View Full Version : I used new to deepen the trance :) MAP, week 5

12th February 2011, 12:20 PM
I´ve discovered that raising energy (NEW) while in a light trance can deepen it quite easily.
I havent had a great success with using the various trance induction techniques this week or maybe it´s because I´m already in trance, anyway they haven´t helped me to deepen the trance but raising energy does.
I only did the raising for a few minutes and when I got into a deep state I heard a "word", I could have gone on for longer but since raising energy before bed can be bad I stopped and went to bed.

Is using new to deepen the trance common?, didn´t see any threads about it here.


12th February 2011, 05:19 PM
It does for me quite a bit. I think that's one of the things people find out eventually, but forget to mention. But yes, after relaxation and such, I sometimes use NEW to distract me and it does bring me to the 'voice hearing' part, and sometimes flashes of images.

12th February 2011, 06:31 PM
RB mentions this somewhere in his Collected Works PDF, I think specifically the Treatise on Astral Projection