View Full Version : Clinic for Institute

4th February 2011, 07:24 PM
Hello Robert

You mentioned in another forum that you would be interested at some point to start a certification program for NEW energy ways, so that there can be certified teachers. Well, I just recently joined your partners' program, and learned of of your intent to found an institute. I think this is an awesome idea, and I'm very excited about that. But then I put 2 and 2 together, and thought- wouldn't it be cool if when you do get this institute going, you have a working energy healing clinic, staffed with accredited teachers and practitioners. Next year, I will be going to school to become a doctor in Chinese Medicine. I am also taking your work very seriously, and have started the Mastering Astral Projection course. I am also a practicing lab alchemist, in the tradition of Paracelsus, who funneled all his alchemical wisdom into a healing tradition that inspired people for centuries (including Samuel Hahnemann, who used Paracelsus' teachings to found homeopathy).

So this leads me to my question - would you be willing to open a clinic as part of the institute, staffed with professionals in holistic health care, who are simultaneously certified practitioners of NEW Energy ways healing? If so, how can I maintain a connection with you, so that after I graduate, I can help make this into a reality? Also, where would your institute likely be based?

Last year, I don't know if you remember, but I also asked you about how one might be able to utilize astral projection to learn about the human body, and you gave me a wonderful answer - to ask my Higher Self to show me a kind of hologram of my client's body, and you also said that I could talk further with you about this. One of the main reasons I am practicing the MAP program is to begin a relationship with my Higher Self, so that I may do things like this.

Thanks :D

Robert Bruce
6th July 2011, 04:23 PM
G'day Mica,

Yes, I do plan a free healing clinic. This will include everything that works, or might work... including experimental stuff.

You can always get in touch with me here. Email admin and your email will get to me...or email workshops@ my domain

My work is shifting more and more to the higher self connection. This is where all answers and healing rest.

You have a bright journey ahead of you. Well done.

You might also like to investigate pranic healing, as I am doing. Very interesting stuff...especial pranic psychotherapy in level 3.
