View Full Version : living forever??
18th April 2011, 05:48 AM
I have been reading this book My Big TOE, and there was this interesting part in there where the author was saying that science still can not figure out why people die of old age, well why the cells start to deteriorate. The author's theory is that people always put an expiration date on themselves, when in fact we have the capability to live much much longer! We could live until 500 if we never convinced ourselves and our cells that we expire at about 80.
What do you guys think about this? It makes sense. The feelings we have about our health and our bodies are relayed to our cells like commands. Anyone know how old the oldest living person was? I think a man in china lived to 175, but there is no evidence.
18th April 2011, 06:05 AM
science still can not figure out why people die of old age, well why the cells start to deteriorate
I think that's outdated information. A lot more is known now. It has to do with the way your cells copy themselves to replicate. After a while, errors creep in, like making a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy of a photocopy times millions of times.
They've also found a way to literally restore youth in mice: ... 18dw0.html (
So, while a lot of the work is still theoretical, it's not really true that scientists have no idea what causes aging. There are some very clear indicators in the modern body of work.
The author's theory is that people always put an expiration date on themselves, when in fact we have the capability to live much much longer!
Well, that's entirely possible, but it's not scientific (see above), it's metaphysical. I'm not the biggest fan of "if science says it, it must be right" or anything, but, in fact, the author brought science into it, which puts a completely different framework on it.
As far as people putting an expiry date on themselves, yeah, I think a lot of people do, but I don't think this is the ultimate explanation for why people die or when. SOME people essentially will their own deaths, but certainly that won't account for the majority.
We could live until 500 if we never convinced ourselves and our cells that we expire at about 80.
What, like in the book of Genesis, where people supposedly lived for hundreds of years? Possibly, but it would take a complete change of framework for the whole consciousness of humanity, I think. And imagine the hell you'd have to endure if you were really nearly-immortal. You'd have to hide your identity or reinvent yourself all the time, or be subject to endless medical testing and who knows what other crap the normals would want to do to you. (Just speculating here, btw.)
Anyone know how old the oldest living person was?
According to the Hebrew Scriptures, Methuselah, who lived to 969. According to modern record keeping (as far as I can discover) the oldest was 122: ... _the_world (
Do I think it's possible to essentially will your own death because of your beliefs? Absolutely. Do I think it's possible to live a really long time because of your beliefs? Sure. Other than that, I really haven't got much opinion, other than what I've already written. :)
18th April 2011, 02:41 PM
I've read other things he has written, and I think when he's talking about living forever, I think he means something other than biological. Has to do with physics, more than anything else. Of course, not having read everything he has ever written, I could be wrong.
18th April 2011, 03:40 PM
I think when he's talking about living forever, I think he means something other than biological.
Well, that's a different kettle of fish, entirely. ;)
Neil Templar
18th April 2011, 09:49 PM
Kryon says the human physical body has the potential to live up to 900 yrs. In the 12th book - The Twelve Layers of DNA, he talks about the 9th layer - "SUMMARY: Layer Nine is the "missing part" of Human healing. It is the Lemurian Layer Three
Way beyond the chemistry of the immune system, it is an energy within the body that "knows" what is wrong and that can alter cellular structure at the quantum level to provide tremendous healing power and stability. No chemical reaction in the body can even come close to this, since it is multidimensional and, therefore, can work far beyond the linear ideas Humans have of what is possible. It is the miracle healing energy of the masters and relates to St Germain and the Violet Flame.
It lays dormant, waiting for interdimensional "signals" from sources that vary Human intent (consciousness), pure energy work from outside sources, and some new mechanical inventions that humanity is currently working on. It completes the scenario of the Human's ability to heal himslef a continues to live without disease and with very long lifetimes.
It is the third Lemurian layer, but belongs exclusively to Humans, and not Pleiadians, for it was Humans who learned how to use it for their own bodies, giving themselves the ability to rejuvenate, cure themselves, and move forward in health. The activation of Layer Nine was the purpose of the Temples of Rejuvenation in Lemurian times."
BTW, i think this book is really important. When i'm finished reading it (twice :wink: ), i'll write a summary of it. Any Kryon followers out there, really, get your hands on a copy.
I think this one's gonna be as important as Kurt's latest book...
19th April 2011, 04:12 AM
i feel that it is important that life and death go hand in hand. cant have one without the other. i dont imagine that either of those hands has any real reach or bearing on that which lives, as in "living forever". but i do imagine that that which is eternally living has purpose in the brevity of life, wherein that purpose, the meaning is realized through death.
realization dictates that when something is realized, that it is integrated, or it becomes one, within their nature. so to say, that death/s becomes one through the meaning integrated, therefore the purpose of life is integration of realizations of what is known as "living forever", yet not fully realized. sort of reproof toward the meaning of "living eternal proof", where otherwise what is known is not realized/understood/value/gratitude. to mean that it has no meaning, is disintegral, as is a universe moving away from the centrality of conscious ideation of the centered self.
what goes out eventually returns, it is at once dis-integrating and integrating. who can say which is first, yet we understand what is going out and returning as the theme of life. like understanding the word "home", a theme that may only be felt as such.
of course this doesnt make "death" any easier. but, understanding, or integrating, or realizing something isnt necessarily easier, yet it is eased, it is healing. any road dictates by utility an unseen easement either side, though we may naturally use this available easement as our own for the time being, and even its maintainence is to our accountability and responsibility given.
interesting thread, for sure.
most of the time it takes death/loss in the life to properly orient one to what life/value is and what is not life/valuable. meaningful, with a purpose
wealth has myriad meanings in the world, but none of them is as that wealth which is simply life, as it is. longevity is not exactly life, as life incorporative of true meaningful value understood/realized/gratitude/integralized...etc. i fear that if one's purpose as life is longevity, then all meaning is further pushed into forgetfulness.
for me the query rests in "what is life relative to death, and death relative to life". seems to me that "living forever???" is answered there.
either what we have as brevity of life is pointless, or it has great pointed meaning. God forbid that i be a thorn in a crown of thorns, yet here i am humanly predisposed to ignorantly adding to our collective mess called world, with no time or means to undo mine added in it. it is done and i am not free of this 'thing of things', this crown of thorns. i surrender to that, as i can neither beat it or outrun it.
grokked or not; tis the way i see it, making no apologys for what i feel to see. important
beyond that tiny bit of insignificant heart pounding rendered wonder, what i "think" is not at all "important" to me, as "it" is transient at best.
19th April 2011, 04:54 AM
I have been reading 2 books during the day and I realized that I found that information in my other book called The Power, its a sequel to The Secret. I guess I didn't find it in My Big TOE. Sorry about that!
I deffinently DONT want to live forever, or even 300 years. But I go back and forth between wanting to be active and healthy and die at the ripe old age of 100, and just wanting to pass away right now cause I am too anxious about getting out of this body and moving on. Im not saying I would kill myself, but sort of hoping to pass away by other means, non-selfinflicted. But then again I don't want to leave my girls without a mother.
I will have to check out that book. What is Kurt's new book about?
19th April 2011, 05:20 AM
I have been reading 2 books during the day
I do that, sometimes. :)
I realized that I found that information in my other book called The Power, its a sequel to The Secret.
Ah. Frankly, I was singularly unimpressed with "The Secret". It's shallow and materialistic in ways I can't begin to describe, and it's not that well-written. Can't say I'd give much weight or serious thought to "The Power", but to each their own. If it works for you, go for it.
But then again I don't want to leave my girls without a mother.
That's the primary reason I stick around. I suspect that by the time they're grown, I'll have other things to keep me interested, but we'll see. ;)
21st April 2011, 09:36 AM
CW, please do stick around. . . AD forum neeeds you!!! :wink:
22nd April 2011, 07:08 PM
I think it's completely possible to control ones aging and other aspects of mortality using ones mind. As those familiar with my posts know I've talked some about shape shifting and altering physical reality using the power of ones mind. In comparison to shape shifting keeping oneself young is fairly easy, basically on the same level as healing a disease or some other ailment. I think the only reason we haven't seen very many humans doing this is because most people accept ageing as an inevitability and haven't really thought to try it. Though personally I think the ufo visitors and other beings with high levels of control have mastered this, for example many abductees report meeting with the same visitors since they were children, they don't appear to age.
i feel that it is important that life and death go hand in hand. cant have one without the other. i dont imagine that either of those hands has any real reach or bearing on that which lives, as in "living forever". but i do imagine that that which is eternally living has purpose in the brevity of life, wherein that purpose, the meaning is realized through death.
Death is a nessecery thing for races that haven't fully reached their potential yet. Imagine what would happen if all the humans on earth suddenly became immortal, it would be a mess. However I think that when that potential is reached and we learn to mange ourselvse better it will no longer be nessecery. The perceptual barriers between here and what is known as the afterlife, the astral and other such places will also be broken down and we'll be able to freely interact with the beings there without projecting. At least thats my take on this anyway.
11th June 2011, 10:48 AM
I have been using techniques from Quantum Touch for a couple of years now. One technique for age reversal is described here, and is in the second Quantum Touch book by Alain Herriot
16th June 2011, 02:56 PM
I thought I might take a look at that book, but I'm not familiar with the author. What is the exact name of that book as there seem to be a number of books in the quantum touch series?
16th June 2011, 04:47 PM
The book is "Supercharging"
Alain Herriott runs his own service called The wonder Method
15th July 2011, 01:38 PM
BTW, i think this book is really important. When i'm finished reading it (twice :wink: ), i'll write a summary of it. Any Kryon followers out there, really, get your hands on a copy.
Yes I am a fan of Kryon and his/her teachings. I will manifest a long life with physical well being. The hard part will be integrating with the rest of our culture. I suspect that my children's generation will be the biggest challenge. The generation after theirs will be more tolerant towards those of us who put in the time and effort to create a long and prosperous life. At least that is my understanding at this time.
Kryon's book 12 is a classic. It had more than I expected. Since I wish to avoid wars with those who choose to die quickly(short lifetimes), I am inclined to search for those who are like myself. May I ask how seriously you are preparing for your long life and prosperity.
Neil Templar
15th July 2011, 01:47 PM
Yes I am a fan of Kryon and his/her teachings. I will manifest a long life with physical well being. The hard part will be integrating with the rest of our culture. I suspect that my children's generation will be the biggest challenge. The generation after theirs will be more tolerant towards those of us who put in the time and effort to create a long and prosperous life. At least that is my understanding at this time.
Kryon's book 12 is a classic. It had more than I expected. Since I wish to avoid wars with those who choose to die quickly(short lifetimes), I am inclined to search for those who are like myself. May I ask how seriously you are preparing for your long life and prosperity.
Hmmm, well, to be honest, i'm not much of a preparer. I tend to be more of a here-and-now type of person. I'm doing the appropriate affirmations, and visualisations, almost daily. I've also been using EFT to work on my beliefs, where ageing is concerned.
I'm about to get another book that will probably be of interest - The Biology of Belief, by Bruce Lipton. I recently saw him give a presentation on it, basically scientifically backing up what Kryon is telling us is possible, changing our biological genetic functions with our consciousness...
15th July 2011, 02:42 PM
I am also a fan of Bruce Lipton. He once had some of his material on-line. I would love to quote some of that information.
One of the oldest books that I have is channeled material from Archangel Ariel by Tashira Tachi-ren titled "What is Lightbody?". On page 53 it states that "When the pituitary gland is functioning at its higher level, you will not age or die.".
I have been told by spirit that I will live a long and healthy life. I once mentioned this to a guy who worked in Palmistry who was eager to read my hands. He confirmed my potentials with his reading. He stated that my life line has no terminating point. I found that quite interesting.
BTW I have some exercises at my web site that foster pineal and pituitary gland strengthening.
They are on my About Page.
Kryon states there will be over 1,000 people like me. As I said earlier, I wish to find those who are like me in this way. I suspect that co-creating this particular way of being is best done with the assistance of group energies.
Is that an idea that you find appealing?
Neil Templar
15th July 2011, 02:58 PM
BTW I have some exercises at my web site that foster pineal and pituitary gland strengthening.
They are on my About Page.
Kryon states there will be over 1,000 people like me. As I said earlier, I wish to find those who are like me in this way. I suspect that co-creating this particular way of being is best done with the assistance of group energies.
Is that an idea that you find appealing?
I'd be interested, for sure. I think group energies are advantageous in most areas...
I'll check your link, thanks John. :)
3rd September 2011, 03:01 PM
Physical immortality is a subject of great interest to me. I agree with Neil that the normal human life span is 900 years.
The primary lifestyle attribute that effects aging is a person's thought process. Essentially it is worry or concern about things we have no control over. Since we live in a fear based culture it is easy to appreciate why we die so quickly.
Those who choose to live a normal life must be discreet about how they do that. We must honor all ways of being and also avoid problems with fear based humanity. Kryon in book 12 also mentions wars between those who live short lives and those who do not.
I had a dream last night where I would meet others like myself. So why not post a reply to this thread?
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