View Full Version : 3 Rats and seagulls.

Neil Templar
29th March 2011, 12:54 PM
i can't really recall much detail of this one, only that i was flying around the streets of my childhood home.
there were loads of seagulls in the air. they seemed tiny, small enough to grab in between my fingers.
i thought it'd be fun to scare one, so i grabbed it mid-flight, and spun it round...
it skwauked at me, and landed. i landed beside it. now it was full-sized (or perhaps i was back down to normal size?)
it bit me on the hand. not painful, but i got the message.
i apologised for messing with it.

then i saw 3 rats on the ground. brown/white ones.
i went over, and they came over to me, climbing on my hands and arms. i greeted them, and they came and nuzzled into my neck like old friends.
they climbed down, and i looked around. i saw pieces of seagull lying around.
a foot here, a feather there...i wondered who had been doing this to the seagulls. :(