View Full Version : Profound energy dream

13th February 2011, 03:30 AM
Hi everybody. I have an interesting dream I'd like to share.

But first a short introduction, I am very new to the concepts of energy manipulation, OBEs, lucid dreams, etc. About a month ago I started reading new age books on a whim, and I got really interested, and that has brought me to testing energy manipulation systems like NEW, etc. But I'm such a newbie that I have virtually no skills - just a lot of enthusiasm.

So, here's my dream; I think you may enjoy it. Last night when I was asleep I felt this intense energy moving around inside my body, and I had the distinct impression that it was the work of a spirit guide trying to teach me about energy. It was so intense that I was scared at first. In the context of a non-spiritual belief system, I would have thought I was about to have an internal hemorage or something - kind of alarming. Somehow I got my fear under control, and I just decided to let it happen. I just thought to myself, "Ok, what ever happens, happens." So for a moment I was just enjoying this super intense energy. The next thing I knew, I precieved that I was glowing, and there were these powerful waves of force going up my entire body, and in fact I was starting to wonder if I was about to have an OBE. O_O

And I was thinking, "Holy crap, this is amazing."

What followed was a very nice lucid dream. I dreamt that I was moving around my house in spirit form, which isn't that exciting per se, but I thought I was having an OBE, so I was like, "SWEET, I'M OUT!!!." Then I had a false awakening. Later on, I again realized I was dreaming, and I felt my body start to float up from the ground, and then I started flying straight up as fast as I could, and I was observing a lot of unusual imagry along the way (e.g. a flying pink elephant the size of a jumbo jet), but I just kept going. Then at some point I shouted, "TAKE ME TO THE MENTAL PLANE!" (I enjoy books by Bruce Goldberg). And soon I came to this place where all I could see were shifting geometric figures in bright colors fed directly into my mind's eye. It was a trip. I woke up not long after that.

So yeah, that's my lucid dream experience: crazy energy followed by flying and beautiful geometry. I feel very thankful and excited about it. I hindsight I guess I could have had a sex dream instead, which would have been welcome, but for some reason it didn't occur to me at the time. >.>

13th February 2011, 04:26 AM
Very nice dream, Greg. And btw, welcome to the forums.