View Full Version : Viewing Own Incarnations In Mirror Reflections

27th January 2011, 02:39 PM

tonight I used the timer method (100 min max setting) to increase my dream recall, plus I attached a small Moldavite to my forehead with a tape (yeah, I know, I'm pretty hardcore now ... :mrgreen: ).

It worked, some unusual dream memories resulted.

One was the following:

I was getting up in a big house in a big, dark room. I tried to turn on the light switches, but they all did not seem to work (... yeah .. I know :roll: ... reality wake-up check missed ... :wink: ).

Anyway, after a while I found some light. And a stand mirror. One of the kinds I added as google-search image below.

I started to levitate (and again .. I know... reality check wake-up opportunity not seized, lucidity is a hard nut for me to crack ...). Sometimes I went out of the mirror's reflection angle of me and therefore I tried to stabilize myself floating in the "middle" of the room (possibly a meter or so in the air) in order to see myself again in the mirror. I managed to do this by flapping with my arms then, looking a bit funny.

Well, that is, however, not the entire story.

I was a woman. A beautiful girl, possibly teen or early twens, brunette hair, long red dress. A bit similar to this:
http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:xbvGOCyaCx8lBM:http://www.eidress.com/images/PromGirl-374339272.jpg http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:gfqotctZPBzfCM:http://www.homedecorators.com/images/items/detail/m67251530.jpg

Whoever read some of my earlier posts about "higher self voices" or similar experiences knows that I already had made some acquaintances with my(higher?)"self" or an aspect of self appearing as a female to "my(lower)self.

I suspect that I might have met other "selves" of me (male and female) as they recur to pop up in my dreams, recently (e.g. a guy with curly dark hair).

Recently I bought Nick Newports "Oversoul Course". He also recommends to do the following: as soon as you get lucid in a dream, try to materialise a mirror immediately without wasting time and watch yourself in it. He claims that you see another person for at least a few seconds and that this person is a former incarnation of you.

Well, I was NOT lucid and it wasn't immediate, either. However, I remember always having seen my today's self (most of the times a younger version of me) in dream mirrors.

In that dream it was "natural" for me to appear this way. I did (again.. no lucidity wake-up) not regard these looks as alien to me. It "WAS" me. I WAS THE GIRL. :shock:

The clothes and looks looked a bit 'old-fashioned', so it could have been from the 1800s or 1900s.

Strange, huh?

Was it me? Or better: IS it me? :idea:

I'd also be interested now what are your experiences with mirror reflections of "you" in dreams?


29th January 2011, 01:20 PM
I'd also be interested now what are your experiences with mirror reflections of "you" in dreams?
So, not anyone has had any experiences with mirror images in dreams?
I thought it was interesting and happening more often and that there should be some people here making these experiences of one kind or another. That's a rather disappointing feedback. :?

29th January 2011, 02:33 PM
Hi Volgerle,

i think this is an amazing experience (i would call it Dom) and for me it feels like you connect to your-inner-female-self, in the sense of yin&yang means 2 sides of the same coin. I imagine that this female-meeting has the same or similar meaning of meeting your HigherSelf, because when we are complete by our yin&yang insides, then we are the HigherSelf, or at least come close to this more completed energy.
I myself can not remember mirror-dreams, but I have heard of other fellows - they were walking in the mirror, melting with the mirror-me, which sometimes was same looking, sometimes different, and such things. I always thought of mirror-dreams as something very special and a good sign of being in a good flow with the other-world.

Best wishes, Istia

29th January 2011, 05:44 PM
I've had experiences with mirror reflections in dreamstate and light trance, and I always saw the same character.

30th January 2011, 07:40 PM
I always saw the same character.
same character ... you mean ... yourself?

30th January 2011, 07:45 PM

31st January 2011, 10:14 AM
I've posted about this before. I looked in the mirror and instead of seeing a caucasian brunette woman of 45, I saw an oriental woman of twenty something. I simply thought, "I don't remember being this pretty."

Neil Templar
31st January 2011, 04:00 PM
i've looked into a mirror and seen my face morph into a dragon's face.
i had a separate experience a year or two ago, where i met a dragon, a young dragon going in a state of transformation. i was aware of it representing my consciousness or spiritual maturity in this lifetime, something along those lines...it told me at the time i'd see it again when it was fully matured...