View Full Version : Beltram's Place

Neil Templar
29th March 2011, 12:24 PM
a little background...
ove the past few nights, i've experienced blindness, disorientation, inability to move properly, and an inability to communicate properly during dreams. this would indicate, according to Kurt Leland's assertions, that i'm experiencing in a "new/higher" energy body, and these skills need to be mastered anew...

any of you familiar with some of my older posts will know my bike represents my energy body (vehicle/means of getting around)...

as a dj/music lover, one of the biggest influences in my life has been a dj/producer called Joey Beltram. his music and performances are what got me hooked all those years ago, and he has continued to be a huge influence (teacher/guide) throughout the years...

so, last night i dreamed i met Joey Beltram.
we were walking along what looked like an old, disused railway track, overgrown with grass and bushes.
we walked and talked, of what, i cannot recall.
i seemed to have some difficulty walking at times, and he soon got quite far ahead of me. i could see him off in the distance, and i was concerned i'd lose him. i had to really concentrate t make myself move quickly...
we came to a place that seemed more overgrown, a large tangle of bushes.
upon closer inspection, the bushes contained what looked like discarded bicycle parts.
he pulled out of a bush, a cool looking bike, and got on it.
i pulled out several parts, frames, wheels, seats, handlebars etc. there were many.
apparently i had to build my own bike.
i found a frame, completely covered in what looked like centuries of rust, or perhaps some organic material like mould or moss or something.
together we pulled off whatever was covering the frame. underneath we found a shiny, and rather cool stylish frame. 8)
i found wheels and seat and whatever other parts i needed, and got to work.
when my bike was built, it was very cool looking, but obviously too big for me.
nonetheless, he jumped on his, and began to cycle away.
i took mine, and with a little difficulty, managed to clamber up onto the seat, a little wobbly at first, but soon became accustomed to the feel of it.
looking ahead, i now noticed for the first time, that there were two others riding along in front with him.
very soon i was riding like i'd never known any other bike...

he gave me directions to find his house, which i wrote in my note book.
i had to journey away out of town alone, along a deserted road with a railway track running parallel to it, almost to the edge of civilisation.
i found a single house surrounded by fields of tall grass, right next to the road.
i walked up to the door, and was about to knock, then i noticed behind me, there was a level-crossing, over the rail track.
i saw that he had mentioned the crossing, in the directions he'd given me.
across the tracks, i saw a road leading away into the distance... i decided to cross and follow the road.
as i stepped toward the track, the barriers started to come down, and a huge train came speeding along the track, heading back the way i'd come.
i turned back to the house. thru the glass of the front door, i saw a figure.
i walked up to the door, and it opened. inside was a woman, Beltram's wife?
i explained that he'd given me instructions to come here, and she invited me inside.
there i met another woman, his Mother? and a male.
his wife told me i should go over the tracks, to his Brother's place.
they all seemed to be very enthusiastic about this.
they told me i'd find some interesting things growing there - weed (marijuana) and mushrooms (magic) 8)
at the front door, his wife gave me the address to head for -
12/15 (.....) Station. Queensland(?) Australia. i can't completely recall this. the numbers are definitely correct. Station is definite. Australia is definite. Queensland i'm 99% sure of. the missing word, i have no idea of. :roll:

i headed off, across the tracks, along a dusty road that looked like it went on into eternity...

there was more dreaming after this, which i'll post separately.. :wink:

29th March 2011, 01:40 PM
recanted... :?

29th March 2011, 05:27 PM
(I think you know) that you met a guide, and 'he' took the form of the one person you see as a mentor- to drive the message home. I also think that this road crossing probably symbolizes the path to the afterlife- you needed to know something before going over there- which is why the barriers got in your way, and you had to go into 'his' house first. You met with his 'wife' and 'mother', which are probably feminine aspects of yourself (guides), and they encouraged you to cross the bridge, once they told you what you would find on the other side- mainly 'unreal magic' - or instant manifestation.
So IMO this was a dreamstate lesson about the afterlife zone, and this Beltram fellow was a symbol for you to 'follow'. Maybe the music is important because of what you do, or maybe something about the music is significant in itself- that's for you to know. :)

Neil Templar
30th March 2011, 10:09 AM
(I think you know) that you met a guide, and 'he' took the form of the one person you see as a mentor- to drive the message home. I also think that this road crossing probably symbolizes the path to the afterlife- you needed to know something before going over there- which is why the barriers got in your way, and you had to go into 'his' house first. You met with his 'wife' and 'mother', which are probably feminine aspects of yourself (guides), and they encouraged you to cross the bridge, once they told you what you would find on the other side- mainly 'unreal magic' - or instant manifestation.
So IMO this was a dreamstate lesson about the afterlife zone, and this Beltram fellow was a symbol for you to 'follow'. Maybe the music is important because of what you do, or maybe something about the music is significant in itself- that's for you to know. :)
interesting... i hadn't made the connection with the crossing-afterlife zone, but that makes sense to me.

what do you mean when you say 'unreal magic'?

i'm thinking perhaps the use of weed/mushrooms might be a way of telling me that what's 'over there' is what i used to be seeking, when i used substances like mushrooms etc, when i was younger. it was all about trying to access 'other dimensions' of reality.

i'm also wondering now, about the choice of Beltram, being the figure leading me onward. yes, he's an obvious choice for a guide/mentor for me. but i wonder if this isn't also a message concerning my recent worries about my life-path. i've been unsure as to which direction(s) to focus my energies where work is concerned. perhaps this is a signal to keep moving forward with my dj/music career in waking life?...

30th March 2011, 04:19 PM
what do you mean when you say 'unreal magic'? Unrealistic- less bound to time and space.
And yes, it could be an indication that you should keep working with music.

1st April 2011, 11:04 AM
Hello, Neil.

I wonder if Queensland, the mushrooms and the weed are also references to "Alice in Wonderland" - I remember Disney's version with its wildly smoking caterpillar.

I take also note of the repeating theme of roads that are deserted or have fallen in disuse. This could mean that what you are currently learning is currently more like recovering something. The same with the rusty bike. And getting on the bike and soon getting the hang of it again.

Beltram is possibly your current image for mentor or teacher. Australia could be a plane still strange to you, appearing to you as distant and a land of magic. The edge of civilization means you are travelling beyond the known.

The train possibly was a hint not to get distracted and follow a train of thought that might not be helpful at the moment. A barrier to progress. It could also be a gatekeeper even though you did not identify it as a conscious entity but just an autonomous barrier.


7th April 2011, 06:21 AM
The train possibly was a hint not to get distracted and follow a train of thought that might not be helpful at the moment. A barrier to progress. It could also be a gatekeeper even though you did not identify it as a conscious entity but just an autonomous barrier.

I like what Oliver said here.

Seems I remember another of your dreams where the gatekeeper was not a person but some sort of energy field.

along a deserted road with a railway track running parallel to it, almost to the edge of civilisation.
This stands out to me because of my religious background. Two roads. Or think of Robert Frost's poem for that matter.

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

The deserted road (the one less traveled by) and the train of thought.

Neil Templar
7th April 2011, 07:28 PM
more of the same last night.
i built another bike.
i was on holiday (in a foreign/unknown place) being guided around. i was taken to a deserted scrapyard kind of place out of town, where i found what looked like my bike, in pieces. upon closer inspection i found that it wasn't my familiar bike, but parts of a far 'better' (more useful) type of bike.
i got excited about the potentials of what i could accomplish on a bike like this.

10th April 2011, 10:34 AM
If you do find yourself in Queensland, you be sure to plan a trip south too!

Neil Templar
11th April 2011, 02:56 PM
If you do find yourself in Queensland, you be sure to plan a trip south too!

heh, you can be sure of it. 8)
i would dearly love to visit your country...who knows..maybe next year..