fine...
i didn't really have much control of my movements. it was more like i was on some kind of automated tour. i went down to the bottom of the river, the water was absolutely clear, i could see plants growing on the bottom, little rocks, the reflections of sunlight glinting here and there...

that's where recall fades unfortunately...