View Full Version : A Few questions for Robert

4th March 2011, 12:05 PM
Hi Robert. Can the Akashic records and precognitive information be accessed via a lucid dream ? How would this be done ? In 2nd edition of Astral Dynamics, you wrote that a lucid dream is projection of mind into a mental plane/dimension. Just how different would a mental dimension be from an astral one ? Manifestation, magick, contacting spiritual beings, telepathic influence, reading akashic records etc., stuff like that are usually done in on the astral dimension. Could the same be done on the mental plane while dreaming lucidly ?.

Robert Bruce
22nd July 2011, 04:29 PM

yes, this can be done during a LD, or a WILD (wake induced lucid dream).

For a wild, you would use the library scene and the words 'akashic records' to enter this, instead of a shopping mall scenario.

In a lucid dream, you could make commands to be taken to the akashic records. This may take a bit of practice, as it depends on your connection with your higher self.
