View Full Version : Dreams vs Creativity

8th February 2011, 04:34 AM
Lately all my dreams seem to take place in the "front" of my brain; all very light, fleeting images & I awaken feeling rather let down. I've always had intense, vivid dreams (at least 5 per night) & have time set aside each morning before I get out of bed, to write them up in my journal. But nowadays it only takes a few moments to jot down the few, fleeting images . . .am getting annoyed with myself.

I've changed the orientation of my bed but to no avail, & changed the position of the magnets I sleep with. . also to no avail (I sound quite nuts, don't I?) Am always semi-aware that I am in bed, sleeping.

I'm wondering now whether doing "creative" tasks affects one's dreaming - I had given up writing for years, under the conviction that most so-called creativity is just a form of Zen-sickness (where words & ideas keep bubbling up from the mind) & thus not to be indulged, but since a recent jolt to my psyche (Friend died) I find myself compelled to write again, & all sorts of stream-of-consciousness type stories etc, pour out of me (almost like automatic writing) :? So I'm thinking that maybe this is a form of awake "dreaming", & so the "night dreams" don't need expression anymore. . . .

Anyone had anything similar happen?

8th February 2011, 08:56 AM
Hello, sono.

Creativity is a very wonderful part of our existence. If you can access yours, embrace it, it can be one cornerstone of your development as spiritual being. Maybe it would help to think of it as honoring the Creator by using your own creative gift.

As for the dreams - if you only get fleeting images, maybe you're accessing something you haven't accessed yet. So, maybe you're building up the translation skills to render these new energies. If this is the case, it will take some time, but the result will be an overall improvement, even if it seems like temporary regression.

Similarly, fleeting recall can be a sign of "greater psychological distance." Memory is state-specific, and if you access things in your dreams still alien to your waking consciousness, you might a greater portion than when something is closer to waking consciousness.

And finally, development moves like the tides. You might just be at a low in one of the many rhythms of the psyche. This may reverse and who knows where the next wave carries you?

Be well,

9th February 2011, 03:59 AM
Thank you Oliver, for the postive message here! :)