View Full Version : Programming Experiment 5: Mirrors (To Past Lives Or Aspects)

1st April 2011, 01:26 PM
Only as a side affirmation and just a few times I programmed myself to see mirrors in my dreams to fly into. I did so in the hope to possibly find with this method an access to past lives of mine, which I am highly interested in. It's still one of my top priorities.

As I had also affirmed quite often to meet my incarnations in dreams before, it seems promising for me because I had seen this woman twice now in a mirror: http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?11542-Viewing-Own-Incarnations-In-Mirror-Reflections. The second time (not mentioned in that thread) was recently in a False Awakening after an OBE, which I will also report (in the OBE forum) about.

So tonight I might have subconsciously 're-implanted' both kinds of affirmation into my dreams and this is what I got then. It is not (yet) another mirror viewing success, but it is about dream characters somehow trying to give me hints or even making me lucid and get me to finally act on my set goals:

I am standing at a kind of public celebration or funfair in a big public "beer tent" (Bavarian Octoberfest-style, if you know this) together with friends I knew from about more than 20 years ago (high school time).
One of the girls, whom I remember as usually being very nice, suddenly says that she does not like me or sth about me and that I am very ugly. I reply to her that she is stupid (to say such a thing) in retribution.
She says then: 'Look at yourself IN THE MIRROR. Let's go to a mirror and look into it and you will see.' I, however, refuse to talk to her further, just reaffirming that I think she is stupid.
A second hint might be by an old friend of mine who also sits there on a barstool drinking his beer. He suddenly asks me if I still drive that little light blue car (I used to have during high school times and always drove to school with). I say yes, only to change my mind later: no, I have a red one now for a long time already, the blue one was IN THE PAST. He looks and me and waits as if I should have noted something about my own words. Dream ends.

My conclusion is that these dream characters of the past wanted to help me. First, the girl by provoking me to take a glance at a mirror (which I had asked for by affirmations in physical life!). Possibly also provoking me to get lucid (that strangeness of the fact that one of the nicest girls from that time suddenly insults me!)? It turns out that it was actually me being stupid by refusing to look - instead of her. :cry:
The same applies to the second scene (actually not dealing with the thread topic directly, but as it seemed to be one complete scene of 'counseling' I include it here). It tells me that in my dreams I should not stick to the past (of this life!) too much. I was reminded of the present (car!) and this is what I need for my non-physical adventures: to know who I am TODAY, because past-relatedness keeps me from my goals.
Recently, I often thought I was a child or teenager in my (semi-)lucid adventures, which has also to do with my "portal" I projected deliberately into: my childhood bedroom. Also, too many dreams of mine, like this very one above, deal with the past (locations and people). I need to get rid of this because I noticed now that it keeps me from pursuing the goals I planned, as I only dealt with past memories and childhood family/home/friendship matters. I now decided that it is time for a change and I will try to project into a new 'portal' - more related to my present life, so I will have a higher chance to be lucid and know about myself as my current adult self Earth personality.

I think that this dream was really 'made' to alert me to this necessary change. It is a good preparation for the things planned now. That's why I am very optimistic about further "mirror adventures", too, since I will do pre-sleep affirmations for it in the coming weeks. That is why I make this thread now.

More to come! :D