View Full Version : Triggering Uraeus and Baggage

22nd May 2011, 09:13 PM
You mention several times that triggering Uraeus will bring up a lot baggage and unaddressed "issues".

Could you be more specific on how this manifests exactly?

I assume you mean the baggage will manifest itself as a 'storm of thoughts' i.e. monkey mind.

Robert Bruce
26th August 2011, 07:27 AM
This can manifest as obsessive thoughts, phobias, depression, anxiety, insomnia, and a host of other psychological conditions.

If this happens, it is time to shut down and ground and get some help if necessary.

When this happened to me, I took two years off and focused on family and children, gardening, etc. I did nothing but a little light meditation each day. This helped and I grew out of it fairly quickly considering. And keep in mind that I had very little baggage.

I have seen people with a lot of baggage get seriously messed up and go quite loopy.
