View Full Version : Initiation into Female teachings

Neil Templar
30th March 2011, 11:16 AM
i was at a school/learning place, not one i've seen before.
it was an old place. reminded me of the back streets and alleyways of Old Edinburgh town, very Hogwarts-ey.
it was built in a circular plan. the central hub was the administration area, the offices, and the classroom were in surrounding buildings, built on many levels, with gardens and trees growing all around. it was like a town rather than a school.
a beautiful place. i liked it so much i decided i wanted to stay for a few more years, and started looking into the courses available...

i went into the centre, and spoke to a female staff member, where i learned of a particular course in some form of sacred healing/manifesting magic. i liked the sound of it, but she said it was very advanced and kinda brushed over it, as if to distract my attention from it, to some other more basic courses.
i left and went back to meet with a fellow pupil. we talked about the possibilities for the coming years...

later in a class, which was taking place in a huge auditorium/stadium type place, with thousands of seats, flowing down towards a central point hundreds of feet below me, my female teacher mentioned the sacred teaching i'd heard of earlier.
i told her i wanted to learn it.
she said it wasn't possible, that it was only for females. she said something like "males are unable to stand in the female energy".
i said that was ridiculous, and i should be able to learn anything i want.
she laughed at me, and said "really? okay then. prove it. if you can."
then she flew down to the focal point of this massive circular stadium, where there was a kind of courtyard, paved with old stones.
i began to make my way down. the stairs, and handrails were made of intricately carved wood. i jumped onto the handrail, and began flying down over people's heads, kinda hopping from level to level, until i got to the bottom.
i was surrounded by thousands of females of all ages. i looked up and around at a sea of faces, all looking at me.
they were in a state of utter disbelief. my teacher was there, and she directed me to this huge old grandfather(mother?) clock, which i climbed into, to face these women.
hunders of the women left their seats, to come down and fill the space at the bottom of this place, to see a man who dared to stand surrounded by this ocean of female energy.
i moved slightly, to give them a better view, as the top of the clock was in front of me.
everything went quiet.
i looked them in the eyes, and smiled.
the clock seemed to lose solidity, and began to sway, forward and back.
as the swaying increased, i grew concerned about toppling the thing over, so i stepped out of it.
the women cheered, seeming satisfied.
i saw some of the paint had cracked off the front of the clock, and pointed it out to my teacher.
she said she was planning on restoring it anyway, then she pulled it off of it's base, and gave it to me.
i began to fold it into a manageable size, and put it under my arm.
i thought "wow, i'm bending time 8) "
the women clapped...