View Full Version : Waiting for the handicapped bus...

13th June 2011, 11:36 AM
This dream was filled with great symbols! I would love a clearer perspective than my own…

The dream started at the tail end of another dream in which I finally acquired my own home.

There was a man with me, but I don’t know who he was. We were at my new house.

He had to be somewhere and I was trying to keep him company until it was time for him to get to where he was supposed to be. But I had to be somewhere too, so there was going to be a frame of time that he would be alone in a strange town. There was a school nearby and I told him he could go there while he waited.

He had been carrying a bag with him and as we left my house he put the bag down on the front steps. I tried to tell him a couple of times that he should take it with him so that he didn’t have to come back to my house before his appointment, but he was insistent. We went back and forth about it and I finally just decided to leave it alone. It was his choice…

I showed him how to get to the school. There was an abandoned house across from mine, and we went in the back door, somehow made our way through all the piles of junk in the house,(spotted many treasures!), and walked out the front door. When we got to the street in front of the house I showed him that just down the street a couple of blocks on the right was the school.

There seemed to be some kind of carnival going on and I was a little disappointed that I was going to miss it, but I had somewhere I needed to be.

Now the guy decides to go back to my house to get his bag, but as we turn around to go through the house we just came out of we see that a whole bus load of mentally handicapped people is entering the house. (They were a group because they had their care givers with them, like this was some sort of field trip.) I told the guy that we could go around the block and get to the other side before the group did. So we ran. But the group was already coming out the back door of the house by the time we got back there, so we had to wait for them. They slowly filed out of the house and wandered aimlessly around until one of the caregivers showed up to organize them and get them onto another bus that was waiting for them.

This was where I started to get lucid as I began to analyze the dream while I was still in it. I wondered why they would go through all that trouble of loading everyone into buses for the seemingly pointless task of walking in the front door and out the back, only to load onto buses again. I figured the house must have been some kind of relay station… Then I woke up.

13th June 2011, 12:09 PM
Hope something here helps:

I think this dream is about belief systems and thought processes.

The dream started at the tail end of another dream in which I finally acquired my own home.

There’s a chance this could symbolize your own belief system; kind of a maturing of the individuation process.

There was a man with me, but I don’t know who he was. We were at my new house.

He had to be somewhere and I was trying to keep him company until it was time for him to get to where he was supposed to be. But I had to be somewhere too, so there was going to be a frame of time that he would be alone in a strange town. There was a school nearby and I told him he could go there while he waited.

You realize that you can accompany someone (probably an actual person) up to a point but after that his development is his own job. If that means he must make himself comfortable with new concepts, then so be it. You direct him to a learning environment where he can bide his time.

He had been carrying a bag with him and as we left my house he put the bag down on the front steps. I tried to tell him a couple of times that he should take it with him so that he didn’t have to come back to my house before his appointment, but he was insistent. We went back and forth about it and I finally just decided to leave it alone. It was his choice…

Sounds like he has some baggage he wants to temporarily leave in your care. You’d rather he took immediate responsibility for it.

I showed him how to get to the school.

Not your job to teach him, just to point the way.

There was an abandoned house across from mine, and we went in the back door, somehow made our way through all the piles of junk in the house,(spotted many treasures!), and walked out the front door.

Is it parallel to your house in the dream? It is probably a belief system you felt you had abandoned? You’ve returned to it in a manner either unorthodox or not consciously apparent. While you still see what’s useless about it, you now notice it does have value. It becomes conscious.

Now the guy decides to go back to my house to get his bag, but as we turn around to go through the house we just came out of we see that a whole bus load of mentally handicapped people is entering the house. (They were a group because they had their care givers with them, like this was some sort of field trip.)

This belief system creates/contains many handicaps.

I told the guy that we could go around the block and get to the other side before the group did. So we ran. But the group was already coming out the back door of the house by the time we got back there, so we had to wait for them.

Subconsciously, you’re becoming aware of all the reasons you rejected this belief system in the first place.

They slowly filed out of the house and wandered aimlessly around until one of the caregivers showed up to organize them and get them onto another bus that was waiting for them.

This was where I started to get lucid as I began to analyze the dream while I was still in it. I wondered why they would go through all that trouble of loading everyone into buses for the seemingly pointless task of walking in the front door and out the back, only to load onto buses again. I figured the house must have been some kind of relay station… Then I woke up.

Relaying information to you!

13th June 2011, 12:33 PM
Thank you, Beek! That makes a LOT of sense to me. Curious why the man in the dream was portrayed as a stranger when it is obviously someone I know.

Damn. I think I just answered my own question! haha

You are absolutely right about showing this person how to find their own answers and not giving them to him. Also right on regarding the baggage! I don't want it. And it occurred to me that leaving the bag at my house was just a way for him to try to come back into my life later...

Would be nice if I could figure out the parts of value in the belief system and separate them from the junk. I'll meditate on this later today if I get the chance. Maybe I could go back into the dream and reorganize things with out having to make everything conscious.

14th June 2011, 07:14 AM
Curious why the man in the dream was portrayed as a stranger when it is obviously someone I know.

Perhaps he's representative of something else.

I've had a couple of ideas. He may not be a specific person because he represents more than one person (and perhaps a situation that has recurred) or, quite the opposite, he represents a situation that is strange for you and that you hadn't dealt with before. It could also be suggesting a gap between your perception of the said person and what he more realistically is.

Further dreaming will probably clarify things.

15th June 2011, 01:57 PM
The mentally handicapped could have been a group of sleeper that were not lucid enough - not able to make full use of their mental faculties. They would seem slow and disoriented. The caregiver would be a Facilitator exposing them to this environment. The use is probably only exposure at this stage. The environment might be astral - the school could be a hint.

15th June 2011, 02:53 PM
Oliver, that resonates.

But I wondered about the handicapped people and their caregivers (there were two) because that is the kind of work I used to do. Maybe if the caregivers were facilitators it points back the kind of work I am still doing..?

15th June 2011, 03:38 PM
Or a work you chose to do in physical reality because it reminded you of what you did in nonphysical reality in between lives. Would make sense that you see your home there and then such a related activity pops up.