View Full Version : Movie-like dream

25th February 2011, 12:27 PM
Has anyone had a dream that plays out like a movie that's being presented for your benefit? It's like you're a passive spectator and eagerly awaiting the next scene, as you would a movie? After I woke and recorded the dream it seemed I was able to consciously continue the dream.

0310 AM - I had to force myself to wake because I was having an exciting epic dream. I was observing this dream as if it were a movie playing out and I distinctly felt it was being played out for my entertainment. This was a dream involving a Middle-Ages king and a wizard whose beard was gray/brown. The good wizard wore brown robes and a brown peaked wizard hat and had a Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings feel to it. There was also a beautiful young maiden wearing a long floor length gown typical of what you'd see at a Ren Faire or a movie of this sort and about 2-3 other young men in the party.

The party was visiting an evil king, played by a middle aged Marlon Brando who had designs on the young maiden. The king had about 20 grown children living with him, and costumed very elaborately, according to the age - as was the king. The children were all spoiled and squabbled among themselves but they also jumped at the King's every command. There were no animals or mythical beasts.

Upon arrival, everyone, including the wizard and his group, as well as the 20 something grown children of the king, went into a large elevator that took them to a large hall with very high ceilings, columns, and tapestries. The group was ushered into a large dining hall and the wizard's group were seated together. The king's offspring were being fed but the wizard's group wasn't. The king's children were seated at several different round tables in small groups. The wizard and the king remained outside where there were some loud noises and shouting. One of the king's offspring got up and peered out of the tapestries that separated the dining hall from the large main area. The tapestry was pulled back far enough that I could see a battle going on between the very powerful king and the wizard. The wizard was projecting concentric rings of fire to surround the king and the king was using bluish electric fields (not lightning) to attack the wizard. It seemed the wizard was getting the worst of the battle.

For some reason my daughter was being held in a small room next to the dining hall and my attention was drawn there. The king's man, a Lord but not part of the royal family, and kind of short, passed the room to check on their captive. Katie thought he was a servant and asked him to bring her something. The Lord looked at Katie and said' "Must you keep that tissue in your nostril?" and Katie replied, "Well I have to keep the blood from dripping down my face". The Lord walked away and said, "How delightfully frank".

There was much more at the beginning of the dream that I had forgot by the time I woke. As I finished recording I was trying to return to sleep and actually resumed the dream, even though I was only partially drifting off to sleep. Most of the resumed dream was the result of my conscious memory injecting the plot into the dream but some of it unfolded on it's own. After a minute or two I heard the distinct sound of a cell phone in the background. Usually when I hear a phone at this stage of sleep/wakefullness it's distinct and very clear. This time the tone was very muted - almost inaudible - and buried deeply but it was clearly a sound that had no business in the dream. I stopped the dream and returned to sleep.

25th February 2011, 02:27 PM
Has anyone had a dream that plays out like a movie that's being presented for your benefit? It's like you're a passive spectator and eagerly awaiting the next scene, as you would a movie?

Yes I have! I remember this one dream which played like a 50's B-horror movie. Some film noir types were in one of those old, long cadillacs and the narrator announced that there's Cthulhu somewhere, but he was never shown. The atmosphere was that of a nightmare (failed nightmare, since I'm jaded from too many horror movies, I guess). :lol:

25th February 2011, 03:25 PM
I have had a few of those movie type of dreams that start out that way (as a screen where I'm watching the movie) and then it changes to first-person, putting me into it. Usually right before waking.
Idk what it means, if anything.
Maybe a symbol for life?