View Full Version : HI CFT,

Sola Neid
21st June 2011, 02:59 AM
Is your personal AP journal still available on this forum? It's been awhile since I've visited. Not actively pursuing OBE's but they still happen to me from time to time, usually I push through a wall or floor very forcibly, and have differing energy levels... Also half stuck, half out many times- events which I have no control over... Good to see you're still around! : )

21st June 2011, 04:12 PM
Hi Sola, it's so nice to "see" you!
Yes, I have my AP journal in the OBE forum, a dream journal in the dreaming section and I'm starting out a Pathworking journal on the blog section. The OBE and dream forum could be merged because of the nature of some of the experiences, but for now they're separate.
I hope life is treating you well.