View Full Version : Programming Experiment 2: Pre-Birth Planning Session

27th February 2011, 02:37 PM
I do some experiments lately with programming dreams by affirmation. This does not include projection intentions or getting lucid - those are different, it is about "normal" non-lucid dreams "only". I noticed for me, it also only works if you do not affirm for anything else that night (alternative dream goal, lucidity, projection, etc).

My 'yes-no-question related to job change'-thread might already be counted as the first one and it yielded interesting results. So I intend to make this a kind of little research series.

Of course (and I hope so), readers here are invited / asked to do the same programming themselves, if you feel like doing so - and note down and report here what happens. So this is my suggestion: If you like trying the same and make some experiences, please post them in the corresponding 'programming'-thread, too. I 'd be delighted to read about your experiences.

Maybe we can even collect a little research repository about the different dream 'programs' per thread.

Please also note that I would really appreciate it if we adhere to the chosen respective "programming" of the thread. So I would like to ask you to refrain from posting sth like "no I did not program this, but I programmed that one and ...". Please make, if possible a thread of your own about it (I think it would be worth it). Of course, it makes sense to comment on it if you have similar experiences already or if you repeated my experiment for yourself (which I am kindly asking and encouraging you to do).

So this thread is about Pre-Birth Planning or Pre-Life Planning Sessions (PBPS / PLPS), only. Nick Newport's 'Oversoul Course' which I recently read/watched contained the recommendation to ask for the content of one's planning session before going to bed. He maintained it is pretty reliable to get a dream about it and it might even help to find the current life's purpose, or at least to get some hints as to what was planned, areas to work on or what goals were set. In my view, there might be sth to it.

There is also a good amount of research on PLPS available from various sources, also from modern researchers, such as M. Newton (life-between-lives regressions), Robert Schwartz (mediums and channels that "eavesdrop" on planning sessions), or e.g. Thomas Campbell (meditation, OBE).

So this is what I asked / affirmed for: "Show me my Pre-Birth Planning Session."

The same night, this is what I got:

I am in a class room with several people. It might represent one of the rooms of my high school / college I went to many years ago. However, it is a school-class-untypical lengthy room. It's rather like a business meeting or university seminar room. All are sitting (or standing) around a table. So it is not typical school class room arrangement at all.

On this day, there are busy preparations in class for a kind of carnival (Mardi Gras) event. There seems to be a party or a masked ball, parade, pageant, etc. on the same day later - outside of the school. So my 'class mates' are all happy, excited and bustling about and showing (off) their costumes to each other.

My parents are present - not as visitors - they are also class mates of mine. I get a short glimpse of the guy that is my father, and he might be in a kind of cowboy costume (but I am not sure). They/We are all younger. College or University age (20-somethings). So my parents are as old as me.

There is a teacher present who is the only one who's older. He is a mixture between a former class teacher of mine (many years ago) and a famous entertainer / prime time TV show host in my country. I only get a short glimpse at him. My interest and focus of attention is more directed to my classmates.

So the school classmates / students (including my parents) actually all have come in costumes - except for me. I did not want to get dressed up at all because I don't like it (also in this physical life). However, I feel compelled to justify it and then tell them sth like: "hey, I left on my pyjama and my white dressing gown from this morning - let's leave that as my disguise. I'll keep it this way so I actually AM dressed up for the party."
And so I indeed am there present in my pyjamas with a white bathrobe over it, which I actually had in physical life as a teen/twen (nowadays I do neither wear pyjamas nor bathrobes).
The others don't seem to be neither specifically impressed nor annoyed by my slight resistance to this whole carneval business. At least, I have now a 'costume' - born out of my inertia and laziness, as it seems.

I might say, yes, I am not really enthusiastic. That does not mean that I am a total killjoy and spoilsport. I am just more "relaxed" and sloppy about this whole thing. I remain cool and a bit reserved or even withdrawn. So it is a feeling of going-along-but-not-getting-carried-away. I can indeed confirm beforehand, this state or attitude for many situations in my physical life (including school years). More on interpretations, see further below.

Then I spot another guy who is dressed like me and I comment on that ("hey, you wear the same like me").

What strikes me already in the dream: In school I was more of a shy and quiet guy. Despite me 'reluctant temper' in this dream school class, I am not shy at all but seem pretty self-confident (hence the popping up in pyjamas!) and seem to be respected as an equal.

Then something happens: I spot a girl which I know to be my mother (as said, they look young and different!) dancing, as it seems in happy anticipation of this party day.

The next thing might be a bit disturbing, but I still think it is more funny than really bad. She already seems to 'have had one too many'. Suddenly she breaks down, and slides under the table.

Others try to help her or catch her (I am farther off). One of the school mates who try to grab her I identify as one of my aunts.

Then she (my mother) starts to puke, it is interpreted by me to be white wine she took (too much of obviously) before. Some people already are then out of the classroom. And my mother is still lying there while she has a not-so-good time puking. There is a lot of wine coming out of her mouth. Some kneel beside her for assistance.

Then follows an intervention of mine which shows that I possess some kind of authority paired with knowledge that the others do not seem to have, or at least don't display in this situation:
I see the girl is still lying on the back while the wine comes in heavy gushes out of her mouth and wonder why nobody helped her to get on her belly, since puking things out while lying down is much healthier and the natural thing to do instead of puking upwards, which only hinders and even might endanger and stifle you. I don't understand why they don't see this. How 'stupid' are they?

So I tell them to finally turn her around and hold her this way, which the classmates holding her immediately do. I have a feeling that then it's getting better although when this dream scene ends she still is vomiting out fountains of white wine.

Later I get a short after-impression with only of me standing in the lobby of my old school (no one other present whom I recognise) while holding a gun secretly tugged in the pocket of my (still-on) bathrobe. Then the dream ends.

My Interpretation:

Besides some minor matters of interest, two things are most striking with regard to my set dream target (PBPS/PLPS):

1.) My parents (plus: an aunt) present as same-aged classmates.
2.) The carnival / fancy-dress party thing.

Surely, all of us dream regularly of our friends and relatives. And very often we also dream of our parents. But never before have I dreamt of my parents being same-aged with me. Why should I? And I've never dreamt of them being in the same school / university class as me. How bizarre is that? :shock: It would already be bizarre enough if it was an "unprogrammed" dream, but with this target set for the same night, I tend to discount all coincidence. This was the "real thing".

Moreover, published research (see above) confirms: two overlapping generations present at a PBPS is highly likely - I would say, it is even highly logical. Relationships with relatives and family are also talked about (next to mates, spouses, friends, colleagues), so we meet with people who are then our family, that includes prospective siblings, children, parents. I think it is less common for a span of 3 generations, e.g. grand-children/-parents. That also did not happen in this dream.
I even guess, there was another PBPS in a group with my grandparents and my parents before that. I know, time is different and variable in the spiritual world, alternative timelines are spread out and discussed. Still, there is a (chrono)logical relation to the Earth Time Line. The fact that my parents were still in the spiritual world during "my" PBPS leads me to speculate (yeah, I get daring now, I know :roll: :wink: ) that the point on the corresponding Earth Time Frame (ETF) was probably after the incarnation of my grandparents who were already "down here" then, but before the incarnation of my parents (the cowboy and the drunken girl). My parents were not born before the year 1930. So I suggest, this "meeting" might have been taken place respective to the ETF in the 1920ies. Makes sense? Yeah. Easy. :mrgreen:

I still wonder why I did not see my sister, but I must say that most of the persons I did not recognise. That does not mean that they are people unknown to me before or in this life. It just means I did not pay attention to them in the dream, so my sister might have been present after all and I just did not recognise / pay attention to her.

The referenced research also indicates to us: We must not confuse soul 'families' / soul groups with the participants of a PLPS. It is like the difference between a general school class and a kind of project-related task group. The first is the soul group within the spiritual Earth soul education system, but the second is actually what is taking place in a PLPS where the relations and karmic plays of just that lives-overlap period of their incarnations are planned / discussed, plus one or more mentors. So there might also be lots of 'foreign' people from different soul groups taking part. Even my parents need not be part of my own soul group.

This classroom setting, of course, is also indicative of a PLPS. Even more since the school scenario was just my chosen dream imagery context, the 'seminar-type' or 'business-meeting-type' looks of that room even more speak for a PLPS, in my view. The mentor / tutor / guide / teacher was older and seemed a real "pro" (TV show host!) in terms of tutoring and moderation.

The PLPS (according to research) also contain imagery and interaactive vision boards (like modern presentations). People see what they will approximately look like. "What-if"-calculations are also done (nothing is really certain). Souls even "try on" their new looks.
This explains the "dress party" to me pretty well. We were all wearing / trying on our new life garments. :lol:

The party or parade was "outside" of the school. This makes also sense. "Outside" is Earth in timespace, where the garments will be "applied".

Now the big question of my inertia and the morning / bed clothing style. There are positive and negative interpretations possible (as always). Assuming that the pyjamas/morningrobe-attire shows my psychological condition or attitude, the following can be said:
Negative: I did not want to enter this life at all. Or: I was not completely unwilling and non-compliant, but hesitant.
Positive: I had a more "relaxed" attitude towards this life. Maybe I even wanted a quiet and unagitated life.
Both interpretations (negative + positive) might be valid if I look at my life today. But how can we be sure anyway? I am not, of course. Maybe it meant sth completely different (e.g.: I really wanted to become a bed wear salesman :wink: :?: )

Also, my father is no "cowboy" in this life. It might have been mistaken for a craftsman's suit. He was a joiner/carpenter in his youth and later joined the army (hence the gun? - but he was more of an office worker there).
My mother is not an alcoholic at all. Maybe her party-addiction in the dream just showed me her "lively" temper which she has in this life. Or maybe due to the fact that the wine "did not agree with her" it is shown to me that during the meeting she did not "agree with" something (hope it does not have to do with me!).
On second thoughts, I should maybe interpret it all not too literally but psychologically again (like I did for my own wear), then my Dad would have a daring 'cowboy'-attitude for his next life and my Ma a kind of fickle / erratic temper.
Other ideas are (more negative) that my mother is shown crying or even drowning instead of puking. As you neither cry nor drown nor puke in the spiritual world, the question remains open as to what it refers to symbolically or more literally - and to which life-time it refers to (maybe she drowned or had alc probs in a past life and this knowledge interfered with the dream images?).
These are wild speculations, I know. Actually, I have no idea.

Who's the other one in morning robe I saw? I did not recognise the person, but I have a suspicion it could be a friend of mine who has kind of some similar attitudes like myself. Still: everything is highly speculative, of course.

Last not least, I have the impression, I was one of the more/most advanced souls of this class. It might be proven by the 'daring feat' of showing up in sleeping clothes, more so by the first aid incident. But this is also, as everything, mere speculation and maybe even wishful thinking.


So, I like again to renew my request for you to try it yourselves if you like to, and apologize for another too-long-post.
Please, if you feel like it and have night or more for it to spare - :wink: - try it out.
I tried it and it worked immediately the same night, like N. Newport says in his course that it would work easily.

I would be curious to know what happens if some of you try out the same thing and am looking forward to your experiences with this "programming". :)