View Full Version : Knowing Future Danger

29th May 2011, 04:46 AM
Its true we have so much spiritual help in our lives from our higher self, guardian angels, spiritual beings that watch over us, guides. But at times when you look at world events, especially accidents like plane crashes, or train explosions, getting robbed or murder...etc..etc... You often wonder if these people were given hunches, warnings, or feelings that there was some type of impending doom. I have read articles and personal accounts that near the event of some of these accidents people would have dreams clearly telling them something is going to go wrong, or feeling sick to the point of throwing up before getting on the planes/trains.

Bruce have you or your clients/close students ever had situations like this. Often times before a big trip and even before i get into my car to go to work i would be silent and do a little prayer to get my mind connected to my higher self in hopes that if ever there is a situation that could harm me that i would be hopefully made aware of it. Is there a better way to get attuned to receive these information/warnings?