View Full Version : Trance becoming normal?

9th February 2011, 06:48 PM
I´m doing MAP and are the beginning of week 5. I´ve been achieving I think a light trance by sitting in my chair (bed is easier to get to full trance) but
at the same time I don´t feel like I´m in trance, it feels like my head area is normal while the rest of my body is more disassociated (but no paralysis), can it be that some parts are more "out there"?
Before I got an "aha" experience when I entered trance but this don´t seem to happen anymore.

Energy work flows more easily when raising energy while I´ve done relaxation for 10 min, and breathing without thoughts, doing a movement down technique,and being tired also, so I doing all these 4 things right it should
be pretty hard no to enter at least a light trance, right?

So what I mean by this is that it feel like I´m in trance but at the same time I´m not sure.
What do you think?


9th February 2011, 08:02 PM
You can be in a light trance or a deeper trance. I believe the best condition for a projection attempt is MABA (mind awake body asleep). So if you are not sure if you are in a deep enough trance, try to get up. If you get up, you're not deep enough.
The time that it takes to get there varies from person to person and also from time to time, so if you're not paralyzed you need to make it longer. But I don't think you're far enough along in the program to try to exit anyway, so I'd say, keep doing things as the program tells you, and you'll be fine.