View Full Version : Mind Split Effect

10th February 2011, 07:00 AM
Hello Mr. Bruce,

I have some questions about the mind split effect.
According to the mind split effect, the astral double can be flying around town while the physical body is doing its own activity. Since we only have one brain though, it is usually the physical body's memories that are recorded and remembered.


-are non-downloaded astral memories recalled after death when we are simply "one consciousness" again?
-is one able to recall previous astral memories during a regular astral projection (say, of projections that occurred before the training in OBEs)?

The same goes for dream memories

-are they lost and regained after death?
-can one recall previously non-downloaded dream memories after death or possibly from a dream itself/astral projection?

Forgive me if you've answered these questions elsewhere, I hope they are original if only on these forums.

Thanks for the help, it feels great being part of the Spiritual Family and I hope the funds for your institute arrive speedily and plenty. Can't wait to see it in the physical.


Robert Bruce
15th July 2011, 06:09 PM
G'day Alf,

During OBE, some memories of previous OBE's will at times return, but only a little. This is more like Deja Vu. You do something or see something, and this triggers a memory. But its not like recalling a real experience memory.

I do not know if obe and dream memories are recalled after death. What I do know is the higher self appears to block most of these memories, or rather, to store them away in a level of memory we cannot normally access.
