View Full Version : Poetic advice from a teacher

28th April 2011, 07:00 PM
Poetic advice from a teacher, 26 apr 2011

I'm sitting comfortably on a chair in a familiar room. In front of me is my spiritual advisor and teacher, Satyananda. We discuss spiritual issues concerning me, but a few topics seem somewhat irrelevant. There is a feeling of something being off. (I am not realizing I am in a dream, probably receiving advice from a nonphysical teacher)

I recieve something which I pay like $10 for, don't remember what it is.

Satyananda then hands me a book, an inspirational book, and asks me to write a poem. What happens next doesn't make sense: he starts to refer to his good looks, after all, that's what it's about (or something like that)

I answer him: "I didn't know you were a homosexual, but I'm okay with it." There is a perplexed expression on his face, and then things seem to return to normal again.*

I start working on my poem, while drawing inspiration from the book. There are images and text in the book, simultaneously, like a hologram. Meanwhile, the teacher gets up and yells at some guys being noisy in the stairway: "I told you to be quiet! At least close the door!"

I write 3 lines in my poem, then my teacher asks me to read it out aloud. I am a native swede, but I wrote it in english. It went something like this:

Orange flare
--- ----- ------ ---
---- ---

(It was about a sunrise, lol)

I noticed that it was downright impossible to pronounce the english in any comprehensible way, like I had a strong asian accent, and was drunk at the same time.

The teacher seemed pleased though, and after a few moments I wake up.

*Here I believe I suddenly dropped down from the mental body into the astral body. I was interpreting what the Teacher said through another set of filters. Kurt Leland speaks of a similar experience in his adventure here:
http://www.kurtleland.com/astral-projec ... ddhic-body (http://www.kurtleland.com/astral-projection-log/2010/189-haiti-after-the-earthquake-buddhic-body)

This has happened on more than a few occasions, just this exact experience of me interpreting dream individuals as coming on to me, or as being homosexuals. This seems important. Does anyone know if there is a specific reason I might be dropping down into the astral body in this case?



28th April 2011, 07:41 PM
I am not sure if it's just a question of lucidity causing you to drop down to the astral body (if indeed this is what happened) but a few symbols jumped out at me-
The exchange of money- would indicate an exchange of energy, which is somehow significant. You may be getting 'traning/information' but you are also giving something to the facilitator.
The homosexuality thing IMO has nothing to do with sexuality (but perhaps here you went there because of the astral body downshift)- I think it's about complementarity- the facilitator seems male (mostly yang) but you interpret his balance with being homosexual (looks yang but has lots of ying). Maybe this has to do with your ability to understand emotional/symbolic/intuitive content in your interactions with him. Interestingly you are looking at an inspirational book. Perhaps this has something to do with this.

The poem is about fire (the sun or sunset) and the number or lines is three (transformation).
I have no more ideas.

28th April 2011, 08:23 PM
im thinking, right off hand, "it's only words, behind them you ever are as indefinably you".

what is it, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me". sounds good to adult parents hopefully arming their children with countermeasuring redress, they as adults having healed from a many superficial wounding themselves. but for the child, words leave deeper wounds and scarring, such that would form an self-actuating adult that would with many a poetic word, try and give healing to what within as unseen and unseeable through being deeply self-addressed.

this would be self-nurture, the teacher in the other-worldy sense, of ourselves addressing to our self-hurts. often the world does not provide nurture in our formative years, and only provides what may work toward countermeasuring redress. therefore, much is left deeply unresolved, clothed under the countermeasure of much past redressing of our deeper inner woundedness.

this is like slowly unbandaging days of unaswered old, allowing the light upon the actual wound/s, for sight gained and insight felt. to do this, is as the child returned, with much fear and apprehension. therefore is our inner teacher showing up to assist the returning child with hands on healing. here we learn to trust what is our true self in all of it's myriad functions collectively come together engatherance of the true child having returned to it's god given SENSES.


but, ahhhhhhhh what a lovely book is You, having written for I and Us this day, a page to read and share as ours to behold in one accord of commonly being human within a world not unlike a library holding us all true to our individually booked words.

oops almost forgot...the distracting noisy rabble down the hall, well...the voices of fear and apprehension, i gather.



28th April 2011, 09:12 PM
Hello, farewell2arms.

The initial exchange shows there is value for you here.

On a higher plane, appearance is part of the communication. When developing communication skills, the contents of communication can be garbled or mistranslated, like only using terms from a roughly similar topic.

The act of coming up with a poem might be a lesson in learning to communicate this way. Poetry often uses symbolism and metaphor to convey meaning, which is precisely what nonverbal communication also does. Here you probably train to create a little ROTE (like Monroe would say) - many people had to learn some poems by rote as children.

The problems with pronouncing it and speaking also seem to relate to you developing these skills just yet. In certain ways this is not your native tongue. You have to rebuild that skill.

I see no clue to a drop from one body to another. The whole sequence seems to happen within a certain range of lucidity. If this is the highest body you have access to, whatever you try to achieve can seem challenging, and you might even feel clumsy or not as capable. That can happen in the higher body while it is developing.

The need to develop this body could also be indicated by the incomplete recall and the minor lucidity issues (not knowing what is going on). Recall is more challenging with higher bodies as the recalls then happens "through several layers."


29th April 2011, 05:25 PM
I am not sure if it's just a question of lucidity causing you to drop down to the astral body (if indeed this is what happened) but a few symbols jumped out at me-
The exchange of money- would indicate an exchange of energy, which is somehow significant. You may be getting 'traning/information' but you are also giving something to the facilitator.

Hmm, interesting, and it sounds positive. Great!

The homosexuality thing IMO has nothing to do with sexuality (but perhaps here you went there because of the astral body downshift)- I think it's about complementarity- the facilitator seems male (mostly yang) but you interpret his balance with being homosexual (looks yang but has lots of ying). Maybe this has to do with your ability to understand emotional/symbolic/intuitive content in your interactions with him. Interestingly you are looking at an inspirational book. Perhaps this has something to do with this.

That's an interesting interpretation, but somehow I doubt it has anything to do with homosexuality. I think this is just a misunderstanding from my point of view while being in the astral body. It's like, it's the only possible way to interpret the message. Like I can't speak the language he's speaking, and the meaning gets lost in translation. Something like that, but I don't know.


Wow, this hits me right in the heart. You're right. There is a lot of deeper issues that have come into perception lately. Some very fundamental beliefs seem to be the basis of it all. I'm grateful for seeing it and for all assistance.

On a higher plane, appearance is part of the communication. When developing communication skills, the contents of communication can be garbled or mistranslated, like only using terms from a roughly similar topic.

The act of coming up with a poem might be a lesson in learning to communicate this way. Poetry often uses symbolism and metaphor to convey meaning, which is precisely what nonverbal communication also does. Here you probably train to create a little ROTE (like Monroe would say) - many people had to learn some poems by rote as children.

The problems with pronouncing it and speaking also seem to relate to you developing these skills just yet. In certain ways this is not your native tongue. You have to rebuild that skill.

Aha! Just as my native tounge isn't dream-language. I get it, cool.

I see no clue to a drop from one body to another. The whole sequence seems to happen within a certain range of lucidity. If this is the highest body you have access to, whatever you try to achieve can seem challenging, and you might even feel clumsy or not as capable. That can happen in the higher body while it is developing.
The need to develop this body could also be indicated by the incomplete recall and the minor lucidity issues (not knowing what is going on). Recall is more challenging with higher bodies as the recalls then happens "through several layers."

Actually I must confess I have been slacking off lately with dream recall and recordings. Let's just say it's not what it once was. There's been a lot of emotional turmoil lately to deal with, but now it seems I might be getting a breather from all of that. Perhaps it's time to dive back in, into dreaming. :)

Cheers guys!

