View Full Version : Trance State

15th March 2011, 03:53 PM
I read Astral Dynamics about 5-6 years ago. I want to know what is the right way to get into a trance. This is how I try to get into a trance, I lay down on my back then I relax all of my body and after that nothing happens, and I can't figure out how to get an obe. What is it that other people do where they get an obe ? I'm asking cause the only time I did get vibrations I was scared, and that was years ago. How do I get into a deep trance and even when I get into a deep trance what do I do ?


15th March 2011, 04:18 PM
Hi Luffy.
It's impossible to say 'this is the way to do it' because everyone is different.
Here is the way I do it:
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6506&#p110821 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6506&#p110821)

15th March 2011, 04:21 PM
I just looked at it but the thing is that I have to go to school during the week. It's pretty good though. Also is there a specific order that most people do it ? And can I use another technique instead of the rope technique cause it always causes me to visualize a rope.

15th March 2011, 05:04 PM
The below is Robert Bruce's general procedure for OBE, vision screen, healing others and raising kundalini.

1. Systematically do the relaxation procedure. The one where you contract and relax all muscle groups starting from the toes going up as described by Astral Dynamics Revised Edition

2. Do a yawning stretch and get into trance position

3. Pre-stimulate hands, feet, arms and legs. Do the whole body bounce and full body circuit.

4. Enter trance (a topic in itself...requires meditation skills)

5. Raise energy through and stimulate all primaries using the various actions (spinning, tearing etc.) after sweeping energy up the legs several times as explained in Energy Work pages 62-65.

6. This last step varies depending on what you want to do. If you want to OBE, you would use exit techniques like rope. If you want to do the vision screen you would sweep more energy up from the legs, through all the primaries to the brow center. For kundalini you would....well I will leave that for a later time since I have not done it myself. For healing others you would do the "pumping" action through the heart chakra as described in Energy Work.

Somewhere along the line you would use silent mental affirmations like "my brow chakra strobes" for vision screen or "I project out of my body and remember everything" for OBE or "this liver is perfect" for healing others. Also for healing others you want to silently and mentally affirm "I love you."

15th March 2011, 05:23 PM
The below is Robert Bruce's general procedure for OBE, vision screen, healing others and raising kundalini.

1. Systematically do the relaxation procedure. The one where you contract and relax all muscle groups starting from the toes going up as described by Astral Dynamics Revised Edition

2. Do a yawning stretch and get into trance position

3. Pre-stimulate hands, feet, arms and legs. Do the whole body bounce and full body circuit.

4. Enter trance (a topic in itself...requires meditation skills)

5. Raise energy through and stimulate all primaries using the various actions (spinning, tearing etc.) after sweeping energy up the legs several times as explained in Energy Work pages 62-65.

6. This last step varies depending on what you want to do. If you want to OBE, you would use exit techniques like rope. If you want to do the vision screen you would sweep more energy up from the legs, through all the primaries to the brow center. For kundalini you would....well I will leave that for a later time since I have not done it myself. For healing others you would do the "pumping" action through the heart chakra as described in Energy Work.

Somewhere along the line you would use silent mental affirmations like "my brow chakra strobes" for vision screen or "I project out of my body and remember everything" for OBE or "this liver is perfect" for healing others. Also for healing others you want to silently and mentally affirm "I love you."

How do I do a "yawning stretch" ? Can I be in the position I usually sleep ? Do I enter trance by focusing on breathing ? Can I use another technique like the target technique instead of the rope (causes me to visualize) ?


15th March 2011, 07:48 PM
I just looked at it but the thing is that I have to go to school during the week. It's pretty good though. Also is there a specific order that most people do it ? And can I use another technique instead of the rope technique cause it always causes me to visualize a rope. There are many exit techniques in this section, in a sticky. viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8385 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=8385)

16th March 2011, 12:13 AM
To not visualize rope you have to do two things:

1. Imagine the room is pitch black

2. FEEL the muscles in your awareness hands pulling on the rope without your actual physical body tensing up. And GO SLOW. SLOW IS KEY!!!!

16th March 2011, 01:17 AM
To not visualize rope you have to do two things:

2. FEEL the muscles in your awareness hands pulling on the rope without your actual physical body tensing up. And GO SLOW. SLOW IS KEY!!!!

There is room to play with regarding speed. For some people it is better to do rope fast.Especially if you are doing it from a position of partial exit where you already have full use of your astral arms and sight.And especially if you are someone who is prone to heavy exit sensations.

If you are someone who tends to have some heavy exit sensations doing rope quick is good. Gives you less time to think about the heavy exit sensations, kind of like ripping a bandaid off, get it over quick and easy.

17th March 2011, 06:37 AM
To not visualize rope you have to do two things:

2. FEEL the muscles in your awareness hands pulling on the rope without your actual physical body tensing up. And GO SLOW. SLOW IS KEY!!!!

There is room to play with regarding speed. For some people it is better to do rope fast.Especially if you are doing it from a position of partial exit where you already have full use of your astral arms and sight.And especially if you are someone who is prone to heavy exit sensations.

If you are someone who tends to have some heavy exit sensations doing rope quick is good. Gives you less time to think about the heavy exit sensations, kind of like ripping a bandaid off, get it over quick and easy.

Thanks for the advice, heliac, you're spot-on, i am one of those 'go-like hell' sort of peoples especially when those darn Heart heavy vibrations/ pondings and sensation come......... i 'm off like a 'shot' trouble is i don't always go in the right Direction .......................................BUMP ! :mrgreen:

27th March 2011, 11:41 PM
Do the exit techniques work while going to sleep or a prelude to sleep ? The reason I'm asking is cause I'm reading this book called "The School of OBE" and they say staying still upon waking up increases your chances of having an obe.

And if they do work what is a way I can do it once I'm about to go to sleep / get tired ?

28th March 2011, 02:14 AM
Do the exit techniques work while going to sleep or a prelude to sleep ? The reason I'm asking is cause I'm reading this book called "The School of OBE" and they say staying still upon waking up increases your chances of having an obe.

And if they do work what is a way I can do it once I'm about to go to sleep / get tired ?

There are 2 ways to OBE

1. The cheat way....messing around with sleep states. This is easier.

2. Doing OBE from a full waking state in the middle of the day. This takes Robert's books.

28th March 2011, 02:23 AM
Do the exit techniques work while going to sleep or a prelude to sleep ? It is not a good idea to do it while going to sleep, etc. The reason is that you may be too tired to stay aware, and if it does work, you may set up a precedent for not sleeping when it's time to go to sleep, and then sabotage your sleep habits. So many people have problems with energy when they are starting their OBE practice for this reason.

The reason I'm asking is cause I'm reading this book called "The School of OBE" and they say staying still upon waking up increases your chances of having an obe. Early in the morning, two hours before the usual wake time is ideal- but of course everyone is different.

1st April 2011, 11:22 PM
Do the exit techniques work while going to sleep or a prelude to sleep ? The reason I'm asking is cause I'm reading this book called "The School of OBE" and they say staying still upon waking up increases your chances of having an obe.

And if they do work what is a way I can do it once I'm about to go to sleep / get tired ?

There are 2 ways to OBE

1. The cheat way....messing around with sleep states. This is easier.

2. Doing OBE from a full waking state in the middle of the day. This takes Robert's books.

How do I mess with the "sleep states" ?

Any tutorials. I tried doing the monroe technique but I usually go to sleep on my side and my hand was hurting the whole time (the part when it says put your hand up). Is there any other way I can reach the hypnogogic state without having to use my arm or count in my head ?

2nd April 2011, 01:26 AM
You mess with sleep states when you train yourself to stay awake when it is time to go to sleep. If you train yourself to try to OBE, you change the usual sleep rhythm, and then your body tries to stay awake when you're trying to sleep.

As per tutorials, I gave you my schedule above, and all the terms are spelled out in the AD Pedia.
If you want something more structured, read the stickied topics, especially the MAP schedule, which gives you the headings on what to do, and if you can't find the meaning of something in the AD Pedia, we're happy to answer questions for you.

2nd April 2011, 01:28 AM
You mess with sleep states when you train yourself to stay awake when it is time to go to sleep. If you train yourself to try to OBE, you change the usual sleep rhythm, and then your body tries to stay awake when you're trying to sleep.

As per tutorials, I gave you my schedule above, and all the terms are spelled out in the AD Pedia.
If you want something more structured, read the stickied topics, especially the MAP schedule (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=14702), which gives you the headings on what to do, and if you can't find the meaning of something in the AD Pedia, we're happy to answer questions for you.

12th May 2011, 02:23 AM
Hi Luffy.
It's impossible to say 'this is the way to do it' because everyone is different.
Here is the way I do it:
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6506&#p110821 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6506&#p110821)

In the schedule I see "always" "daily" and " 1 week".

Doe's "always" mean everyday and does "1 week" mean just for one week ?

Also what do you mean by "meditation" ?

Is meditation discussed in Astral Dynamics ? I'm asking cause I'm reading the newest version (from my local library) along with energy ways. And I'm at the part with affirmations. I'm trying to think up an affirmation.

Any help ?


12th May 2011, 03:25 PM
Hi Luffy.
It's impossible to say 'this is the way to do it' because everyone is different.
Here is the way I do it:
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6506&#p110821 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=6506&#p110821)

In the schedule I see "always" "daily" and " 1 week".

Doe's "always" mean everyday and does "1 week" mean just for one week ?

Also what do you mean by "meditation" ?

Thanx. Hi Luffy. To clarify, this is the schedule I used when I was starting out.

When I was starting:
Meditation (always) This means that I meditated every day, about one hour a day, as part of my OBE practice.

Affirmations (ongoing) I've always used affirmations, so it was not difficult to adapt them to my practice.

Secondary Center stimulation (daily) This means I did secondaries (which would be your sponging) every day, but not always as part of my practice, just at random times throughout the day.

Primary Center stimulation (1 week) I did chakras about once a week, maybe some more, and also not as part of my practice, but at other times of the day, when doing energy work.

To me meditation is an activity where I sit quietly with my eyes closed from fifteen minutes to one hour, depending on time constraints. I will do all sorts of mind activities in this state, such as counting breaths, breathing colors, pranayama (that should be in the AD Pedia), contemplative prayer, centering, and sometimes (but not often) visualizations. Sometimes I try to focus on nothingness (especially if I don't have a whole hour to do this) but most of the time I do various activities, such as described.

Is meditation discussed in Astral Dynamics ? I'm asking cause I'm reading the newest version (from my local library) along with energy ways. And I'm at the part with affirmations. I'm trying to think up an affirmation.

Any help ? I don't know if he mentions meditation in AD, but many of his techniques involve meditation, even if he doesn't call it so.
If you need help with affirmations, go to the manifesting subforum, and there are various threads dedicated to this.

24th May 2011, 08:12 PM
Is it necessary to do the energy system before trance training ? or could I do them both at the same time ?

Is NEW necessary for astral projection ?

The reason I'm asking is that it takes me a while to learn new things and I might but stuck on it for a week or two.

Can I skip it ? or should I just do NEW then go forward ?

24th May 2011, 08:37 PM
Is it necessary to do the energy system before trance training ? or could I do them both at the same time ? You can do both, energy work can be considered a form of meditation, because it focuses your mind on a task instead of letting it wander.

Is NEW necessary for astral projection ? No, energy work isn't necessary, but it is helpful if you're going to try the OBE techniques.

The reason I'm asking is that it takes me a while to learn new things and I might but stuck on it for a week or two. It's ok to dedicate a week to learning something new, and then move on, whether you feel you're ready or not.

Can I skip it ? If you mean energy work (NEW) it's up to you.