View Full Version : Faery Crystals

Neil Templar
14th May 2011, 02:27 AM
i'm in a small boat, on a canal, in some kind of park.
there's a guy with me, he knows where we're going.
the boat seems to propel itself. i wonder about this fact.
we approach a series of locks, each one takes the water level a step higher.
each one has a gate which can swing across the canal, closing the way, or opening to let us thru.
they are white, the gates, and lock structures.

the gates begin to swing open, seemingly of their own accord. no-one (visible) is manning them.
i wonder about this. the bot continues along the canal, thru each lock, moving slowly onwards and upwards, as each lock opens into the next, a few feet higher than the last. the canal goes round a bend, i can see the locks and gates, opening, swinging, moving by themselves.
the boat turns the bend, up another step...
soon i see the end of the canal.
the boat stops, and the guy guides me off, where we walk thru some very shallow flowing water. it is only a few millimetres deep, flowing across the ground, into the canal...
we walk up this waterway, to a wall, which is basically a waterfall, but the water flowing down the wall is only enough to cover the wall surface.
the surface of the wall, beneath the flowing water, is uneven.
it looks like stalactites growing down the wall from above.
we stand next to the wall.
he tells me, "these are faery crystals".
i look closer, and see that each stalactite, is actually a crystal, growing downwards from above. at the terminal end of each, a tiny face can be seen. like miniature gargoyles, each crystal has an individual face which looks like it has been carved into it.

he tells me that from time to time, if the faeries allow, a crystal will come free at a person's touch, and they may take it home with them.
usually it is only a very small fragment.
i run my hands down one of them, and upon reaching the end, where the little face is, the end of it detached from the main shaft.
i found myself with a crystal the size of the palm of my hand.

my guide is amazed. he tells me he has never seen one so large.
something moves me to put it to my mouth.
i lick the end of the crystal.
it leaves a taste in my mouth, unlike anything i've ever encountered. almost impossible to describe.
neither sweet, nor sour. the only way i can describe it is to say that it seemed to me that it might be very "mineral-ey" in flavour. it was overpowering, the taste. so unusual.
so strange in fact, that i woke at that moment.
as i lay in my bed, that taste lingered in my mouth, and i had to take a drink of water, to try to wash it away.
very unusual experience indeed! :shock:

14th May 2011, 11:14 AM
What an awesome dream!

14th May 2011, 02:23 PM
Hi, Templar :)

I agree, great dream. I wish I could beg, borrow or steal one like that. Other issues are getting in the way for now. :(

Anyway, it would appear your Guide took some time to raise your energy consciousness and then had a demonstration for you. You mention that the wall is covered in stalactites . This is a very specific word that is familiar to you, i.e. that they grow down from the roof of a cave by a very slow process of mineral deposition by the percolation of water through limestone.

Often a stalactite will have a stalagmite underneath it and over a great amount of time the two will come together to form a column. But your demonstration is limited to the growing down process.

I’m racking my brain trying to remember the author and title of a book I read some time ago, I’ve moved and nothing’s where it used to be, but a central tenet of the author was that as individuals we must learn to ‘grow down’ (his words) into the world in order to fully realize our soul’s calling.

He gave examples of creative people’s lives, one I recall being Judy Garland. Here was an example of heart-breaking talent which consumed the artist because the artist could not grow down into the world. Of course we’re all aware of her pathetic demise.

Your ‘faery wall’ appears to be an example of people who had successfully grown down into the earth, were made of earth/mineral and tasted like it.

That’s all I can think of. It was not a ‘communal’ dream, but significant to you only and I think only you can sort it out. :)

15th May 2011, 07:53 PM
Neil, the dream is even better than what I imagined.

16th May 2011, 07:20 AM
Hello, Neil.

the boat seems to propel itself.

Seems like you're going with the flow here. ;) It is not a matter of conscious direction, but of being guided and let yourself being taken along.

the gates begin to swing open, seemingly of their own accord. no-one (visible) is manning them.
i wonder about this.

Maybe you remember this part to become aware how Gatekeeper challenges look like if being taken successfully. This is usually not even portrayed in the experience, but sometimes you see an unmanned gate or turnstyle. The consciousness that is the gate and would manifest as Gatekeeper if needed is simply allowing you in.

the boat stops, and the guy guides me off, where we walk thru some very shallow flowing water. it is only a few millimetres deep, flowing across the ground, into the canal...

During the whole experience you're never disconnected from the flow, though it recedes from your conscious awareness a bit as you become a bit more self-guided.

The rest is just pure magic. :)


20th May 2011, 08:56 AM
Really nice dream, Neil. I could visualise it as I read it. 8)

That book sounds interesting, E1B.

22nd May 2011, 02:41 PM
Hi, Beek :)

Finally remembered the book:

Amazon.com: The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling ...
By James Hillman · Paperback · 54 reviews
James Hillman, a former director of the Jung Institute who has written more than 20 books on behavior and psychology, delves into human development in The Soul's Code ...

http://www.amazon.com/Souls-Code-Search ... 0446673714 (http://www.amazon.com/Souls-Code-Search-Character-Calling/dp/0446673714)

23rd May 2011, 07:50 AM
Thank you. It comes with your recommendation, I trust?

23rd May 2011, 05:06 PM
Oh, yes :)

The author turns psychology in its popular paradigm on its head. :lol:

Neil Templar
25th May 2011, 12:56 AM
that book definitely sounds interesting, cheers E1B. i'll see if i can get a copy...
Oliver, it's funny, "going with the flow" has kinda been a mantra for me in recent weeks. a few things that had been bothering me have been resolved by simply following the path of least resistance, even tho it wasn't exactly what i thought i wanted for myself at the time...