View Full Version : Programming Experiment 3: Retrieval Lessons

27th February 2011, 03:03 PM
Well, I don't know what's happening lately, but dream results come in thick and fast now, so here is already my next installment of my little programming-series (sorry for all my 'forum spamming' today, but this one is at least a bit shorter).

Again, I want to repeat my encouragement to try this affirmation yourself and report here, if you feel like it. Strange things might happen. :)

Background: I had tried Retrievals a few months ago, but stopped for other things. Lately I read in CFT's dreaming thread about dream retrieval drills. So I took this as an incentive that I might try this again to get insights - this time with dreams instead of Bruce Moen's techniques or lucid projections.

In projections, so far I did not get to retrieve s.o. although sometimes I met people and later (when back/awake again) asked myself if this had been the opportunity to retrieve s.o., but could not settle it at all. I should get used to talking to people I meet in lucid dreams/projections, but mostly I was busy with trying to get away because I had my own agenda. I might have missed opportunities or thwarted "simulations" made for me (see Kurt Leland thread).

One dream, a few weeks ago, might hint to a further development in this area. The "retrieval specialist facilitator" I identified as a brown-haired girl named Ludmilla before (still am not sure at all if she is genuine or just my own creation) popped up in another dream.
It was a dream when I was initiated as a teacher trainee and waiting with others of my "class" on the court / playground of my own former elementary school. We watched school kids playing. Then our teacher trainer (an older woman, aged 50-60, with glasses) came to pick us up, she also talked to me, and then we (class of trainees and teacher) went into a classroom for teacher training. Ludmilla was present too and shortly talking to me. So I took this as a hint of (possibly) being admitted to a kind of 'retriever trainee class' (since Ludmilla is a retriever, too). But as always ... it might have meant sth completely different. It could have to do with my language teacher training in physical life, but my intuition tells me it didn't (also because I seem to have dropped this ambition now again ... yeah, momentarily I am pretty capricious at my life plans).

Anyway, this is just the intro, so here is the affirmation I did (date Feb 23):

"Give me a lesson on retrievals"

This is what I got (again, the same night!):

It was only a short scene, in an array of different dreams. It started from sth that took place in a restaurant chain (either pizza hut or mcdonalds). I have forgotten any other dreams around it. This is what got stuck (and there might be a reason for it):

I sit at the table and talk to about 4-5 other people who are sitting there facing me.

Forthrightly, I tell them that they are Ghosts. :shock: :oops: :?

I demonstrate it to them by asking one woman, that is the foremost or the one most in the middle of them, to try to grab a bottle that is standing on the table.
I show her that her hands glide through the bottle. (Another variation might be that I grab it myself with my hand and glide through it, or both, don't remember anymore).
The woman smiles and seems not to be shocked or anything, I have no memory of the looks of the other table companions.

It could be that I felt like being another person, a bit like an old 'confused' professor. Maybe it was just an "aspect" of mine I was adopting in this situation (giving other people a "lecture" or at least my opinion about sth I was sure of being right about...). Again, this is just an assumption.

Also, it might be, but only MIGHT be, since I do only vaguely remember her appearance that this woman was the above-mentioned Ludmilla. If so, this would clearly indicate it was a test or exercise (or both).

And if so, did I pass it? Not sure. I could have been more tactful. Telling retrievees that they are ghosts now is possibly not the best way to approach them, when consideration is necessary. :wink: :(
However, I know I would not do this when I was doing this in a lucid state. So I cannot make anything definite out of this test .. or drill or lesson or meeting or whatever it was. (Definitely it was only a simulation or exercise, and not a real retrieval).

I will keep affirming this for the coming nights, since it is a VERY interesting development. I would LOVE to become a human helper in the non-physical, btw., that's why I am also doing it.

Maybe my application (or training) is in the works now. :wink:

4th March 2011, 02:52 PM
"No, we can't do this, Thomas! We get on stage with completely unfinished songs. We did not play them live before. They are not ready! We are not ready! I can't do this. The first song on the list, our intro song, I don't even know it at all. And even the older songs are not rehearsed enough anymore. We need to cancel the gig tonight. I can't do this. We need to rehearse more and get this in order before we perform live again. (...)"
Well, this is not an entirely literal but a well-paraphrased harangue that my Dream-Self gave the singer of my band in the early 90ies, Thomas (not his real name), during sound-check and stage build-up preparations on the event location and hours before our actual gig should be taking place there the same night.

It's the apparent culmination of another remarkable and memorable dream night. The first night ever in my life where I experienced the SAME dream THEME over and over again. I guess it was probably 3-4 times with slight variations, but actually the same dream re-occurring in intervals (includes waking and getup times in-between).

My speech from above was from the last of this "series", which was the most vivid of all, (but the others resembled it in content, almost to being identical) and describing this one last dream will thus be enough:

I am with my band again which I had up to the mid-90ies in physical life. I was the drummer then. The band dissolved in 1994 and after that I never got to play in bands again.
In the dream, we are already on-location in the afternoon doing the organisational and technical building up and soundcheck, as is usual routine in band life before a "gig" (as we musicians call it). I think I remember the location that it is supposed to be, a relatively small stage in an almost pub-like location (oh yes ... we had bigger stages! and I think in one of the previous dreams it was on such a bigger stage in an outside location).
But something is not right with me. Somehow I have an observer attitute that "knows" I have not done this for years (since the mid-90ies) and I don't know how to perform our own songs anymore. Actually, I don't want to perform at all. I want to cancel it all. But I still go along with the preparations and all. I still hope sth might happen that the gig will be cancelled somehow.
(You know, it's one of those dreams that we all have so often. Sth bad or disagreeable is about to happen that we don't want to happen. Somehow - on upper level (observer) - we also know it won't happen, since it is a simulation and we know it. Still we have to go through it with all the thoughts and emotions to be experienced. I have had many of these kinds of dreams before. However, as said before, I NEVER had repeated dreams in one night.)
Final scene: I am sitting with my singer/guitarplayer and the other two band colleagues (bass player, lead guitar player) at a table and we are discussing the setlist of the songs (which we really did quite often before gigs). I again try to convince the singer who does the list that we postpone the gig for the known reasons (see above). The singer mentions an intro song, which I don't know at all. I tell him that this is nonsense and it's going to be a desaster,we are not prepared at all, we will have to improvise and ad-lib all the time. Meanwhile, I also see a technician working on the technical equipment who is also not satisfied with something, there might be problems also with the PA system. It all does not bode well for me. Dream ends at this point (again).

So you might well ask, why did I put this in this Retrievals-thread instead of opening another "repeated dream in one night" thread? It's because I think I programmed it with this affirmation, too.
Last night I did some firm affirmations for doing a Retrieval or being a helper somehow and talked to my guide to help me to have a go at it. I also affirmed for getting lucid out-of-body (AP) and then to remember that I want to do a Retrieval (makes sense since oob I often forget what I wanted to do, really, now this sucks!, but it happens all the time with me, I leave half of my "mind" behind). APing did not happen, as usual, neither did getting lucid. :cry:

Again, there is a straight message for me. I can only refer it to the Retrieval affirmation which I did that night. So I regard it as a kind of "response" by my Guide or sub/super-conscious (Higher Self), which I now paraphrase as this:

"First, You Need To Rehearse More. You Need To Be Better Prepared. You Need To Study/Learn More Before We Get To Do The 'Real Thing'."

Still, it all leaves me quite unsatisfied because I don't know what to do next. Maybe I should just ask for further drills and lessons?

However, I am also confused as to my emotional state during the dream. This was about my lack of will to do it at all. So it might also mean for me to let it be altogether and try sth else instead?

However, recently I had the impression during 1 or 2 nights that I got sth which is called "Dreamstate Lessons" in another thread here. I was told about sth, e.g. once the topic was "Communication". But that is all that got stuck. Maybe sth got 'downloaded' into my subconscious storage space again? But I have no idea, to be honest. It was also on another night with that same affirmation -with no other relevant dreams resulting or remembered.

So I am going to ask for more lessons or created simulations (the latter expression referring to Kurt's thread) now and see what happens.

I also wonder, just in general, why guides (if it was my guide) or my HS does not communicate directly with me. Why does never any guide just 'pop up' and tell me just the way it is? My goodness, this starts to suck! Why do I have to go to these great lengths of dream interpretation and still be uncertain about it - because I might be wrong? Probably I am. :(
So what's the reason for that permanent blurriness of meaning? Poetry? Humour? Lack of communication skills? A kind of Intelligence Training by getting exercises to interpret dream images and develop my "inner senses" (again, this reminds me of K. Leland or the Seth books)? Anyway, this practice slowly starts to get on my nerves, I would like to get clearer messages now. :evil:

(ps: There's one more funny little detail, that seems to underline and point to the humour hypothesis: I do not remember it clearly, but the opener song that my singer wrote down, and that which I did not know at all, was played to me with a short snippet and I remember parts of the song title.It was sth like "heart" but eventually it also might be a "heard" in it. There might also be a negation prefix and the definite article "the". So this would even result in a song title like "The Unheard" or, if we add some syllables - still funnier and even more significative - it gets "The Un(re)hear(se)d". :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: )
Could there be any more meaningful song title then? :idea: :wink: )

4th March 2011, 03:11 PM
Hello, Volgerle.

The amount of recall might not necessarily be important for the usefulness of a lesson. You exist on all levels, and these levels have their own memory and recall and can retain it. Even if it doesn't get fully recalled into waking self memory it has happened as an energetic transformation.

I get these short recalls that kind of tell me what happened or that I just know what was going on without getting any details. I call them "post cards" from other parts of myself, keeping me updated about what is going on. It's a bit challenging to just take note of it and let it happen, but I try to accept it.

The problem in communication seems to be ourselves not understanding while the communication seems to be available at all times. By doing dream and symbol interpretation you are opening up to the part of yourself that can make this translation happen. Over time first the symbolism will get clearer (a more definite translation table will be established) and I guess then a more straight communication will happen.

You could take a look at Robert Monroe's books and then compare when the first interesting and fully understandable exchanges happen. It wasn't day one. ;) But over time Monroe developed this skill and went from overly symbolic experiences to ever more clear and straightforward experiences. I think he makes a nice template for this. His remarks about the complexity of NVC (Non-Verbal Communication) seem to indicate that it took him quite a while to develop that fluency.


4th March 2011, 06:23 PM
The amount of recall might not necessarily be important for the usefulness of a lesson. You exist on all levels, and these levels have their own memory and recall and can retain it. Even if it doesn't get fully recalled into waking self memory it has happened as an energetic transformation.

I'm glad to read that... I'm so forgetful too! :twisted: Last time I asked for answers to come through my dreams, I first received a lengthy letter explaining the ABCs of what I asked for. I even took the time to read it very carefully and multiple times to be sure I would understand and remember it, but when I woke up... Yes I could remember the dream, but NO I could not remember the content of the letter... Except one little thing that was definitly not the most important part! :lol: Then I fell asleep again, and I dreamt again about what I asked. This time, I received a phone call and I chatted a long time with someone who, again, tried to explain something obviously important to me, but again, I forgot the whole content of the conversation when I woke up! :roll:
So it's good to know that the memories are still kept somewhere... Even though the conscious mind apparently went a little lazy on the translation here! :twisted:

So you might well ask, why did I put this in this Retrievals-thread instead of opening another "repeated dream in one night" thread?
I've been wondering this all along as I was reading the first part of your post, yes, but ok.. Got it now! :lol:

I would like to get clearer messages now. :evil:
How about asking exactly that? Ask for an answer as clear as possible... and for poetry to be kept for another time :lol:

4th March 2011, 08:30 PM
You exist on all levels, and these levels have their own memory and recall and can retain it.
Reminds me of Charles Tart's good ol' "state specific memory" hypothesis. :wink:

"State-specific memory is illustrated in the old folk advice that if you lose something while you're very
drunk and can't find it the next day, one way to increase your chances of finding it is to get very drunk again. Recent
laboratory research is now confirming the existence of such state-specific memory for alcohol intoxication (Godwin
and Powell, 1969), and experiential reports suggest it exists for many other d-ASCs."
- C.W. Tart (http://www.thegod720.com/Charles-Tart-P ... States.pdf (http://www.thegod720.com/Charles-Tart-Psi-Functioning-and-Altered-States.pdf))

It also is highly logical when we assume the bodies/planes-approach. Every body has access to a certain plane (e.g. mental body/plane) and thus certain capabilties, including memory that almost exclusively pertains to this plane and can be best accessed "there". (Same goes for the "focus" view in my opinion).

I get these short recalls that kind of tell me what happened or that I just know what was going on without getting any details. I call them "post cards" from other parts of myself, keeping me updated about what is going on. It's a bit challenging to just take note of it and let it happen, but I try to accept it.
But do you recall any instances when you could use the 'encrypted' info-download announced by the short (postcard) message later in a different state of consciousness, e.g. in the Astral? According to this theory, we must be able to access and use it somehow and anytime. Or is it subconscious routines that get kind of "installed" and we will never really notice it but just 'automatically' behave differently or know intuitively?
If I understand you right, the "postcard" you always get would thus be comparable to a kind of "installation message" ... :wink:
But when do we get to use the software (or to know at all what it is that was being installed)? :wink:

So you might well ask, why did I put this in this Retrievals-thread instead of opening another "repeated dream in one night" thread? I've been wondering this all along as I was reading the first part of your post, yes, but ok.. Got it now! :lol:
You see, I am now into prosaic dramatizing and thus raising the entertainment factor of my posts in order to recompensate a bit for their length, so that I might keep any prospective readers interested or even a bit on tenterhooks :wink:.

I would like to get clearer messages now. :evil:
How about asking exactly that? Ask for an answer as clear as possible... and for poetry to be kept for another time :lol:
I think that does not work somehow. It's the same with a "clear" y/n-answer I wanted in my job change (now PE1) thread, it is just not our normal communication mode through dreams, so far.
Meanwhile, I really hope it will be for me as Korpo wrote above -
Over time first the symbolism will get clearer (a more definite translation table will be established) and I guess then a more straight communication will happen. - so that it will get easier and clearer over time. It seems that my information channels (send and receive) and used language/symbolism are still to be cleared and established.

4th March 2011, 09:58 PM
Hello, Volgerle.

I think right now you're watching the little blue progress bar move from left to right, you just haven't noticed yet. ;) Just wait for the reboot at the end. :)


4th March 2011, 11:00 PM
PS - I remembered something from the night before last. It was part of the larger experience I wrote down. I was trying to someone what I had seen (a nuclear power plant) and I wanted to point out some specific aspect and differences, so I suddenly had this 3D schematic model (like the ones shown on computer screens in movies, but in front of me without any screen) with colored markers that I was zooming into for demonstrating what I was talking about.

I'd say this was non-verbal communication - we exchanged information through a shared picture that would not have been as easily conveyed else.


30th March 2011, 12:32 PM
A few days ago I had a dream, first it did not strike me as sth peculiar, at a second glance, well, see for yourselves, here are the notes from my logfile:
I help s.o. (unknown to me) in an office building. We walk along the corridor and search for the right office door to knock on.
I find it and show him, then go back again and search for another one.
I see him knock at two doors at once (left and right!) with too much intensity, the doors almost vibrate. I scold him for that, also say it is the wrong doors.
I go to another one but see that he entered the room.
I follow him and see there two office staff greeting him.
I take a seat in the back and wait.
I also remember that one of the two office clerks (a man about his 30ies) was smiling at me for a short moment, as if he knew me or so. I did not know any of the people involved, though.
The notes don't say it but the office was a typical public builing in style. It was like a kind of city administration / municipal office where you get or apply for documents, get registered, etc.
The guy I accompanied or even guided there indeed seemed a bit clumsy in his looks and his way of acting (see his banging too loud on the doors). So yes, possibly he needed a 'helping hand' with this visit to the public authorities. :)

Of course, I do not know if this was in any way a retrieval(-related simulation?) at all. On the other hand, I have absolutely no interpretation or explanation for this dream (I don't work in or with municipal offices and I don't even know any town hall clerks).

29th July 2011, 10:41 AM
Tonight I had a new one that might fall into this category. I named it 'The Liberation Of The Locked-Up Girl'.

I am with a girl in a room who locked herself in to hide from a bad guy or was locked up by him, which is not clear. It is a fat and sturdy guy. Not friendly looking. I don't know if I am her friend, just a 'helper' or even a lover or whatever, but I am there to help her out.

I open the window which leads to an asphalted backyard (no gardens, also other houses in a square around it, usual big city backyard) and see that the height is possible for an escape because we can jump onto some canopies, roof parts and dustbins. We hear (or feel) him approach and so I jump out first and help her out by catching her somehow.

Change of scene: I am then in a kind of lobby of the same house or a house nearby. I don't know where the girl is then, maybe hiding somwhere. I see the bad guy pass by on the street outside. I am not afraid of him, even feel a bit sorry for this bloke.

Change of scene again: We arrive at the girl's home. She goes on into her room where a bunch of friends is waiting for her and greets her with joy.

Before I enter this room (which is somehow strangely narrow to enter) I speak to a middle-aged woman who could be her mother. I do not remember any content of the exchange, but she seemed appreciative (even grateful?) towards me, she smiles (in a serene way at me) and seems to acknowledge me as a new 'friend' (or more?) of her daughter (?).

Then I enter the room. All (approx. 5-6 young people) are on the floor sitting on bolsters and cushions. The girl is talking excitedly all the time. I join them, but she seems for the time being have forgotten about me. I get into a conversation with a blond bloke. We talk about the smell of towels (:shock::confused:). The girl herself goes on talking and talking I don't know about what (but it might be about her imprisonment of course), the others listening. She is happy and at peace (being among her closest friends now as it seems).

In the dream, I am maybe still into that boy-dates-girl thing, so I was not too delighted to join the company of her buddies (which I did not know, I knew no one before). Maybe I wanted to have a more private (intimate) get-together with her then.

Anyway, in retrospect, I feel happy about this dream because it became so obvious that this girl (and her 'mother') were very happy now.

Maybe this was another dream retrieval (simulation)? Who knows.

29th July 2011, 10:49 AM
Perhaps or it could be a self-aspect, either yours or a fragment of a living person.

17th August 2011, 11:54 AM
Strange that when I do affirmations for doing a (lucid! not dream..) retrieval, like I did in recent days again, I - once again! - seem to get dream messages that tell me that I might not be developed enough (yet ... but possibly closer now?). Now, this is two nights in a row:

last night:
My appartment complex where I live has an underground car park. I come to retrieve my car for a trip out and it is not there anymore. Another one is placed there, but 'across' the parking place where my car was standing. A group of youngsters is nearby, they are making a bit if a fuss and noise there (as adolescents in groups are usually doing it) but they are not near my car. Still, I suspect them to have possibly 'moved' my car to another place. I also look outside on the street then (where I sometimes park it) but don't find it.
Then a guy (not known to me) comes up to me and explains to me that this basement car park has more levels, so I should look on another floor. This is the highest floor so it might be further down on a lower floor. It turns out he is right.

the night before last night:
I drive with a little children's bike (which is actually a real one from my childhood) through my hometown city. I get overtaken and stopped by a guy I identify as the owner of a music instruments shop (of which I really bought my first drumset in my youth). He wants to sell me a faster, better, "adult" bike. I ask for specifities. He shows it to me, it is a kind of tracking bike with many gears and other stuff on it. I tell him that I drive pretty well with my own little bike, also since I am so used to it, but I am considering the offer.

So, if I equate car/bike = energy body (and related capabilities), couldn't it tell me I need an upgrade or a 'shift' to a higher 'level (floor)'?

17th August 2011, 01:41 PM
Hello, Volgerle.

The car park could represent a plane - there is the notion of the whole (the plane) and its layered parts (the levels = the subplanes). You find yourself on the highest subplane but your car is not there. This could mean that you know where you would need to go but your vehicle/energy body is not yet "there." The difference would be where you are at, development-wise (the place where your car is parked) and the place where your intention points you, where you want to be or even expect yourself to be (thinking your car should be there).

The next experience seems to have to do with energy bodies. The thing is that we often reject experiences where we have less capabilities or some senses seem not to work, etc, as failures. Yet these might be exactly the experiences where we are learning something new in the next-higher body. As we don't know how it works yet (having not absorbed it intuitively from past experiences), we experience troubles. The lower energy body seems preferrable as we have mastered it well.

This is represented here as you not wanting to leave the "children's bike" behind for the "adult bike." There would be some learning before you could make full use of it. You still have a preference for the predictable nature of your astral body experiences over mental body experiences, it seems. Astral body experiences usually suffer least from incompleteness or out-of-control elements, also lucidity is more reliable. A shift is required (the gears, maybe?) nevertheless to make progress (child to adult).

There is always some tendency of sticking with what we know that has to be overcome when a new level of the overall experience opens to us.


19th August 2011, 12:19 PM
The vehicle dreams don't let go of me. Tonight I was looking for a parking place at the university campus ('my old' one where I was a student).
But before I enter the campus area I am asked (by a sign or whatever, don't remember) that I need to use a 'lighter gasoline' type if I drive on on the campus area. However I do it, I do so and then proceed.
Well ... using "lighter" stuff for my vehicle to get on in an area of learning and study ,hmm, gets me thinking again ...

There is more to report from that night, also with regard to retrieving, but as at the moment I lack the time, just in short: Several projections in the presumably 'lower astral', so I guess. Some people seeemed to molest me (sometimes almost sexually) there, mostly when I was lying still there with exit blindness. On other occasions I asked my helpers to appear (also shouted 'retrieval' and the name of one of the helpers, because doing this was my aim that night). I met some girls on a stairway that told me that they don't need retrievals 'round here' (or even don't know what it is). Several more strange encounters, sometimes it got very dream-like again, often I also fell back quickly into my body and 'rebooted'.

Later, another dream when I also was in school class gain. The teacher forced me to read a passage from a book. I asked her if this really is necessary and why I do have to read it all word by word. She insisted. Don't know if I did then.
Scene cuts, time jump: We get grades in that same class. I get a really good grade from the (same!) teacher. And suddenly I know I get the grade because she was forcing me to go through this (reading the book). I had this insight in the dream (not only now!) and was grateful for it.
Well,... Maybe the forceful reading also relates to my forceful ride through lower astral realms earlier on? It is because I asked for an answer in the dream regarding these strange disturbing projections. Maybe I need these experiences, as well, to get "hardened" more?

19th August 2011, 09:12 PM
Hello, Volgerle.

Fuel is energy in liquid form. Sounds like "subtler energy" to me. Could also mean "more refined" (which would be kind of a pun, as fuel is refined, and subtler energy is "finer"). I'd say this in itself doesn't make too much sense, but a bit of context might help. The place you find yourself on on the subtler places is defined by the state of the energy in your energy bodies. If your astral body is full of unprocessed coarser energy you cannot rise for example to the lower mental plane (the university campus) even if you have access to the mental body in general (own the vehicle).

In order to gain access to the higher planes certain energies have to be processed out, and dreams and dream-like experiences are one way to do that. Maybe you had some lustful energies to process, and ended up on the corresponding lower astral planes. See also Kurt's explanations about the 4 lower astral subplanes here (http://www.kurtleland.com/astral-projection-log/2010/199-the-lowest-four-subplanes-of-the-astral-plane).

The lower astral planes can be kind of purgatorial in nature, at least they serve that purpose with the recently deceased, but these would also be the realms of where nightmares and such are experienced, I think. A hint is given here by the molesters - if lustful energies were to be processed out, you would find yourself in a location that this energy would attract you to - and also others having similar processing to do. This would explain their behavior. You can compare Monroe's earlier adventures where he says he describes what are essentially the lower astral planes and how he had to pass through them on its way to adventures. I guess in the beginning of "Far Journeys".

The reference about the grade might indeed have meant the lower astral realm experience. So maybe you did successfully process some of it out?

The notion of processing stuff in your astral body might return here and there, but in general I would expect it to lessen over time. Later on, if you can get beyond the astral body more reliably, you might even revisit the lower astral realms from the higher perspective. It's like walking a shifty neighbourhood in broad daylight (and also without harm or impact).


19th August 2011, 11:34 PM
Thanks, Korpo, for the interesting comments (esp. the subtle/coarser-energy idea makes a lot of sense to me indeed) and for the link to Kurt's description - I will read it in detail tomorrow (too late and too much to read now).

Just before I go to bed now, one more thing I missed out here, that occurred to me could be meaningful, too.

It's the last remembered and very short dream sequence from that night. I was on a train (whatever that means) where I see lady is sitting in a seat opposite to me. Not sure but it might have been the teacher from before (but as said, I cannot be not sure), anyway she seemed to radiate some authority and assertiveness. She goes away then, but comes back.

There is only one thing I remember she looked at me and says to me: "Tomorrow." :whatthe: She said it twice. That got through. I don't remember any other message.

So, tomorrow could mean tomorrow night in this case - which in turn would mean tonight. Tension rises, it's half past 1 a.m. and almost bed-time for me now (yeah, I know, weekend, but I'm tired) ... I'll be prepared and try to give my best and hope that a good learning experience will follow. Fingers crossed.

However, I had been wrong before with dreamt date-announcements like this. As is documented in my lucidiary I also was told in a (dream) classroom by a teacher that a few days later sth decisive would happen (and that I should bring my 'bag' with me). I think it was around end-April / May.
However, eventually nothing came out of it as much as I can tell (I had a few dreams about going to a swimming pool, also one about a training session there. Well, you might need a bag for this, but I cannot ascertain for me in any way that was related to the earlier announcement).

So, I will know more tomorrow and may update here (or on my lucidiary, which depends on the type of experience, of course) if sth happened. As said, fingers crossed.

20th August 2011, 11:10 AM
no, nothing came out of it, at least nothing I remember

24th August 2011, 03:03 PM
cars and bikes, bikes and cars, over and over again ... this symbology does not let go of me ... :?;)

I stand with my car at a set of traffic lights where there seems some obstructions due to roadworks. I then notice however that I already passed the queue of cars before the lights, and am parked at the side of the road, looking ahead to my destination. It is a country road, so the destination is the next bigger city, as it seems.

However, the strange thing is, I still cannot decide to go on, as some 20 metres ahead of me a police patrol parked at the site who seem to measure and probably capture speed limit passing perpetrators. Although I did never experience sth bad with them, I don't like police street patrols (in general, also in physical life) and decide to turn back, which I do then.

I drive back through an old town / village (a neighbouring town of my old childhood village actually) and suddenly I do not have a car anymore, but a bike again - a normal, simple one with only a few gears on it (3 actually, as I used to have as child). I notice that as I try to cycle up an only slightly steeper up-hill street I get problems and my legs get weary, i do not get ahead, even a smaller gear (for uphill) does not work. I park at the side to rest.

There I meet a group of people on bikes who also have a break there, as it seems. One is a nice girl with red hair (don't know her). I talk to her about my bike.

Suddenly, I seem to be in a basement with her and the group. The group (still each one with a bike) are mostly positioned on the stairs that lead up to the ground floor, watching me while I talk to the girl.

Despite it being in a cellar, it is nothing scary about it. Actually it really looks like a bike repair workshop. I look down at my bike and see the possible reason why I did not get ahead anymore: My rear bike wheel is missing! Probably it wasn't there all the time. In the dream, I start to wonder how I could make a move with it at all.

I don't remember but I even think that my front wheel was then missing two, so I was only holding the body of it in the air, which is actually funny when I now think about it. The girl, as a matter of fact, states correctly that it would be hard for me to move forward like this. I need a new bike or a repaired one. Dream ends or cannot be remembered further.

My thoughts: Well, ok, all not so new,. I need a new bike - symbolically seen, this is not news, just a repeated message now.

Problem is that although I can 'file' the symbology as to what area it all refers to, it is still difficult to find out what EXACTLY the elements mean and most of all: How do I get a new one in the first place? Or how do I get the upgrade / repair of the old bike? Was this taking place now in this dream scene? I cannot tell. I am not told how to upgrade in the dreams. So how to find out?

Also the car dream is strange: Why did I turn back with my original destination in front of me? What did the traffic lights (which I already had passed!) and the roadworks mean? Why scared of the stationed police traffic guards? And why the change from car to bike then? Did I 'go down' (planes)?

So maybe: Is car = mental body or upgraded astral body / bike = astral body?

That, in turn, would mean that not even my astral body is developed enough (for my intentions) then because even this one needs to get upgraded. But again: I don't know what to do or how to attain it.

Anyway, I will, as another exercise in dream programming now, do the following affirmation tonight:

„I get a new (and better) bike!“

Of course, I know it is about the symbology. So maybe I hope to get an answer on what to do to 'upgrade' my bike (bodies...)? Let's see what happens. (Or hey ... perhaps should I ask for a faster car instead ;-) !?)

24th August 2011, 03:29 PM
Life is a trip, isn't it? :D

27th August 2011, 11:55 AM
Tonight in a dream I got to my car and had two flat tyres on the left side. A woman then came along and explained to me how easy it would be round here to rip cars off their most important spare parts. She reached under the car and there was a slight disturbance and then all my wheels were missing.

I got the message. I shouldn't use cars in the astral anymore . ;)

28th August 2011, 10:30 AM
I got the message. I shouldn't use cars in the astral anymore . ;)
After pondering on this a little, and also weighing similar messages about "no car" (e.g. I saw a celebrity visiting me whom I read about a few days earlier that she recently 'lost her car' advertising deal) I came to the simple conclusion that maybe it just means the following: Take it slow, man.

Instead of hurrying and speeding around with a car, take a bike instead, or better take a rest, or just walk by foot.

Recently in a projection I saw a woman lying on a bed and gasping, looking ill. This could have been a retrieval possibilty (as I told myself later cuz I did not recognise it then). But maybe it was just a message telling me that I am too often 'in a rush' (thus the gasping) when I am out. which is right, because I get much too hectic then. (Third possibilty is that I could have tried to help/heal the woman. I will now also set a healer intention in the astral, next time when I am out).

28th August 2011, 05:12 PM
Hi Volgerle,
I only could give some rather profan ideas to your dream-symbols like cars and bikes, cause I unfortunately dont know well the translation of such symbols into higher realms or bodies, but surely you`ll get some good answers from the others here.
From certain dream-symbol-schools and as well from my own dream-symbols related to reality I know that those vehicles can be assigned, due to their amount of wheels, to differen forms of relationships. So when you look at a 4 wheels car then one would relate it to a family or a group or friendships, and when a 2 wheels vehicle occurs it would be assigned to more personal intimate relationships, like a couple. As in your latest dreams both sorts of wheel-vehicles occur it might have to do something with both, or even a conflict between friendship and "coupleship" (dont know the word), so but then this yet would be an interpretation of mine but of course its only you who can know or investigate if these vehicle-dreams have something to do with relationships in general or at all for you.
In any case a vehicel for me is a symbol for potenital development. Though also I agree in that a message could be to make all a bit slower, at least not be rushing through or for anything. And finally I think the message could be to just get some things in order and done to be able to develop to a certain further destiny.

greetings, Istia

2nd September 2011, 06:08 PM
A few days ago. I don't think this was a genuine dream retrieval. If it was it dealt with an aspect of myself. Although I would not say I 'retrieved' it or someone. Rather ... let's exchange two letters of this word with an l and make it 'relieved', that would fit better.

I am at my parent's house (my childhood house). It is full of foreign people, maybe it is a kind of celebration or gathering, don't know exactly. S.o. then tells me that upstairs there is s.o. behaving badly and violently, shouting, cursing, maybe even beating people up. I go upstairs to settle the situation, fearless. I am at the stairway (on top of the stairs) where the entrance door to the upper rooms is. Again, there is many many people watching around us. I don't know anyone of them.

The raging man then comes up to me. I don't know him, but I also don't fear him. He rages on, shouts, stomps, sees me and comes straight up to me. Other people surrounding me seem to watch what I am doing. (I am not sure, but I even think I remember that I saw a tv camera crew there!).

Now the surprise: The man is now before me but does not hurt me. The second surprise: I take his hands in mine (both of them) and say sth strange to calm him down: 'Hey, this is all a show. It's just a show. You're doing a show here.' The third surprise (but is it one?): It works. He immediately calms down. Somehow lulled, even a bit self-reflective, looking down (almost in shame) and pacified he retreats.

I remember talking to the other people about other stuff, who then are not too interested in me, just chit-chat as it seems. Maybe it was just a kind of incident at a party. I then see a guy I knew from school many years ago and wonder what he's doing here. I talk shortly to two other girls that are sitting on the banister of the stairway. Then I climb over it and go downstairs again.


Maybe it was a negative self-aspect of mine. Korpo's similar interpretation of one of his dreams reminded me now of this possibilty. I defeated it by making it aware of his 'ego show'. Maybe the 'show' was also indicated by the camera team and the other people being spectators.
Maybe this was even what E. Tolle calls the 'pain body' because this man (who did not look like me) looked very cramped and tense, being the prisoner of his own agressive impulses that restrained him. He was not really released by my action (taking his hands, telling him about the show), rather almost a bit anaesthesised or dumbed down - as if his aggression might break out soon after again, like a volcano always eager to erupt.

I have an issue with inner bad thoughts and aggressions which I want to learn to control more. So maybe this was a hint of my Higher Self. The house also always can be interpreted as "the self". The upstairs area might symbolise the "mind" (head) aspect. The guy from school is what I remember most as a kind of very 'disciplined' guy. So maybe this was about 'self'-discipline? Somehow this all makes sense to me.

I probably tamed my pain body (for the time being) in this dream. :clap:;)

2nd September 2011, 07:46 PM
Your interpretation sounds very fitting. :)