View Full Version : OBE Exit Poll 3

6th March 2011, 04:15 AM
OBE Exit Poll 3

Greetings everybody. Here, once again I present an OBE Exit Poll (this is # 3 of 4). Again there are Two parts of multiple choice questions. Part One deals with People and/or beings/creatures that you have met (or seen) while out of body. Part Two has questions about places (either astral or physical) that you have visited during an OBE.

Part One People/beings/creatures encountered during an OBE.
During Any of your OBEs have you ever met or seen ---
1) A member of your family? (This includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc)
2) A familiar person (including a friend or neighbor) who was not a part of your family?
3) An unfamiliar astral person (spirit, ghost or discarnate)?
4) Any astral animals (including familiar pets) ?
5) Any religious figures (Jesus, Buddha, angel, demon or a deity, etc)?
6) Any type of astral Faerie creature (including elf, sprite, gnome or elemental)?
7) Any other type of astral creature not covered above? (If so please specify.)

Part Two Places (astral and physical) that you have visited while out of body.
During Any of your OBEs have you ever visited ---
8 ) Any Familiar physical location (a place that you had been to before) but which was at least 10 miles from the location where you resided?
9) Any unfamiliar physical location (a place which you had never physically been to before)?
10) Any place (physical or astral) where you met deceased family or friends?
11) Any place that was Not of the current time period (have you ever been to a place that was forward or backward in time) ?
12) Outer space or an alien planet?
13) Travelled through a portal, a mirror, a tunnel or a stargate?

All of these questions have simple yes or no answers. So the easiest way to answer is probably to type a Y (Yes) or N (No) next to the number of the question. If for any reason, you are not sure about an answer to a particular question please just leave that question unanswered.
I will post OBE Exit Poll # 4 sometime late next week or next weekend. # 4 will be the last of the OBE Exit Polls. Then once I amass and collate all the info from the 4 OBE exit polls I will update and post (link) the Informal OBE Survey and that should be in about 2 or 3 weeks. So, again, thanx to all who have responded and will respond. If anyone has a comment or a question about anything then please either include it in your response or you can pm or email me.

Regards 8)

6th March 2011, 06:36 PM
OBE Exit Poll 3

Part One People/beings/creatures encountered during an OBE.
During Any of your OBEs have you ever met or seen ---
1) A member of your family? (This includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc) Y
2) A familiar person (including a friend or neighbor) who was not a part of your family? Y
3) An unfamiliar astral person (spirit, ghost or discarnate)? Y
4) Any astral animals (including familiar pets) ? Y
5) Any religious figures (Jesus, Buddha, angel, demon or a deity, etc)? Not Sure
6) Any type of astral Faerie creature (including elf, sprite, gnome or elemental)? Y
7) Any other type of astral creature not covered above? (If so please specify.) Y Cartoonlike entities that don't fit any 'natural' or 'mythological' description, like a cartoon orange octopus spewing fire in outer space.

Part Two Places (astral and physical) that you have visited while out of body.
During Any of your OBEs have you ever visited ---
8 ) Any Familiar physical location (a place that you had been to before) but which was at least 10 miles from the location where you resided? Y
9) Any unfamiliar physical location (a place which you had never physically been to before)? Y
10) Any place (physical or astral) where you met deceased family or friends? Y
11) Any place that was Not of the current time period (have you ever been to a place that was forward or backward in time) ? Not sure.
12) Outer space or an alien planet? Y
13) Travelled through a portal, a mirror, a tunnel or a stargate? Y

7th March 2011, 05:08 PM
Hallo CFT and thanx for the response.
You've got an impressive array of places visited and beings encountered out of body! I noticed a Yes answer regarding Faerie being(s) encountered. If you don't mind me asking... was that a faerie, elf, sprite, elemental, gnome or something else??

Regards 8)

7th March 2011, 06:17 PM
I don't really remember.... I think that it was more like a fawn or satyr or something like that. I don't think either of these links is that specific one, but apparently here are more (I've lost some of the memories. Weird how you can have a fantastic experience and then forget the details.)

viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1609&p=65396#p65396 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=1609&p=65396#p65396)

viewtopic.php?f=19&t=17866&p=132990&hilit=fantasy#p132990 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=17866&p=132990&hilit=fantasy#p132990)

26th January 2012, 12:39 AM
Part One People/beings/creatures encountered during an OBE.
During Any of your OBEs have you ever met or seen ---
1) A member of your family? (This includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc) N
2) A familiar person (including a friend or neighbor) who was not a part of your family? Y
3) An unfamiliar astral person (spirit, ghost or discarnate)? Y
4) Any astral animals (including familiar pets) ? Y
5) Any religious figures (Jesus, Buddha, angel, demon or a deity, etc)? N
6) Any type of astral Faerie creature (including elf, sprite, gnome or elemental)? N
7) Any other type of astral creature not covered above? (If so please specify.) Y
Alien species (i think these where creations of own mind)

Part Two Places (astral and physical) that you have visited while out of body.
During Any of your OBEs have you ever visited ---
8 ) Any Familiar physical location (a place that you had been to before) but which was at least 10 miles from the location where you resided? Y
9) Any unfamiliar physical location (a place which you had never physically been to before)? Y
10) Any place (physical or astral) where you met deceased family or friends? Y
11) Any place that was Not of the current time period (have you ever been to a place that was forward or backward in time) ? Y
12) Outer space or an alien planet? Y
13) Travelled through a portal, a mirror, a tunnel or a stargate? Y

26th January 2012, 07:56 PM
Hi Grey...

I have seen once my uncle and my best friend who is dead...Also my cat.

I have met JHWH (Jehova or Jahve) Who gave me the knowledge about the SOURCE.

I have travelled in tunnel´s and bean to a building what I believe is the Akashia Record´s....


29th January 2012, 05:23 AM
Hallo IA56
You met JHVH (Jehova or Jahve or God or "The Supreme Being)???
Was this during an OBE?? I have read a few OBE accounts by people who claimed to have met God (many were actually accounts of NDEs).
Of course I am quite interested in this experience. But my one question to you is, Did you actually See JHVH or did you hear Him? (And if you did see Him then what did He look like? [2 questions actually LOL]


29th January 2012, 12:29 PM
Hi Greý..
It must have bean during an OBE or maybe NDEs...I was very ill at this time, and shortly after this experience I did get my surgery where they did remove my thyrothea gland, it had become toxid...
Before RB I did think I had streched my consiusness to this border line or divider line between infinty and duality...

I did experience JHWH to be in some kind of form, and through him like an echo the infinity knowledge come to me...I know without JHWH I wouldn´t understand my experience...I can´t say I can tell you how he looked like...it was some kind of form being...(because of this I think God´s as we name them are the gate keeper´s to infinity and to source, other wise there would not be any religion´s I think, the source you can´t deiscribe only understand ) and I also did understand without him I wouldn´t understand my experience...I was told that it was not my time yet, and I did also get to understand that to go back to source as we all in the end will return to..( I did understand there is 2 way´s, for your evolution you do incarnate but when the time has come to return to source when you have done your evolution so to speak, you do go back to source when you are done but until that you do incarnate to body, in source you do not have any body, you are only the essence of the source so to speak) .because there is no els to go..but back to source...and that all will be saved, because there is no els to go but back to source....so this did give me the final peace ..now I dare to live, I do not have to worry and try to "save" some one..all will be good...all is fine...Off course to help in normal way still is as I am in essence in my body, I help if I can, but I do not have to sacrificed me anymore so to speak.

It took me awhile to dare to say that it was JHWH who did meet me up, in my culture the religion´s who talk about JHWH are Jehovas whitness, and not at all respected, but when thing´s did settle down, I have bean washed pure, and this is also one experience what is hard to express, I become like an virgine, all pain, shame, stress, illness, you name it was taken away, I am like new born??..I still do digest this....:-)

I do not have the gift of using word´s to be understood in right way, so sorry for that, I did not got that gift :-)


PS. The same time I was asked if the unconditional love is not enough to me, and I crying said, I want to experience human love, because I had not yet experienced that, only to be used in all kind of way´s but not pure human love, so today I can say I know what that is, I did meet a man december 9 2011, now I know ... I have got all my wishes so I know I am going back to source after this life...I have experienced human love at last..I am so looking forward to grow old with this man :-). Thank you source, thank you!!

29th January 2012, 01:15 PM
During Any of your OBEs have you ever met or seen ---
1) A member of your family? (This includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc) N
2) A familiar person (including a friend or neighbor) who was not a part of your family? N
3) An unfamiliar astral person (spirit, ghost or discarnate)? N
4) Any astral animals (including familiar pets) ? Y
5) Any religious figures (Jesus, Buddha, angel, demon or a deity, etc)? N
6) Any type of astral Faerie creature (including elf, sprite, gnome or elemental)? N
7) Any other type of astral creature not covered above? (If so please specify.) N

Part Two Places (astral and physical) that you have visited while out of body.
During Any of your OBEs have you ever visited ---
8 ) Any Familiar physical location (a place that you had been to before) but which was at least 10 miles from the location where you resided? N
9) Any unfamiliar physical location (a place which you had never physically been to before)? Y
10) Any place (physical or astral) where you met deceased family or friends? N
11) Any place that was Not of the current time period (have you ever been to a place that was forward or backward in time) ? N
12) Outer space or an alien planet? N
13) Travelled through a portal, a mirror, a tunnel or a stargate? N

29th January 2012, 02:51 PM
Part One People/beings/creatures encountered during an OBE.
During Any of your OBEs have you ever met or seen ---
1) A member of your family? (This includes grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc) N
2) A familiar person (including a friend or neighbor) who was not a part of your family? N
3) An unfamiliar astral person (spirit, ghost or discarnate)? Y
4) Any astral animals (including familiar pets) ? Y
5) Any religious figures (Jesus, Buddha, angel, demon or a deity, etc)? N
6) Any type of astral Faerie creature (including elf, sprite, gnome or elemental)? Y
7) Any other type of astral creature not covered above? (If so please specify.) Y. I've seen little blob like things as well as little cloud like buggers.

Part Two Places (astral and physical) that you have visited while out of body.
During Any of your OBEs have you ever visited ---
8 ) Any Familiar physical location (a place that you had been to before) but which was at least 10 miles from the location where you resided? Y
9) Any unfamiliar physical location (a place which you had never physically been to before)? Y
10) Any place (physical or astral) where you met deceased family or friends? Y
11) Any place that was Not of the current time period (have you ever been to a place that was forward or backward in time) ? N
12) Outer space or an alien planet? Y
13) Travelled through a portal, a mirror, a tunnel or a stargate? Y

5th February 2012, 05:21 AM
Greetings all
Thanx for describing your experience in more detail. It was fascinating.

Gola and heliac
Thanx to both of you for responding.
Let me just remind everyone that the results of all my OBE/AP researches (which does include All the OBE Exit polls) can be found in the "OBE Survey" which is to be found in this very forum.
