View Full Version : Decoded on History Channel

4th February 2011, 05:15 AM
This is mostly me just griping and is mostly off any topic. I watched most episodes of the new show Decoded and must say what a let down!!! If you are going to call a show Decoded, should it not "Find" answers to things??? Or am I asking too much?? LOL.

Apologies to anyone who liked the show. To me all they did on each given subject was turn over what was already known or could be found on the internet with a quick search. I guess I am a sucker for these types of shows and it stems from my wanting to know answers to these things.

I just finished watching the "final" (Thank God) episode on the Georgia guidestones. Again, nothing was "found out" or revealed at all. Just re-hashed. I guess Brad Meltzer just needed some fame time. Is too bad they did not actually focus on one thing and maybe find some answers.

The worst thing on this episode is when they are looking into a possible connection relating to ESP and mind control. They are interviewing an "Expert" which is working on brain signals and using them for paralysis patients (Which is great stuff). But, when they mention ESP and esp. Astral projection, they were all like Ha, ha, ha......rolling eyes.....snicker. :roll: I immediately lost any respect I had for them as researchers......

OK, done venting.......lol

4th February 2011, 12:17 PM
Ok, Russmi3, thanks for sharing :) xx

4th February 2011, 05:13 PM
I may have seen some of it.... Meh.