View Full Version : Repeating white "angel"

30th May 2011, 06:20 AM
Hello, I had a dream that featured a character that has appeared in my dreams before. In this dream I am in some sort of common area like those seen in university settings -student gathering areas. I was sitting alone when this character sits down across from me: he's all white, as in albino, completely naked, and has wings. He leans over and asks me my name... I tell him "Kristen". He says "that's my name too." He then stands up, walks away to the edge of a pool or fountain that is behind me, looks over his shoulder at me, and his eyes start to bleed. For the entire time he is with me, he seems to be restraining meaningful emotion... Sadness, or concern.

In my past dreams, this being has not spoken to me.... I would be grateful for any analysis.

30th May 2011, 12:12 PM
This strikes me as a dream with a lot of personal symbols so, to help you analyse this, you'll need to consider specific aspects of the dream and what they mean to you. It's also recurring, so there's probably a message your subconscious is attempting to convey. If it gets too personal, we can take it to private messaging.

Did/do you actually go to university? The setting may suggest an experience you had as a young adult. It may be a "common" experience but that's just a possible reading.

How did you feel when you were sitting alone and when the dream character joined you?

White, albino and naked are all very interesting. Could the idea of "albino" suggest having been drained of all colour/blood/life force? Nakedness has a few associations. Which would apply: vulnerable, exposed, exhibitionist, honest, natural, something else? Think about what it means to you.

Is he an angel? Do you feel he has a protective role, like a guardian?

He's told you he shares your name. I suspect this means he is an aspect of your psyche that you are having trouble understanding perhaps. Unless, of course, you have a different interpretation.

Now, the bleeding eyes. Eyes are fine for crying, but his eyes don't just express sadness, they suggest a seeping away of life force. Bleeding eyes, for me, suggests the so called miracles around religious icons/statues. Is there anything in your waking experience that this dream image would reference? Do you have a religious background?

Did the angel see something that was too painful to see?

During meditation, why don't you mentally ask him why he's sad or concerned.

Also, ensure your eyes are actually healthy and there isn't a literal message in this dream.

I have a theory or two about your dream but I'd rather you arrived at your own understanding.

30th May 2011, 05:59 PM
I have no insights, just that the imagery that was evoked in my mind as I read it was very powerful.

31st May 2011, 05:53 AM
Hi beekeeper - ok, I'll disclose that I have a graduate degree so the school reference is about being a student. I also study/practice dream analysis, kaballah and hermetics. My posting this dream in this unique place on the web is to brainstorm for objective viewpoints, so I welcome any and all opinion. Its bee following.

My emotional state was just neutral, present and open. I was simply accepting of his presence. I think this thing is an entity of some sort... I label it an angel, and maybe it is, because it "presents" with stuff mined from my personal inventory of symbols. It has wings.... It looks like a living classical sculpture. I think the stigmata thing is a disconcerting development. Additionally, I'll put it this way, using some kabbalastic metaphor, it represents great fecondating force. Does that make sense? It's got my attention thats for sure.

I ask myself what does the dream imagry has to say to me....I think its pretty interesting imagery.... Why does (It) want me to know his name is my name too, and why would it show me its crying blood? That is what concerns me.

31st May 2011, 09:20 AM
I don't practice kaballah or heremetics so I may not be the right person to help you if your dream symbols have been heavily impacted by these influences.

I was simply accepting of his presence. I think this thing is an entity of some sort... I label it an angel, and maybe it is, because it "presents" with stuff mined from my personal inventory of symbols.

If this is your feeling then I'd be inclined to think that this is in fact what you're perceiving. That you should see it as an angel and albino suggest its otherness. Whatever it represents in reality, you need to remember that your dream is interpreting it in a way that you can understand.

The university environment in this case would represent that you're operating at a high level of spiritual development; working on an advanced lesson.

I think the stigmata thing is a disconcerting development.

Yes, I thought so but this is only because we don't yet understand what it represents. I was worried it might indicate damage to something wonderful, innocent and pure.

Additionally, I'll put it this way, using some kabbalastic metaphor, it represents great fecondating force. Does that make sense?

Do you mean "fecunding"? Would you mind explaining how his interpretation emerges for you?

It's got my attention thats for sure.
It seems quite profound. I suspect that if you haven't integrated whatever the message is, it'll find another way to communicate with you.

I ask myself what does the dream imagry has to say to me....I think its pretty interesting imagery.... Why does (It) want me to know his name is my name too, and why would it show me its crying blood? That is what concerns me.

Yes, the suffering angel suggests a promethean archetype.

Have you tried meditating on it?

Could it represent a family member?