View Full Version : The Leading Edge of Growth - Kurt Leland

1st April 2011, 11:45 PM
Recently, Kurt Leland posted a new adventure in consciousness to his website. It contained some very interesting and exciting information.

We nonphysical Guides always go knocking on the door, as it were, of the highest body people have access to in order to see whether they’re awake and aware at that level. If nobody’s home, we go down to the next lower body, and so on.

“When we find the level where we can connect, we see whether we can get people to wake up again at the higher levels–hoping that we can get them lucid in the highest body they have access to. That body represents the leading edge of their growth. Our job is to prepare it for the next step in its evolution. The tasks to be accomplished usually require the inner senses of that body, or involve developing those senses–so providing instruction in any lower body would be a waste of time.

Unfortunately, even highly developed souls often garble memories of teaching sessions, adventures in consciousness– even initiations–because they’re unintentionally trying to interpret experiences in a higher body in terms of the perceptual biases of a lower body.”

“This is very humbling,” I replied. “I was under the impression that once your focus of consciousness was transferred to a higher body, that became your base of operations from then on, with a dependable level of lucidity in subsequent adventures.”

“So you might be led to believe by some of the theosophical teachings you’ve encountered. There’s truth in the idea. But there’s also truth in the theosophical teachings that say what’s experienced in the higher bodies is often garbled in the process of being translated from body to body before you wake up.

“Each body contributes something to that translation process before passing the experience on to the next lower body so that eventually it can be remembered in the physical body. You already know the schema, though you may not have thought about it in quite this way. The buddhic body contributes the energetic shape, the causal body the ideas or archetypes involved, the mental body the patterns of their relationships to one another, the astral body the events or plot most suitable for demonstrating these relationships, and the physical body the vocabulary for describing the adventure in words so that you’re able to remember it and pass it on to others.”

You can read the entire adventure in consciousness here (http://www.kurtleland.com/astral-projection-log/2010/189-haiti-after-the-earthquake-buddhic-body)

2nd April 2011, 01:41 AM
Had to rush off but I'm back now.

The second part of Kurt's adventure was related to the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake. It makes some interesting points about the black magic, white magic and middle way paths as well as making clear that when we are required to assist, we will detect a call.

“Calls will come, and they’ll demand everything you’ve learned–and much you have yet to learn–to respond to them properly. That is the law of growth at this level.

“In the meantime, don’t invent reasons to be of service that you’re not called to do. That creates bonds of imaginary obligation that may weaken you, without being genuinely helpful to others, so that when you’re called, you don’t have the energy to respond.”

We haven’t said much about the undesirability of the white magic path, which we see in terms of good intentions without a call, and trying to invent calls to put those intentions into practice. At worst, it’s attempting to make yourself important by saving the world in a way that has no effect here or anywhere else but to wear you out. At best, it exercises your energy bodies and helps us see potential candidates for further training. But the critical thing is hearing and responding to a call.

We haven’t said much about the undesirability of the white magic path, which we see in terms of good intentions without a call, and trying to invent calls to put those intentions into practice. At worst, it’s attempting to make yourself important by saving the world in a way that has no effect here or anywhere else but to wear you out. At best, it exercises your energy bodies and helps us see potential candidates for further training. But the critical thing is hearing and responding to a call.
“The middle path has a different relationship to the flow: it tries neither to control it nor to remind it how to do its job. When you’re on this path, you dive right into the flow to see where it takes you–but only when the flow says ‘Come, there’s need!’ The rest of your time is spent in learning how to dive deeper and follow it farther when the next call comes.

16th April 2011, 08:36 PM
Since Mr. Leland's book "Multidimensional Human" I have become a real fan of his, which is to say he is the first of the OBE authors I applaud without reservation. Finally connecting the inner life of Spirit with the practice of supra-corporal exploration he, IMO, has come to the rescue. Kudos, Mr. Leland!!!

Going out, going in; rising up, diving down. I think these expressions are more than semantic, they reflect an attitude that I think is meaningful in personal psychology and understanding. When Mr. Leland says:

The rest of your time is spent in learning how to dive deeper and follow it farther when the next call comes.

I understand and that is the way I've always felt about other dimensions in travel and experience. I dive down, go in deeper. Maybe it's not an issue at all, but it jives with my experience.

Anyway, Leland's "Multidimensional Human" is a must read! :)

17th April 2011, 01:19 PM
We haven’t said much about the undesirability of the white magic path,

I wonder who that "We" is. There are all kinds of entities with all kinds of agendas.

I find it peculiar to ask people to wait for "The Call". As who is to say, that those people on the "white magic path" are not following such a call?

20th April 2011, 07:05 PM
I wonder who that "We" is. There are all kinds of entities with all kinds of agendas.

This is absolutely true and many 'psychics/sensitives' and their ‘clients’ need to be reminded of this. There is a pretender for any and all situations, BUT when one has been at it long enough, has raised his/her consciousness to a degree of discretion and discernment, perhaps more importantly, has shown he/she is an Earnest Seaker of Truth, then it seems to me the ‘fakirs’ stay away and true teacher/guides heed the call of an evolving human Spirit.

I find it peculiar to ask people to wait for "The Call". As who is to say, that those people on the "white magic path" are not following such a call?

This is a huge question to me. I see good people much too often acting when they haven’t been called. There is so much suffering in the world one easily waste themselves emotionally and physically putting out fires that aren’t theirs.

We haven’t said much about the undesirability of the white magic path,

It’s hard and heart-wrenching sometimes to stand back and remind yourself ‘no doubt the Universe is unfolding as it should’, even when it’s an ugly and messy affair and your sympathy is aching. It's tricky; when do I intercede and when do I stand back? I think Leland is right on when he recognizes that even 'white magick' is an error. Truly we are capable of magick, but few are able to discern white from black. If we're not 'called' then it becomes black and the results are often out of tune with the flow of Nature and Time.

With all due respect, Alienor.

20th April 2011, 09:07 PM
...BUT when one has been at it long enough, has raised his/her consciousness to a degree of discretion and discernment, perhaps more importantly, has shown he/she is an Earnest Seaker of Truth, then it seems to me the ‘fakirs’ stay away and true teacher/guides heed the call of an evolving human Spirit.

Actually I found that especially book authors and alike, who can spread "the word" to many people are sought out by teachers with own agenda. I always look at messages from teachers or channellings checking for certain points. If the message does have a limiting effect, or does judge people, that is already a sign, that it is not the highest guide possible. It can be anyway a good teacher. I do treat spiritual teachers just like incarnated teachers.

We are supposed to make our own decisions and then also take responsibility of our actions.

I see good people much too often acting when they haven’t been called. There is so much suffering in the world one easily waste themselves emotionally and physically putting out fires that aren’t theirs.
How do you know that those people did not receive a call? The call can come in many ways. For a person who does feel "haunted" by the suffering of the world, that is a learning process. Just like realizing that one does not need to convince everybody about what one does think is the truth.

If I see my neighbor's house is catching fire, I will go to put it out. Or, if it is already too big, I would call the fire fighters.

21st April 2011, 05:02 PM
How do you know that those people did not receive a call?

I thought about this quite a while. What's a good example? I can't be sure. Who's to say? But that's the issue, it's a personal matter only the subject can decide. As for myself, I basically wet a finger and test the wind. What I mean by that is I try to get a sense of the Flow - personally.

The other night my daughter, Lucy received a call (cell phone) from the wife of her husband's best friend pleading hysterically for help. This girl (we'll call her Mia) had gotten drunk and was unable to care for her infant daughter. There was really no choice, she would have to baby sit both of them; never mind Lucy had just quit her job, being upset about a situation at work, and her husband was plenty upset at the loss of income. The clouds had gathered in her own life, but there was a baby involved and that ♥♥♥♥♥s anything.

So she applies herself to the immediate situation. Mia is a real psycho mess and needs real help - call the fire department type help. Does Lucy hear that call? No, but others might have thought so - time for an intervention type stuff.

I think we should NOT hear the call more often.

I knew a lady who used to work for my buddy the veterinarian. She is victim to an overweening compassion for animals - especially cats. She spent her time comforting the animals in the clinic rather than doing her job and pretty soon lost it. She owns a slew of rescued cats and it seems one or another needs medical attention on a regular basis and this creates a financial burden to her. This together with the fact that she feeds the cats Fancy Feasts which is really expensive if you have a slew of them.

Did she hear the call?

I took a two-day road trip into the mountains to attend a meditation retreat. I had hardly introduced myself when the 'secretary' asked for a $100 donation. All the sudden I didn't hear the call anymore.

Instead I went the next evening to a four-star restaurant and ate a $70 meal. I wasn't called to do that either.

To me THE CALL has everything to do with THE FLOW and little to do with whatever exigencies may present themselves from time to time. We hear the call, if we do, from our Guardian Angel or Oversoul or whatever you choose to call it. This is tricky because it comes from a source we can only intuitively sense.

The problem that occurs all too often is we think we hear it when it's only a subjective echo of our own neuroses.

I could go on but I'm as tired of writing as you are reading so 'bye' for now.

21st April 2011, 05:23 PM
priceless - that which cannot be sold and bought, is hard earned yet freely given, and because it is freed, it is most often not received

"The problem that occurs all too often is we think we hear it [The Call] when it's only a subjective echo of our own neuroses." eyeoneblack


21st April 2011, 05:42 PM
Thanks Tim :mrgreen:

22nd April 2011, 05:46 AM
Actually I found that especially book authors and alike, who can spread "the word" to many people are sought out by teachers with own agenda. I always look at messages from teachers or channellings checking for certain points. If the message does have a limiting effect, or does judge people, that is already a sign, that it is not the highest guide possible. It can be anyway a good teacher. I do treat spiritual teachers just like incarnated teachers.

I have personally listened to and read several of Kurt's channelling sessions. All I have experienced is wisdom and extreme intelligence that I'd describe as genius. The only other channel I've experienced (not that I feel much inclined towards channelling as a source of information) that, for me, inspires such faith in its wisdom is Jane Robert's Seth.

You're free to your beliefs.

We are supposed to make our own decisions and then also take responsibility of our actions.

Exactly, but most of us prefer to make informed decisions.

How do you know that those people did not receive a call? The call can come in many ways. For a person who does feel "haunted" by the suffering of the world, that is a learning process. .

"The call" is "the call," however you define it. One must examine one's own motivations as part of their growth.

Just like realizing that one does not need to convince everybody about what one does think is the truth

If you knew Kurt better, you'd know he does not need to convince anyone of anything. He has many followers, however, even though he does not even like people to call themselves his students, because he shares his experiences and these resonate strongly with our own experiences.

I'm glad you've personally made the realisation. It doesn't stop you sharing what you believe to be true, however, does it? You do realise that there's a difference between sharing and discussing and needing to convince? I'm sure you have enough self-understanding not to attempt to suppress the views of others just because they contradict your own at this stage in your evolution.

If I see my neighbor's house is catching fire, I will go to put it out. Or, if it is already too big, I would call the fire fighters.

This is logically the role of a good neighbour. If your neighbour required open heart surgery, I'm sure you'd leave that to somebody qualified to do so.

22nd April 2011, 02:00 PM
(...) there's a difference between sharing and discussing and needing to convince
Just wanted to highlight these words :)

22nd April 2011, 11:09 PM
i received the interpretative meaning of that particular quote within it's original context in quite the opposite way. but i get how, in the way that it is worded, how it is most easily taken as read.


23rd April 2011, 01:31 AM
We don't seem to understand each others very well...
Just in case: I was not aiming at you.

23rd April 2011, 07:09 AM
We don't seem to understand each others very well...
Just in case: I was not aiming at you.

awww friend, it's okie dokie... i am not that which you 'just in case' imagine that i might be. i am me, before ever you imagine any further of this me. i dont require understanding you in order to accept you as you are. was never a challenge of you, i merely beg to differ on the interpretation. i dont imagine that has anything to do with either of us as we truly presently are.

with high respect for BeeKeeper as well, it isnt about personal challenge. these words we share in here, or within any authored book for that matter, arent going to be chiseled in stone for all eternity to gaze upon in wonderment. as written to be shared, they've no right to hold that much personal internalized magnitude. if they do hold within them such magnitude, i suggest a personal locked diary as course of action.

all words have the read literalism of meaning, as well as having been grouped in larger context their interpretive sum of meaning. i dont tend toward literal values beyond the scope of usage and spelling of any particular word. i do tend however to interpret the grouped sum of contextual meaning.

23rd April 2011, 07:19 AM
We don't seem to understand each others very well...

This seems to be very much so. Especially when people get emotional or defensive.

Just like realizing that one does not need to convince everybody about what one does think is the truth This was not at all a comment about Kurt, but I was replying to eyeoneblack and stating with this also, that I do not feel the need to convince him. I enter discussions on forums often to give an alternative point of view for readers - those people who do not have yet made up their mind.

And just the same I did reply to eyeoneblack when I mention putting out fires, as he stated
There is so much suffering in the world one easily waste themselves emotionally and physically putting out fires that aren’t theirs.
So I did stay within the metaphor pointing out, that I think it is good practice to help others when need arises.

23rd April 2011, 08:33 AM
So I did stay within the metaphor pointing out, that I think it is good practice to help others when need arises.

As nobody defined what the call is... The call arises when you have adequate resources to help. Or it arises to help you develop those resources.

It's also about discernment. Beek gave a rather drastic example of when somebody has no adequate resources to help. But there are also cases, and E1B gave a good example, where I could imagine one is not called to help. It might be one has the resources to help, but the help would not actually change the situation for the better. It would just result in "the helper" giving without furthering anything.

One of the necessary discernments to develop is to spot whether one can truly benefit the greater good of a situation (and there will be a call if that is the case) or if one just acts on one's conditioning, beliefs and ideas. Any situation with dysfunctional people or families involved is a good example for this because there are no easy answers in these cases. Learning to spot the call is helpful to avoid getting dragged into situations where one is tired out for little benefit.

The co-dependant situations so many helpers find themselves in are an example of this. As long as they continue to help, because they feel it to be their duty to help because they define themselves as helpful by default, they keep on prolonging undesirable situations where they don't actually help the other, but instead keep up the dynamic for even longer. Situations like this teach the consequence of getting involved without a call. They might challenge a helper to accept that no amount of help can do what the other person is not willing to allow. Yet, if you ask many of these people they would probably tell it their vocation is to help. That might not mean that they were called to help in that specific situation, though.

The situation Kurt talked about was not as general, though, but for action on the other side. If one can be of assistance, one will be invited to help. We can see this for example with Bruce Moen and his involvement with retrievals, always in cooperation with his guides. Kurt has received many calls to record lesser-known parts of the afterlife journey.

On the other hand, I have seen many causes over the years where people declared they would do something out-of-body which to me, now, doesn't even make sense in the bigger picture. They fight battles that I cannot imagine there was ever a call for, and nothing will come of it - except at one point the realisation to stop when one is tired. Another example is given in the adventure itself.

The limitation of "the white magic path" as portrayed here (which is an extreme) is that people following it try to help regardless of whether the help will be effective or what it does to themselves. Just as "black magicians" have little regard for others (who they see as means of wish-fulfillment) the "white magicians" have little regard for themselves. Both paths pursued to the extreme have negative consequences.


23rd April 2011, 09:32 AM
Apologies, Alienor, to the extent that I misunderstood you. Namaste.

Beek gave a rather drastic example of when somebody has no adequate resources to help.


I like your point about fighting battles. This sounds like fantasy-fulfilment to me or, perhaps, a metaphor for inner work, taken literally.

23rd April 2011, 04:07 PM
The co-dependant situations so many helpers find themselves in are an example of this.

This is especially true for many of those helpers, who earn their livelihood with "spiritual work". The client keeps on needing help and the person needs on earning money and of course also wants to help his clients.

But that is a vast topic actually. I did write to someone here who had asked for help: http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=19789&p=128854#p128881
Such does lead in my opinion often to those co-dependent situations, which appears to be very common.

23rd April 2011, 05:24 PM
This was not at all a comment about Kurt, but I was replying to eyeoneblack and stating with this also, that I do not feel the need to convince him. I enter discussions on forums often to give an alternative point of view for readers - those people who do not have yet made up their mind.

Ditto, friend :)

I often feel I have nothing to do here but provide something amusing, maybe thoughtful, for the entertainment of our many readers - and not for the already well illumined minds of the posters. :wink:

23rd April 2011, 07:56 PM
Hello, Alienor.

Yes, I agree, it's a huge topic. Certainly one area of learning not easily exhausted because of the variety of constellations it can appear in.


24th April 2011, 08:27 AM
You know, I'm a great believer in helping yourself when you can. Sometimes people need room to express their own growth and power and jumping in to do it for them may actually hinder their development. Making suggestions based on your own experience is helping too.

8th May 2011, 08:02 AM
Here is the latest newsletter link on the Astral Ashram. There are three parts, just follow the links: http://www.kurtleland.com/astral-projection-log/2010/193-astral-ashram-orientation