View Full Version : Chum

7th April 2011, 08:47 PM
This was a really weird dream. It felt "dreamy" and almost all of my dreams feel real.

A man and I were in the ocean. Bobbing along... I don't remember how we came to be in the water. A very big boat went past and squirted something on us. It made me nervous at first. But then realized it was chum, a sludgy concoction of fish guts that salmon fishermen use to catch the salmon. I relaxed and tilted my head down so i didn't get it in my eyes. Then we waited for the boat to pass.

When it was gone I wondered why we didn't ask for a ride from them.

Then my mother showed up on a jet ski that was on a track (In the middle of the ocean?) It led to a cruise ship. On board the ship I was disappointed that I had to share a room with my mother.

8th April 2011, 03:13 AM
looks like a memory of how you came through your birth mother in the beginning of your life. perhaps weirdly furnished, but symbolically accurate.

i spent decades disappointed in my mom, up until my son revealed how he was disappointed in me. i guess this is unavoidable in our flight and/or fight right of passage for a life our very own. what goes around comes around, and all that jazz. but as i recall, having booked passage, you didnt miss your ship. :D

my take on it

10th April 2011, 10:15 AM
That's an interesting insight, Tutor!

I thought the dream might possibly be your intuition (mother) sharing something with you that you'd rather not know.

16th April 2011, 12:45 AM
I had some silly, fanciful fun with this. I hope you don't mind. :)

Let's see if we can restate this. You and a man are just hangin' out in the ocean of your mind/subconscious which is fairly empty at this point, like maybe after hours at the theater. Maybe this is HIS dream and that's why you feel so dreamy and disconnected. You're just along for the ride, err, bobbing. I just get the feeling this is about somebody else and so your not all too much invested in it.

Or so it seems, until a big ship comes by and assaults you with chum. Yuk. Even still you don't take it personally, you just don't want it to obscure your vision so you avert your eyes. Eventually the hostile ship passes on and then you wonder why you didn't ask for a ride.

Let's say you have a friend that lives in a rough neighborhood and he invites you to come hang out on a street corner with him. A while goes by and a big black El Dorado pulls up and the thugs inside pelt you and your friend with eggs. You're careful not to let the eggs get in your eyes, they're not your eggs after all, they were meant for him.

But it wasn't eggs, it was chum and chum is bait. Never mind that bait attracts fish and great big ones too! This doesn't concern you, you just wonder why you didn't ask for a ride. Hey guys in the El Dorado would you take me out of this emptiness?

Usually when we second guess ourselves we've acted on intuition only later thinking we should have been more rational, reasonable. Being neutral you might have taken a ride in the El Dorado or the big ship but you didn't, so here comes Mom straight from Disneyland riding an amusement park jet ski and takes you back to her world of idle cruising.

Bottom line, my guess is somebody, a man probably, is tempting you to join in his dreams but your intuition is it's not such a good idea. You're stuck between the guy on a motorcycle and a possible future of meaningless whimsy.

17th April 2011, 07:48 PM
Maybe this is HIS dream and that's why you feel so dreamy and disconnected. You're just along for the ride, err, bobbing. I just get the feeling this is about somebody else

you don't take it personally, you just don't want it to obscure your vision so you avert your eyes.

There is definitely something about these 2 points! Yep.

And a few things have come up in my life since the time I had this dream that help put it into a context that makes a lot more sense.

Thanks guys.

20th April 2011, 02:22 PM
erratum: This little error just keeps bugging me so, even though it doesn't amount to anything, I had to fix it.

Usually when we second guess ourselves we've acted on intuition only later thinking we should have been more rational, reasonable.

This is not true. When we second guess ourselves we have more than likely acted out of habit, auto-pilot like when a parent gets into the knee-jerk reaction of saying "no" to any question their child might pose.

Conversely when we are allowing our intuition to come to play we are generally aware we are deciding and acting out of our box.

Ok, I can put that to rest now. :roll:

7th November 2012, 03:19 PM
I don't have something special to say but I reminded one thing suddenly. Did anyone try chum sandwiches with
peach shake.
People talk about blue dragon and mege mass, just leave it and try. Nice and natural supplement.