View Full Version : Testing the Spirits - A Shamans Perspective.

1st May 2011, 02:29 PM
G'day Robert!

I've been an admirer for a only a few short weeks, but you've made a profound impact on how i view things now. As such, many questions have come up to my attention which i am dealing with. One i feel is important is a question of Testing the spirits.

I was, you could say, apprenticed to a Shaman in America. Her lineage ran through Siberia and was handed down for centuries. Her grandmother taught her the ways, and she's travelled the world and learnt with other Shamans for a good deal of her life. So she says anyway. She ran a course with formal lessons and email correspondence. She lives in America, and I Australia - but this was how she communicated with all students. Her name is Shaman Elder Maggie. And she insisted we call her this out of 'respect'. But when you're interested at a time like that to learn about the shaman ways, You don't realise how egotistical that really is.

Anyway, i learned a great deal from her, some of it very limiting, some of it i didn't agree with. But she did teach something she said was imperative for shamanic work and that was Testing the Spirits. I have read a bit in your book Astral Dynamics about testing the spirits or entities by telling them to go away and then come back when called upon. But hers is different. She has even written about it on her website which i will post here.


In her lessons and this article here, when she taught us how to get in contact with our guides, she said it was always imperative we test them. The process she said was something that is found in the bible and the book of Thoth and has been tested and used by mages and magicians for ages.

She says to simply ask the spirit 3 times "Are you created by the Creator who created me, here for my highest good?"
This is her directly from the website.

No negative spirit, entity, being, non physical manifestation can answer this question by lying three times in a row. If this is a good spirit, an angel, a guide, a beneficent presence it will recognize that you are being discriminate and careful and will gladly answer yes three times. If it is a thing of negative energy it may lie two times or even try to change the subject, but it not be able to say yes when asked the third time. When it cannot answer the third time do also send it away from you by saying, “Go back to the one who created you”

I have never astral projected, and I haven’t ever been in a situation where I have been able to use this statement to test its authenticity. I am curious to see what you may think of this approach, perhaps maybe you may be able to test its authenticity for me or have some knowledge of whether it works or not.

Thank You.