View Full Version : Helping others with Spiritual Evolution

11th June 2011, 12:46 AM
moving thread from old site

helping a person evolve by sending energy to them

I have often wondered what would happen if a group of people were to focus their intent and energy to promote spiritual evolution in a single person. Much like how some gurus and spiritual masters can awaken a persons third eye, or bring about a certain level of enlightenment on an individual. Can this same technique be brought about on a massive but reversed scale; that is people who have not achieved certain high level spiritual levels focusing their will and intent on a single person in the hopes that the energy they produce would be enough to bring about a higher spiritual evolution in a random person.

There are more that 4,000 members on this board, would it be possible if everyone could focus all their intent and energy for a few minuets a day on one single person like Robert, or one of the forum moderators (people that are already highly skilled and evolved). And do this in a way that it promotes the strengthening of the energy body and chakras to certain points.

This would be an amazing experiment to try out for a certain amount of time. I would gladly volunteer a few minuets a day, maybe if we can get 50 people or more to try this and have a single person selected.

But i am talking about a coordinated high energy event to take place. Maybe this could be done for a week and we could review the results.

11th June 2011, 12:47 AM
Sending lots of energy will likely only help if someone is not able to raise lots of energy on their own. It’s likely to enhance whatever they are doing. I have done this in small groups. Extra energy does help greatly with remote ‘seeing’ type activities. Doesn’t strike me though that more advanced people are going to benefit most. Those with intermediate skills are more likely to benefit as they won’t have to concentrate on raising energy and using it at the same time.

There are some existing building (construction) projects where energy is what is needed. These type things are not to help individuals but to deal with large scale situations. The restoration of the Atlantis power crystals is the only one I have encountered personally.

A general word of warning, that much energy towards someone unaccustomed to handling it will quickly over load them. Even with a group of 10 in an energy circle, people with 10 years plus experience had troubles and had to step out of the circle. A note, if you are in this situation, please close the circle behind you (join the hands on either side of you before you exit). With circulating energy it has to go somewhere, which leaves the people in either side of the gap vulnerable.

I and a few people I know have experimented with ‘pushing’ people to enhance their abilities. This is as much about stabilizing them as assisting with energy. This works well with sensing remotely, visions, dimensional travel, and doing readings.

Introducing others to more advanced spiritual states is not about more energy. It’s about altering their state to the correct alignment or configuration. I have also done some of this work. If seems to work best by setting up the appropriate state in yourself and then moving close to them. This ‘pushes’ that state on to them, if they are ready they will also experience it. With a little additional stuff I’m withholding for safety reasons, they will be able to reenter that state on their own.

11th June 2011, 12:59 AM
FROM psionickx

I will leave the old forum online and working for a month or so, with instructions and links to go to the new vbulletin forum. That said ....a few a thaughts on what seems to be transpiring as a comendable effort.I definitely like the altruistic and pro-experimenation vibe here.

Introducing others to more advanced spiritual states is not about more energy. It’s about altering their state to the correct alignment or configuration Superb.Very well put.Its like the lock-&-key hypothesis.When the configuration is right the "locks" open.

maybe if we can get 50 people or more I would suggest initiation and then leaving the experiment open so that more people/members are welcome to participation as they see the results posted - which themselves could be the incentive for some :)

With a little additional stuff I’m withholding for safety reasons

..and have a single person selected
I fit the bill entirely.My candidacy comes with both excellent cred (even if said so myself) and comittment to project.

Given word , I'm willing to open my pm for the parties interested for reasons listed above.

Ciao for now.

28th August 2011, 04:15 PM
This is a collaboration that me and wstein discussed before migration, I would like to bump

Introducing others to more advanced spiritual states is not about more energy. It’s about altering their state to the correct alignment or configuration
Its like the lock-&-key hypothesis.When the configuration is right the "locks" open.The person on whom this is impressed on is now aligned to a newer more evovled configuration
I and a few people I know have experimented with ‘pushing’ people to enhance their abilities. This is as much about stabilizing them as assisting them with energy
If seems to work best by setting up the appropriate state in yourself and then moving close to them. This ‘pushes’ that state on to them, if they are ready they will also experience it

To be succint this about aligning and impressing a state of expanding/evolving psychic configuration on a chosen subject (which i'm volunteered for).
If you've understood the quotes aforementioned you're very ardently requested to participate.
Post here so we can get the ball rolling.

28th August 2011, 05:42 PM
Introducing others to more advanced spiritual states is not about more energy. It’s about altering their state to the correct alignment or configuration. I have also done some of this work. If seems to work best by setting up the appropriate state in yourself and then moving close to them. This ‘pushes’ that state on to them, if they are ready they will also experience it.

I might have experienced something similar when listening to audio recordings of group meditations and talks from gurus on youtube. I connect to the speakers state of mind and get an insight into the meaning and state that's talked about. Is this similar to what you're referring to?

If so, spoken words seems to help for me, description of the state if that's possible. I have not partaken in any group meditations lately myself, but perhaps the abstract alignment can come silently that way too when those of greater experience are meditating in unison.

This way of having insights seems to be somewhat of a natural process.

28th August 2011, 07:03 PM
I might have experienced something similar when listening to audio recordings of group meditations and talks from gurus on youtube. I connect to the speakers state of mind and get an insight into the meaning and state that's talked about. Is this similar to what you're referring to?
If so, spoken words seems to help for me, description of the state if that's possible. I have not partaken in any group meditations lately myself, but perhaps the abstract alignment can come silently that way too when those of greater experience are meditating in unison.
This way of having insights seems to be somewhat of a natural process.
- Psychic Resonation , yes entirely.In the same vein,the point here is to impress correct alignment/configuration to expedite "spiritual evolution".

I'm going to take the liberty of counting you "in" on this one John.:)

28th August 2011, 07:32 PM
I'm going to take the liberty of counting you "in" on this one John.:)

Don't. I'm not in for participating yet, and I'll make sure to tell you if that's the case.

I'm currently in an unfolding and it's all going at a reasonable pace.

28th August 2011, 10:42 PM
I tell you what- I'm uncomfortable with the idea, because, I think it would include a level of judgement on my part- to want to 'improve' someone there has to be the idea that they are not 'good' enough, and this idea can sneak in and affect the energy I send.
One of the dangers of this kind of thing, I think, and, as I've said before, I'm not free from being judgmental.

29th August 2011, 08:12 AM
Don't. I'm not in for participating yet, and I'll make sure to tell you if that's the case.I'm currently in an unfolding and it's all going at a reasonable pace.
This was tentative at best and nothing's underway sorry.With K uprising I myself ought exercise more discretion.

I tell you what- I'm uncomfortable with the idea, because, I think it would include a level of judgement on my part- to want to 'improve' someone there has to be the idea that they are not 'good' enough, and this idea can sneak in and affect the energy I send.
One of the dangers of this kind of thing, I think, and, as I've said before, I'm not free from being judgmental.
- makes solid sense , this could be counterproductive which is the last of anything i'd want on me.