View Full Version : Instantanious jumping

18th June 2011, 06:09 AM
One ability I seem to have trouble with in the astral is instantaniously jumping somewhere by focusing on it. I have successfully done this only when looking at where I want to go. I have also mastered something simialer to instantanious jumping , but its not instantanious. Essentially I focus on a location or a person and then an inviisble force will sort of grab me and pull me across the landscape until I smack into something, and only then will I arrive at my destination. If I try to instigate a collision eearly on it won't work, it has to happen naturally. I used this to go several places that guides wanted to show me and even used it to go into a freinds dream ( I was actually trying to visit him in the realtime zone but ended up going into his dream instead). Any idea why this happens to me instead of the instantanious jumps that alot of other people report doing? It would be alot more convenient to get places faster as half the time I end up getting yanked back to my body before I can get where I'm going.