View Full Version : Interesting UFO Dream

1st April 2011, 02:18 AM
I had the following dream last night:

“The Friendly UFO Chair”

I look out my bedroom window to notice a flying saucer hovering and wobbling around the sky. It looks like the top-hat style craft you see in pictures from the 50s. I frantically grab a camera on my night table to snap a few pictures. I end up getting a picture and noticed it recorded well. I am extremely excited and I yell for Chris and Scotty. Chris ends up going out front to mow the lawn. He comments on how to craft looks, but doesn't seem amazed at all. I thought there might have been two crafts, a smaller one at first and then a bigger one. The detail of the craft changes as the dream progresses – by the end it is incredible detailed and I notice an array of minor markings on the previously perceived smooth surface.

Eventually the craft comes close to the window I am hanging out of. Scotty is right beside me. I feel the craft is trying to communicate with me – I am wondering if it wants me to touch it and it kind of nods up and down. This gives me extreme excitement but I am mildly nervous – Nonetheless I reach out my hand and touch the craft. Expecting to be shocked or something, nothing negative seems to happen. The craft changed color and form quickly after I touched it – I felt like it did a download of my mind and memories in some way. It turned into a chair, like my computer chair, and I wondered If I should sit on it. It turned into something else as well. I debated getting on for a ride.

Next in the dream I find myself in front of my neighbors house. I notice there may have been an even larger craft in the sky. This part is somewhat fuzzy, but I believe two evil ETs were somehow involved and there was a battle. The craft I was familiar with transformed into this child-muse nature boy, for lack of a better word, and warded off the negative ETs.They were battling with magical powers. I wish I could remember more of this sequence.
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I was nearly lucid in this dream. I haven't had many UFO dreams over the past years, but they are always memorable and awe-inspiring. What do you all make of this dream and UFOs appearing in dream in general? I seem to think the crafts themselves are a form of consciousness, maybe artificial intelligence from our point of view. This craft seemed playful and I didn't have any negative feelings for it. The fact it turned into a chair is very interesting to me - I remember reading something a while back about how UFOs have chairs in them which interface with consciousness, allowing for a driver to control the craft.

1st April 2011, 03:06 AM
I can tell you right now Oliver is going to have wonderful insights about your dreams. I have some thoughts too but no time at the moment to comment, but will have something by tomorrow.

1st April 2011, 11:03 PM
Ok cool, can't wait. =D

4th April 2011, 10:06 PM
Anyone have any ideas about this one? I read somewhere that cars, bikes, boats and UFOs are all metaphors for consciousness. UFOs being the metaphor for the highest form of consciousness. Could have I have been connecting with a higher aspect of myself?

4th April 2011, 10:46 PM
Ok here are some thoughts:
The UFO can be a symbol of a 'higher form of being'.
The top hat shape kind of craft makes me think that it is connected with knowledge or intelligence (hat goes on the head, head is the crown) and your friend comments on its shape to drive home the point.
After contact you received knowledge (in keeping with the symbol's shape)- now it turns into a chair. Now you go from acrown chakra (higher) to a chair (IMO symbolic of the ground chakra, or of physical existence. So I'd say you received information or knowledge from 'up above' to be used 'down here'.

After this it gets fuzzy, with issues of duality (which happens when we process here on earth). And after that I don't know....

5th April 2011, 05:58 AM
Hello, c0sm0nautt.

"Alien" is often a symbol for anything we don't understand as of yet. If we encounter a consciousness in the dream world that is organized in a way we don't understand easily, we often represent it as alien.

Cars, vehicles, helicopters, etc. can be vehicles of consciousness, correct. When you see UFOs, note how they possess full mobility, they can go wherever they want. That combined with what I said about "aliens" means that UFOs in dream-like experiences can represent higher intelligences - more mobile than we are when it comes to the nonphysical planes and at first alien to us.

Touch is a means of communication in nonphysical reality. You can indeed exchange and download information in that way. The advanced version would be throwing each other condensed energy balls of information. You notice how the craft "downloads" information from you. The onesided nature of the exchange is probably due to the fact that you haven't yet developed the skill required to obtain information from such an exchange.

As the "craft" (which is not an artificial intelligence, but indeed an intelligent being) notices that you did not gather information of your own in the exchange, it changes the mode of communication, possibly to shape and symbolism. The chair might indeed have been an invitation to get on a ride, or an attempt at providing a more guided way to enter into a communication still. Especially since you know that such seats can be interfaces, so it offered you an interface in the way you know.


5th April 2011, 04:04 PM
Thank you for the insight CFTraveler and Oliver.

I wish I had the ability to receive information from the craft. Hopefully next time I will be more receptive. I probably should have included in my first post that the night before this dream I meditated a little in my computer chair, as opposed to my usual routine of meditating on the floor. This brings up some more possibilities for the chair symbolism. Meditation, in a way, is an interface to higher consciousness.

5th April 2011, 06:51 PM
I wish I had the ability to receive information from the craft. I think you did- it's not available to you consciously at the moment. But if you can become lucid, you can ask to be shown consciously the information, if it is to your benefit. And if you don't know if you can become lucid, you can program yourself using affirmations and ask your subconscious to show you, provided it's to your best interests.