View Full Version : Lucid in a dream within a dream!

9th February 2011, 05:44 PM
This night was a strange one. This is how it turned out:

Dream level 1 (normal dream): My house, summertime, gentle rain (not lucid)

Dream level 2 (a dream within a dream): Being at the local mall (lucid)


So, I found myself in a large local mall. I was talking to a vendor of dress shirts who looked troubled; he seemed unable to sell any of his products. I was thinking of buying a tie, but the prices were too high. (viktigt)
Then, I was about to fade into awakeness, and I suddenly realized I was dreaming! Though, at the time, I of course did not know it was a dream within a dream. I focused on continuing to walk in the mall. I spent a few minutes there until I lost consciousness and eventually woke up into another dream (dream level 1).

Here I was at my house, and it was summertime. I went back to bed in this dream and fell asleep again, and got lucid again, into dream level 2! I got back to the same mall, and tried to remember things to do while lucid. So I gave the command: “Take me to my guides!” and I started to disappear, fade out, while spinning around, this time, it woke me up again into dream level 1 again.

Here, I met myself. I was standing on the lawn outside my house, looking at myself, greeting myself. We were friends, like twins, being there for the same purpose, yet two different individuals. We just stood there for a while, chillin', all smiles.

Then I woke up for real.

Crazy stuff!


9th February 2011, 06:28 PM

Neil Templar
9th February 2011, 07:56 PM
excellent! very cool.

10th February 2011, 05:57 AM
Love it. I fell asleep in my dream last night and fell off a small truck into another dream. Best kind of weird!

10th February 2011, 09:48 AM
Just like the movie Inception 8)

10th February 2011, 10:34 AM
Hello, John.

When you met yourself in dream level 1, the two yous might be the lucid you and the not-lucid you. Your recall dropped back to recording the dreaming self's memories, but the other part of your being ended up in your dream as well.


10th February 2011, 04:19 PM
Hello, John.

When you met yourself in dream level 1, the two yous might be the lucid you and the not-lucid you. Your recall dropped back to recording the dreaming self's memories, but the other part of your being ended up in your dream as well.


Ha! Cool! 8)