View Full Version : Earth Tilt/magnetic pole shift?

Neil Templar
31st March 2011, 08:43 AM
i dreamed of visiting a friend, who was living in Florida. Right next to Kennedy space centre. i could see the space shuttle launch pad when i looked out the window. sometimes the shuttle was standing there, sometimes it wasn't. i remember thinking the structure was more impressive looking when the shuttle was gone.
the house seemed to be built into the ground, and above it was a huge construction site, where men were working building massive structures similar to the shuttle launch pad.

my friend and i were out walking behind the house, when i felt a change in the the Earth. like a gravitational change. i felt like the ground beneath me was tilting, but i could see that it wasn't. i saw a puddle of water on the ground. the water in it was rippling and seemed to be pulled to one side. then i looked over to the beach, and saw that the water was just spilling over the top of the sand dunes, and coming towards us. it wasn't a tsunami. the water was very calm, just slowly trickling over the top of the dunes. it was clear that either the Earth had tilted slightly, or there had been a gravitational shift. the waters rose, and we were swept away. i grabbed a large piece of wood, and held on to that, and managed to catch my friend, we were safe.
it wasn't a huge disaster.

31st March 2011, 10:59 AM
Maybe it's a (delayed ?) reaction to the David Sereda interview on CMN, Neil.

It could, of course, be prophetic but, I'd be inclined to look at it for meaning. As usual, I see some possibilities:

i dreamed of visiting a friend, who was living in Florida.
Possibly a positive self-aspect that currently feels remote or a dream character who is going to be your friend by guiding you to some self-knowledge.

Right next to Kennedy space centre. i could see the space shuttle launch pad when i looked out the window. sometimes the shuttle was standing there, sometimes it wasn't.

A space centre possibly suggests inner space, inner freedom, a centred self but, it could also imply aloneness. Looking out a window could mean viewing new vistas, new possibilities. A space shuttle gives one potential for a whole new kind of adventure or experience and its thrust is upward, which, symbolically, could represent a rising of consciousness or, simply, ambition. Its appearance and disappearance may suggest that the potential is only beginning to enter your conscious awareness or a trait that you feel occasionally or something you cannot decide.

i remember thinking the structure was more impressive looking when the shuttle was gone.

When it's gone, does it cease to exist or is it presumed launched? Does it seem too much of an imposition on the "natural landscape"?

the house seemed to be built into the ground, and above it was a huge construction site, where men were working building massive structures similar to the shuttle launch pad.

The first structure appears to represent notions of groundedness; the second, grand schemes and huge endeavours. Buildings may represent ideas/worldviews.

my friend and i were out walking behind the house, when i felt a change in the the Earth. like a gravitational change. i felt like the ground beneath me was tilting, but i could see that it wasn't. i saw a puddle of water on the ground. the water in it was rippling and seemed to be pulled to one side. then i looked over to the beach, and saw that the water was just spilling over the top of the sand dunes, and coming towards us. it wasn't a tsunami. the water was very calm, just slowly trickling over the top of the dunes. it was clear that either the Earth had tilted slightly, or there had been a gravitational shift. the waters rose, and we were swept away. i grabbed a large piece of wood, and held on to that, and managed to catch my friend, we were safe.
it wasn't a huge disaster.

Water can represent energy, the flow of your life, emotion and/or intuition. It seems like a shift in your view on something may change the direction you take. It may feel daunting but is unlikely to be traumatic and you should be able to integrate a currently "distant" part of yourself as a result of this shift.

Neil Templar
31st March 2011, 11:33 AM
there was more to it, i was in a hurry to go out earlier, ... before the shift, there was a whole part where i was meeting her father for the first time. i was a little nervous about it. he was a very direct, straight to the point, kinda guy. he was the head construction guy, it was his company that was doing all the construction.
it turned out i got on great with him, he took me outside and we had a man-to-man chat.
we talked about construction, that his work took him all over the world.

also, after the shift, there was a bit back in the house, where i met her mother, and a couple of friends. i shook hands with them.

31st March 2011, 02:51 PM
My understanding is that after the earthquake in Japan the island moved, and the earth's magnetic pole did shift, more than a few inches.
I'm wondering if you 'felt' that in some intuitive way and incorporated it into this dream.

1st April 2011, 02:23 PM
Hello, Neil.

It sounds to me like the dream is announcing big changes - a paradigm shift. You understand that the change is happening and has enormous consequences, at the same time it is not a catastrophy. As it affects the ground you are standing on it is "fundamental." The shift is gradual and observable.

A space shuttle is a means to ascend vertically with high speed. The fact that you see it sometimes and sometimes not means that this higher vehicle may be available from time to time, but not all the time. It's more like for exploring the higher planes (space) and returning. This might be part of the paradigm shift you will experience. Like astronauts conduct experiments in space (zero-g) and return with the results.

The head construction guy might be assurance that there is a well-designed plan underlying all of this. It might also mean that your mental (clever guy) belief structure (construction) will need changes (engineering), but again this is a controlled process.
