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15th March 2011, 10:20 PM
OBE Exit Poll # 4

Greetings All :D
Here I am pleased to post the fourth and last of the OBE Exit Polls. This poll deals with several phenomena that people sometimes experience while out of body.

Part One Phenomena experienced during an OBE.
During an OBE have you ever experienced (Yes or No)---
1) Acute senses, especially, but not limited to, sight and hearing?
2) Experienced confusion and/or fear?
3) Experienced extreme happiness, elation, joy and/or excitement ?
4) Have you ever witnessed anything while out of body that was actually confirmed or verified later?
5) Performed magic (magick) or had a special psychic ability?
6) Been under the influence of alcohol or Any type of mind altering substance (including OTC and prescription medication)?
7) Encountered any form of barrier that prevented you from continuing your travels?

Part Two Miscellaneous Phenomena
Please answer Yes or No to the following questions.
Have you ever ---
8 ) Used either a brain wave generator, hemi-sync music or a binaural beat CD/tape to help facilitate an OBE?
9) Ever encountered a very powerful superphysical or bio energy during an OBE?
10) Do you regularly practice meditation?
11) Have you ever deliberately induced an OBE directly from a dream or lucid dream?
12) Have you ever seen your own physical body from a point of view outside of your physical body during an OBE?
13) Have you ever seen the Silver Cord during an OBE?

Again thanx to all who responded to this and the other OBE Exit Polls.
The links to the final updated version of the Informal OBE Survey (to be found in several parts at astralpulse.com and at astraldynamics.com) will be posted in this forum in a few days.


15th March 2011, 11:55 PM
OBE Exit Poll # 4

Greetings All :D Yo Grey. 8)

Part One Phenomena experienced during an OBE.
During an OBE have you ever experienced (Yes or No)---
1) Acute senses, especially, but not limited to, sight and hearing? Y

2) Experienced confusion and/or fear? Y

3) Experienced extreme happiness, elation, joy and/or excitement ? Y

4) Have you ever witnessed anything while out of body that was actually confirmed or verified later? Y

5) Performed magic (magick) or had a special psychic ability? Only while out. So, Y.

6) Been under the influence of alcohol or Any type of mind altering substance (including OTC and prescription medication)? Y, advil.

7) Encountered any form of barrier that prevented you from continuing your travels? Y- for a time I found a barrier that did not allow me to leave 'earth'. Like a ceiling.

Part Two Miscellaneous Phenomena

Have you ever ---
8 ) Used either a brain wave generator, hemi-sync music or a binaural beat CD/tape to help facilitate an OBE? Y

9) Ever encountered a very powerful superphysical or bio energy during an OBE? N (unless finding the 'atmosphere' to be like water count- then, Y)

10) Do you regularly practice meditation? Y

11) Have you ever deliberately induced an OBE directly from a dream or lucid dream? Y

12) Have you ever seen your own physical body from a point of view outside of your physical body during an OBE? Y

13) Have you ever seen the Silver Cord during an OBE? N

26th January 2012, 12:57 AM
Part One Phenomena experienced during an OBE.
During an OBE have you ever experienced (Yes or No)---
1) Acute senses, especially, but not limited to, sight and hearing? Y
2) Experienced confusion and/or fear? Y
3) Experienced extreme happiness, elation, joy and/or excitement ? Y
4) Have you ever witnessed anything while out of body that was actually confirmed or verified later? Y
5) Performed magic (magick) or had a special psychic ability? Y
6) Been under the influence of alcohol or Any type of mind altering substance (including OTC and prescription medication)? Y (Substances and things found and taken in the astral world)
7) Encountered any form of barrier that prevented you from continuing your travels? Y

Part Two Miscellaneous Phenomena
Please answer Yes or No to the following questions.
Have you ever ---
8 ) Used either a brain wave generator, hemi-sync music or a binaural beat CD/tape to help facilitate an OBE? Y (Didnt work, common trance music worked better)
9) Ever encountered a very powerful superphysical or bio energy during an OBE? Y
10) Do you regularly practice meditation? Y (some kind of)
11) Have you ever deliberately induced an OBE directly from a dream or lucid dream? Y
12) Have you ever seen your own physical body from a point of view outside of your physical body during an OBE? Y
13) Have you ever seen the Silver Cord during an OBE? N

26th January 2012, 05:23 AM
Thanx for responding proyect_outzone's
BTW the results from these OBE Exit polls was correlated and can be found in the "OBE Survey" in this forum.


26th January 2012, 08:01 PM
Hi Grey..

I have floated in air in front of my first husband´s car and could se him and a women and that did happend in real life, he did always lie to me, so I was able to see with my own eye´s what he was up too.
I have also seen when giving distance to see the person what he/she was up to during the session and did get it verified to be true.


26th January 2012, 09:43 PM
Grey, as people still seem interested in responding, could the poll be continued and the results updated say every quarter? Or would that be too much work? Only asking....I would have been interested in responding, too!

29th January 2012, 05:08 AM
IA56 Seeing an actual physical event happening while out of body is really Not too unusual. This does occur a lot. Too bad that you had to see your husband with someone else. Hopefully next time it will be a more pleasant experience for you.

The OBE Survey is mostly the result of literally thousands of OBE and NDE reports which I have read over the internet. Not just here at AD but at Many other sites (astralpulse, OBERF, NDERF, astralviewers and many others (some no longer running)). So any new responses from the OBE Exit Polls will not seriously affect the Survey in any way. It's just that overall numbers of OBEs and NDEs in the Survey, at over 50,000, are too large to be changed by a few occasional Exit poll responses.


29th January 2012, 01:21 PM
During an OBE have you ever experienced (Yes or No)---
1) Acute senses, especially, but not limited to, sight and hearing? N
2) Experienced confusion and/or fear? Y
3) Experienced extreme happiness, elation, joy and/or excitement ? Y
4) Have you ever witnessed anything while out of body that was actually confirmed or verified later? N
5) Performed magic (magick) or had a special psychic ability? N
6) Been under the influence of alcohol or Any type of mind altering substance (including OTC and prescription medication)? N
7) Encountered any form of barrier that prevented you from continuing your travels? N

Miscellaneous Phenomena
Please answer Yes or No to the following questions.
Have you ever ---
8 ) Used either a brain wave generator, hemi-sync music or a binaural beat CD/tape to help facilitate an OBE? Y
9) Ever encountered a very powerful superphysical or bio energy during an OBE? N
10) Do you regularly practice meditation? N
11) Have you ever deliberately induced an OBE directly from a dream or lucid dream? Y
12) Have you ever seen your own physical body from a point of view outside of your physical body during an OBE? Y
13) Have you ever seen the Silver Cord during an OBE? N

29th January 2012, 02:28 PM
Ah well, I needed to see with my own eye´s, I feel this was to show me I can trust my gut´s, I am too blue eye and trusting like a child, so the my higher self wanted me to wake up only, I do feel it was one of the occation´s to wake me up only..:-)


29th January 2012, 02:59 PM
Part One Phenomena experienced during an OBE.
During an OBE have you ever experienced (Yes or No)---
1) Acute senses, especially, but not limited to, sight and hearing? yes
2) Experienced confusion and/or fear? yes
3) Experienced extreme happiness, elation, joy and/or excitement ? yes
4) Have you ever witnessed anything while out of body that was actually confirmed or verified later? yes
5) Performed magic (magick) or had a special psychic ability? yes
6) Been under the influence of alcohol or Any type of mind altering substance (including OTC and prescription medication)? no
7) Encountered any form of barrier that prevented you from continuing your travels? yes

Part Two Miscellaneous Phenomena
Please answer Yes or No to the following questions.
Have you ever ---
8 ) Used either a brain wave generator, hemi-sync music or a binaural beat CD/tape to help facilitate an OBE? yes
9) Ever encountered a very powerful superphysical or bio energy during an OBE? yes
10) Do you regularly practice meditation? no
11) Have you ever deliberately induced an OBE directly from a dream or lucid dream? yes
12) Have you ever seen your own physical body from a point of view outside of your physical body during an OBE? yes
13) Have you ever seen the Silver Cord during an OBE? maybe, ill have to investigate what those thin lines of light were in one of the obes i've had.