View Full Version : Teaching at the centre.

Neil Templar
12th June 2011, 08:16 AM
this was a few days ago, so the details are lost to me, but the general experience i can recall.
it was one of those experiences that lasted all night. i'd wake up and then go back in to continue with the experience.

i'm in a place that seems to be rather heavily populated, like a city.
i am taken to what appears to be a centre for people who've lived thru dark times in their lives, like drug addicts, alcoholics, criminals, folk with mental health issues, people who've had troubled existences...

i'm asked by the people who run the place, if i would be willing to become a teacher there, apparently because i have some experiences similar to those of the folk staying there (i did use drugs for many years, during which time i experienced periods of "darkness", being completely lost.)

i spend some time there, getting to know a few of the inhabitants, most of them seem to be males, all of whom have lived troubled lives.
i feel compassion for them, and want to help rehabilitate them, so they can move on and re-join society, so i decide to become active at the centre, even tho i'm not sure what it is i can bring to them that will be of help...

Neil Templar
15th June 2011, 12:27 PM
i'm wondering if this was in the afterlife zone...(i don't know why, just a feeling i have)