View Full Version : The Minotaur

28th February 2011, 04:09 AM
Odd dream last night - the first scene: the English countryisde, green pasture with a clump of trees; three children about 12 years of age, running, half really afraid, half playing, as a bull chases them - not too convincingly; he seems to be almost "practising" the art of chasing children! They clamber over a stile, laughing & panting, & the bull looks abashed.

Then "cut" to a scene in a Mediterranean country; night, with light from the stars. A man holds a small girl (of about 3 years old) - he tells her that although he is too poor to give her a surprise gift, they will still do the ritual.

This involves running diagonally across the square courtyard into the corner, where he is supposed to first terrify the child by shouting something, then give her a gift. He dashes over, but instead of going into the corner, he runs up 3 steps into a smaller courtyard, adjoining the first & on a slightly higher level. Here he sees a "supernatural object", which consists of two oval, brown shapes lying on the ground. He gives a strangled cry, tries to turn, but falls down dead. The little girl cowers on the ground.

I am suddenly there, not just a disembodied observer; I fly (in spirit form?) up a further flight of steps to the house where this family lives, shouting the name of his wife, "Nita" or something similar. I want to tell her it was the Minotaur that killed her husband. :shock:

2nd March 2011, 04:14 AM
to be stubborn - bull headed. to maskedly react from fear within by acting out (playing) as the cause of fear for others - bully.

1. In life there is pain
2. This pain is caused by desiring things to be different than they are
3. But, the pain of the mind can be ended
4. By total awareness of NOW and full acceptance of “What IS”

The Buddha (paraphrased)

2nd March 2011, 04:27 AM
Hi Tutor, thanks - though I have to say that what you propose doesn't really resonate with the feeling I had from the dream - the bull seemed more playful than a bully. . . !