View Full Version : Questions about energy work

26th February 2011, 05:56 PM
Hi Robert

I keep wanting to call you bruce as your first name for some reason, anyway.

I got Energy Work" a few days ago and have been reading it somewhat diligantly, is that the right word? I pracitce often through out the day. I noticed as I bagan to read it that I instinctivly did this kind of thing when I was younger but I thought "i was just being silly" so I never praciced daily. now after reading the book I feel more of a sense of purpose doing it.

here are some of my questions.

1. why is it I often have this "instinctive" idea to do something, and it turn out to be something that is real yet I don't follow through, ex being that I know I'm doing energy work on some level yet I dismiss it?

2. I'm somewhat quite familer with the sensation of energy work, i realize that after reading the book that many of the thigns you teach I taught myself. I can feel object without looking at them or touching them, I can somwhat see energy flowing from people and through the atmasphere around me, it's somwhat faint though. I even move energy around outside myself, similar to the plank method, altough I try to imagine them as orbs. even though I can do that I still don't want to cheat myself by thinking I can "skip ahead" but I don't want to be falsly modest. where would you reccomend that I start to get the most out of my practice?

3.this question is acually more into astral projection, when you mentioned about traveling to a known person or place, I know a very close freind of mine, I've hung out with them in the physical world, not sure what else to call it, but they live around 2500 miles away, would I be able to travel to them? and if so how would they be able to communicate with me if I am in astral form? is that the right term? would they know it's me or know how I got there etc?

thank you, Gega

Robert Bruce
22nd July 2011, 09:33 AM

I will reply below.

1. why is it I often have this "instinctive" idea to do something, and it turn out to be something that is real yet I don't follow through, ex being that I know I'm doing energy work on some level yet I dismiss it?

This is a matter of learning to trust your intuition, which is a big part of spiritual development.

2. I'm somewhat quite familer with the sensation of energy work, i realize that after reading the book that many of the thigns you teach I taught myself. I can feel object without looking at them or touching them, I can somwhat see energy flowing from people and through the atmasphere around me, it's somwhat faint though. I even move energy around outside myself, similar to the plank method, altough I try to imagine them as orbs. even though I can do that I still don't want to cheat myself by thinking I can "skip ahead" but I don't want to be falsly modest. where would you reccomend that I start to get the most out of my practice?

It is fine to skip ahead if you are confident. The cautions given are logical, experience based, duty of care. It is also okay to discover why these cautions are given through personal experience, eg, by working through them.

3.this question is acually more into astral projection, when you mentioned about traveling to a known person or place, I know a very close freind of mine, I've hung out with them in the physical world, not sure what else to call it, but they live around 2500 miles away, would I be able to travel to them? and if so how would they be able to communicate with me if I am in astral form? is that the right term? would they know it's me or know how I got there etc?

Set up a test with your friend. Have him her place a card atop a wardrobe or something, placed where you have agreed to look. You could also ask your friend for some personal information that only he she would know. Then report these things later and you will both know if the visit was real or not.

thank you, Gega
