View Full Version : Programming Experiment 4: Healing

16th March 2011, 07:01 PM
This already happened a while ago (March 2nd). Many authors (also on projections!) also write in their books that it is useful to try to program "healing" for the night, since in deep sleep (especially in delta-wave state) regeneration takes place anyway. So you can reinforce the process by subconscious programming.

I also combined it with Reconnective Healing, of which I last year made some good experiences. I also was inspired by F2A and Neil's reports in this thread here and hoped that I might "feel" or "experience" nice energies or sth very similar.

viewtopic.php?f=19&t=22950 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=22950)

Well, this, however, did NOT happen. :( I did not "feel energy" in a dream, but something different that is also related to healing. :shock:

The affirmation: "Let me experience Reconnective Healing tonight."

This is what I got the same night (I am too lazy to write it again, so I copy the original text from my excel file journal with some little edits for intelligibilty, but it seems legible enough to me, every paragraph turnover means it is in a nother excel cell ... and yes ... I really do this thing in (bad!) English :wink: ...):

Medical Examination
I am in a clinic, examination room, there is a blonde, but not too beautiful, young doctor (actually she looks more like a medical assistant or even a could be a nurse - arzthelferin-type)
she checks me up and I feel white tubes or bulbs in my mouth or at my body
during the whole examination, she also talks to me a lot, we generally talk a lot, still I cannot remember too much of the talk, especially about WHAT symptoms of mine were examined at all
she examines my breast nipples, then also my throat
finally she says sth about urine (Harn is what I understand), I comment that some people indeed treet themselves with own-urine, she responds sth to it but it also got lost with me
She then orders me to come nearer to her (as she sits on the examination bench) and wants to again examine me with a spoon or sth to put into my mouth again, it might also be a kind of cure.
It suddenly feels sexual for me, I suddenly see or imagine her in straps/lingerie and get aroused a bit.
Don't know if she sees it, she goes on like nothing happened, my arousal vanishes again
she explains sth about my cell phone that can "suck at my ear"
then she shows my a blue chart (with list on it) and says I have three options (for a cure?)
she says sth about that it will not get better if I have to commit little murders every day
She then gets out of the room, obviously to get sth and keeps me waiting
While I wait a machine starts talking in an uncomprehensible woman's voice
I get nearer to listen as it is also very low, but I dont get anything out of it
I consider it machine instructions, it also looks a bit like a dentists chair or similar
I get, with the bulb/tubes tucked in still out of the room and to the hall
at the reception, which is quite lengthy along the wall, I see her walking but she is very busy, smiling, but also a bit stressed and seems to be oblivious to me or has forgotten that I was still waiting in the exam room
I give the bulbs to s.o. else at the reception, dream ends

here's my analysis from the same day/night , also copied over with only little edits and additions:

truly another amazing „programmed" dream, and with rich texture, a 'moldavite' dream, very realistic!!
I cannot make a lot out of the woman doctor's diagnosis statements - urine, cell phone, little murders every day ???,
maybe I should start urine therapy?
maybe it's really related to my ear, that would explain the cell phone, and it was held on the left ear when it was explained to me it sucks.
also, the tubes could relate to my impending (hopefully!) OP at the eustach tube, starting examination next week
even „Harn“ could then become Harnröhre (urethra) and thus mean actually the Eustachian-tube, but that is far fetched
maybe it all related to my energy body problems (i also had asked for a tune-up recenttly)
reg. the sexual fit: well if I am in my astral "desire" body and so this possibly happens with a young blonde woman
I also feel reminded of Monroes account of his vaccination and I think it was even the Pleiadeans that did that ... my asked for Reconnection Healing that night is supposed to be Pleadean energy
so, that means I was at the Pleadeans?
wild speculations rise

The Monroe note in my analysis section hints to sth I have read in one of his books. He wrote there that he got vaccined in the Astral or on some other planet. I am not sure where exactly I read it, since I did not find it anymore, it is only a shorter paragraph in one of his books. I even thought he might have mentioned it to be Pleadeans.
But I guess mine was rather a kind of "astral clinic". It was very realistic with hardly any surreal dream imagery intervening (still completely non-lucid dream).
The 'machine thing' could be what Kurt Leland calls "robots". Lately I happen a lot to stumble across strange gadgets/entities in dreams that talk to me with incomprehensible half-automated babble.
I still wonder what those white long bulbs in and around my body could have meant, maybe sth related to my energy body? Meridians, channels? Or is it about real anatomical "tubes" in your body? No idea. The long bulbs felt like an implant to me, but I got rid of them again in the end, they must have fulfilled a medical purpose.
I indeed have a problem at the left ear, so the cell phone "sucking" there might hint to that, I might have a little surgery (in physical life!) that could help (finally getting some hope after 2 years of many other useless measures), it also kept me a while form meditating in the beginning (so it was related to sth spiritual) before I used sounds and earphones , I could not bear stillness, then the probs start

Question: Did anyone of you have had doctor's consultations, medical check-ups or even surgeries in the non-physical (dreams or lucid)? I think it is indeed a pattern that happens to lots of people. (I do not mean alien abduction surgery scenarios, but rather human-like "doctors" Earth-life scenarios as more or less seemingly voluntary consultations)

30th March 2011, 12:40 PM
Question: Did anyone of you have had doctor's consultations, medical check-ups or even surgeries in the non-physical (dreams or lucid)? I think it is indeed a pattern that happens to lots of people. (I do not mean alien abduction surgery scenarios, but rather human-like "doctors" Earth-life scenarios as more or less seemingly voluntary consultations)
I'm surprised. Really no one here had any medical check-ups?

30th March 2011, 04:15 PM
Many times, but most of the time there was always someone alien-y looking in it. I can think of two times where the doctors were human. However, at least once they were not helpful. The first one was when I dreamed I had four years to live, and there was nothing no one could do about it. The second time was two days ago, but I didn't post it in the forum. If you wish I can pm it to you, but it's not for public consumption.

30th March 2011, 04:37 PM
... at least once they were not helpful. The first one was when I dreamed I had four years to live, and there was nothing no one could do about it....
:shock: omg, I hope that was over 4 yrs ago and so you proved them (or the dream) wrong in the meantime

30th March 2011, 05:09 PM
Interestingly, it was three years ago (more or less, two and a half years ago). :)

20th July 2011, 05:32 PM
Unasked for (no affirmations, at least not pre-sleep), it happened again. Tonight I was in a clinic with two or three of female medical staff (nurses or doctors I cannot tell).

I was not only examined but also treated. They put some substance on the top of my head. Then they bandaged my head. I don't have a top-of-head prob in physical life, so I don't know what this was for.

I asked them also about my ear prob (see above!). One of the female docs smiled and told me 'oh, that is the eye'. (I don't want to enlarge on this prob here, but from a medical standpoint this indeed makes some sense, as my left ear and left eye is affected by nervous excitations happening simultaneously, so there might be a connection.)

Another nurse then also told me that they do astrological medicine, too. :whatthe:

20th July 2011, 09:12 PM
I've had the 'top of the head' work done before- and it's a really weird feeling. Really weird. It felt as if I had a hole in the top and they were messing around in the inside of the brain. Weird.

21st July 2011, 09:51 AM
I cannot make a lot out of the woman doctor's diagnosis statements - urine, cell phone, little murders every day ???,
Little murders may be a metaphor for denying yourself in some way that destroys your self-expression. Maybe she's talking about the death of cells in the brain, ear and eyes from the phone? Perhaps you should use hands free.

Volgerie, sorry, playing catch up. Yep, I have medical dreams and hospital dreams. I even had a massage dream that Kurt felt was help from a facilitator before it went on to become a lucid dream. I've experienced crown chakra taps that really felt like they were done by a helper and with intention but not in a medical context. Sometimes I've been a helper in a hospital context and felt it may have been a retrieval. Another odd experience was when I woke up once surprised to feel hands massaging my face and sinuses. I was even more surprised when I realised they were my own hands.:shock:

21st July 2011, 12:27 PM
Another odd experience was when I woke up once surprised to feel hands massaging my face and sinuses. I was even more surprised when I realised they were my own hands.:shock:

LMAO :lol2:

i've had extensive phenomena of the same sort doctors/exerperimenation/evaluation/hospital/work-ups , i posted about it here (http://www.astraldynamics.com.au/showthread.php?12338-Enhance-your-Dreamlife)

one of the best experiences i've had this way was being given pre-op knock-out ...when i came out from "being under" it well went into the awake-state 'cept there was no grogginess/vertigo/nausea just a very sweet feeling of being disconnected from everything ..that lasted for quite a bit :angelic:

On a more synchronous note just the other day i was going through Sylvan Muldoon and Hereward Carringtons "The Phenomena of Astral Projection" (first edition - print of 1951) ,sconced in and ready to dig in, the biggest silverfish i've ever seen started sauntering right over a page so i whacked the book real hard on the bed (luckily the book owner who lent me this vintage gem isnt on this forum :mrgreen: )- when i picked it up again it was an account of someone who was "meeting" non-corporeal doctors for "checkups" & their episodes sounded incredibly eerily like mine :shock:

21st July 2011, 08:45 PM
I've had the 'top of the head' work done before- and it's a really weird feeling. Really weird. It felt as if I had a hole in the top and they were messing around in the inside of the brain. Weird.

Oh, wow ... :shock: ... Fortunately, it was not that weird in my case, I don't remember 'feeling' anything (intrusive) in this dream. Moreover, in each case I know that I am there deliberately, it is not sth forced, seems that I 'went' there, strange as it may sound, because I don't remember how I got there, just the medical treatment scenes.

... I've experienced crown chakra taps that really felt like they were done by a helper and with intention but not in a medical context.

Thanks Beekeeper, this now rings a bell for me: That same day, before the night I had the dream, I tried a chakra meditation and especially tried to lay focus on the crown chakras (and upper in general). However, as my meditations have generally gone bad lately, I gave up soon, a bit unnerved. Maybe it was a little help from the doctors regarding the 7th chakra :confused:.

22nd July 2011, 10:26 AM
when i picked it up again it was an account of someone who was "meeting" non-corporeal doctors for "checkups" & their episodes sounded incredibly eerily like mine :shock:

Gotta love those synchronicities. I was driving to work this morning, wondering why sometimes you go somewhere where you fit in and seem perfectly adapted and everyone's really nice to you. Then I looked at the car to the left and in front of me and read the word Karma on it with a heart over the m, its point fitting in the top of the m. The next car in front of that had the image of a microscope on it, as if to suggest I was looking a bit closely at things!:-)

22nd July 2011, 10:44 AM
Gotta love those synchronicities. I was driving to work this morning, wondering why sometimes you go somewhere where you fit in and seem perfectly adapted and everyone's really nice to you. Then I looked at the car to the left and in front of me and read the word Karma on it with a heart over the m, its point fitting in the top of the m. The next car in front of that had the image of a microscope on it, as if to suggest I was looking a bit closely at things!:-)

i love it when these things happen ;-)

27th July 2011, 12:19 PM
Hi Volgerle,

"Maybe it was a little help from the doctors regarding the 7th chakra."

that was my first impression too.
and there at the top as well is the hypophyse whereabout new scientistic meanings are highlighted.

and whats about atrological medicine, did you investigate about that yet?

ps: about the left eye+ear I have/had something similar, once caused by an accident which injured my trigeminus-nerv, the nerv which connects ear and eye.

27th July 2011, 01:40 PM
Hi Volgerle,

"Maybe it was a little help from the doctors regarding the 7th chakra."

that was my first impression too.
and there at the top as well is the hypophyse whereabout new scientistic meanings are highlighted.

and whats about atrological medicine, did you investigate about that yet?

ps: about the left eye+ear I have/had something similar, once caused by an accident which injured my trigeminus-nerv, the nerv which connects ear and eye.

I had it checked at the neurologist specialist about a year ago. It was a examined under the suspicion of "trigeminus neuralgia" but nothing was found.
A chiropractor told me it's maybe the nervus facialis which is also in this area (jaw, ear, back of neck etc.). I had some manual and even a laser treatment. At some time I thought it might get better. But I was not sure cuz somtimes it got worse again, it comes and goes in waves. And then I ran out ouf money to pay the chiropractor (the usual misery: no basic insurance covers alternative medicine here, you pay it all by yourself). I also tried osteopathy with a similar treatment, but the effects were also minimal and did not last long. Maybe I will try Dorn therapy soon, when I have the money... :?;)

What did you do about it and did it go away?

No, no clue about the astrological meds so far.

30th July 2011, 12:02 AM
Sorry for not quoting, but I get logged out quite often in between and as well can not loggin at all at times, but have sent already a note to the admins to maybe kno what I could do.

About the ear-prob/trigenimus, first I wish you best betterment! My prob was lasted for a year quite bad, lots of pain, inflammations of teeth and ear again and again. Its long agao so I can not remember all details, but after this year it got better, though I must say that I have very sensitive ears, sensitiv to wind, to cold, to loudness, to almost anything and so this is something Im always looking after, in wearing hats or similar. Lately I got pain from cell-phone too, this was a further reason why I bought the Q-Link and I must say that since this, some month ago, I feel cell-phoning somehow really not anymore that effecting my ear. Last not least I almost always do aku-pressur myself. On the ears and in the ears. There are many reflection-points, like in the feet too. I know that akupunctur works good but true, its expensive and only some hours usually are payed by the insurence.
About the astro-medicine I have asked cause I have heard that it is supposed to be helpful, have no own experience, but main thing for me is that it was a hint in your dream and such hints are often very true and helpful I have experienced through own dreams.
If I have more time I`ll search if I can find out something more concrete about astro-medicine. Also I think it could be a way which is not so expensive.
You say you did ostheopathy, did you try yet homöopathy? In the last 8 years it has helped me so perfectly that I didnt need any doctor exept routine-visits at dentist and such.
By reading again over your first post I btw remembered that I have had a dream/dom with a clinic. At this time I was reading Michale Newtons Books "Journey of the souls" (die Reisen der Seele) (He is a Hypnotherapeut and his clients tell about their experiences in their life-between-lifes. He is quite famous in USA and has a center there). His clients tell about the "halls of learning" independently from each other and as well they tell about special recovery-places and in such a recovery-clinic I was, which was absolutely spheric, spacig, gardens everywhere, but above in the sky/space somehow, so it was not at all earth-like. Of course maybe only a creation of myself of the book-content I did read, but maybe not only but truth. At least afterwards I felt tremendously refreshed and also kind of blessed, like encharged and so save somehow. Anyway, just came to my mind.
So far, next time I`ll read again what you`ve written so Im sure I have understood all right, need to train my english better again :)
All the very best to you, so long.

5th November 2011, 01:11 PM
Tonight, I did pre-sleep affirmations for healing again, forced by so many ailments recently (on different parts of my body). However, I did it not for being healed, rather for being taught how to heal myself in the Astral (and later also how to heal others). I wanted to project and then meet a teacher who shows me how or at least try it myself (with affirmations) and being supported somehow in my endeavour. I also said that I might be shown sth to this effect in a dream if a projection does not work, which it didn't.

So this is the dream then: I am in a kind of medical room and the medical staff (or a teacher) show me how to do a kind of injection and there is also sth with catheters being explained.
Then a kind of insurance agent enters the room and first talks to the doctors or nurses. He then also comes up to me and wants to sell a kind of 'liabilty/indemnity insurance' for medical practitioners. I tell him that I don't need this (yet) as I am so far just a 'trainee'.

Maybe it is supposed to show me that with healing (potential and activity) comes some kind of responsibility? But even if I (only) try to heal myself, too? http://th754.photobucket.com/albums/xx181/Simon_Gardner/th_scratch.gif

5th November 2011, 04:33 PM
It occurred to me that the insurance guy might have been the answer to the request for assistance, like 'officially'.

9th November 2011, 12:58 PM
Maybe he was part of yourself worried about the responsibility... I also like CF's idea: He could have been about as-surance.