View Full Version : Daydreaming within a dream

27th January 2011, 11:07 AM
Last night I had a somewhat unusual type of dream.
In the whole dream I felt like I knew the experiences I was having was not really real (but still not waking up in the dream and becoming lucid), It was like I was daydreaming and had control on what happened next, but at the
same time unexpected things happened and I had to adjust my thoughts accordingly, it felt like a was playing a very realistic computer virtual reality game, it also ended with a false awakening.

The dream was about me traveling back in time on my bicycle, lol, but I had some problem with the time traveling device, I traveled into the wrong time, when I tried to correct it I got myself into a futuristic world that was not consistent with earth history, I also had to save 2 girls in need that were being held hostage, I managed to get them to safely and the time machine working again and went back to the correct time.

I´m in weeks 3 in "MAP" so I´m sure my obe and energy raising have something to do with the strangeness of the dream, was i haven't been thinking of time traveling, I guess It might be symbolism for something else :)


27th January 2011, 01:03 PM
hi magic, very interesting dreaming with time-travelling! I think that dreaming and moving in astral spheres is not depending on any "real-earth-history-correlations". I think there are many - possible - realities, as well referring to the past as even the more to the future. As I believe we all, collectively, are somehow creating future by ourselves. Though even if it is meant or interpreted symbolistically only, i find great symbols in your dream, as i.e. saving 2 girls or beings is a wonderful thing. Who knows in which reality-zone or time-zone you have done so really, in cosmic-reality. False awakening for me is a sign too that it was not only a normal, lets say "routine-digesting" dream.

best wishes, istia

28th January 2011, 05:43 AM
Are you seeing this in your minds eye? Kind of in the empty mindscape around your eyes? Sorry if that doesn't make sense but if so you should try looking up to your third eye, look up and inside. This can put you into a full projection into the scene you are seeing. You will just have to remember to do this next time you get the "daydream". Sometimes it is hard to do this because you are involved/attached in the scenery.

29th January 2011, 02:14 AM
Sorry magic i actually posted this response in your other thread i meant to post it here:

I just found this today:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IhZAHV_ ... re=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IhZAHV_xl0&feature=related)

Watch all 4 videos. This guy describes what i am talking about entering the mind space better.You might be good at this technique if you are very visual. When you start getting the spinning just roll with it and let the spinning sensation build up.

Don't get put off by the informality of the content in the video, it's good stuff.

29th January 2011, 05:49 PM
If this is the guy with the candle I tried this and it never worked for me for projecting, but for meditative purposes I give it a thumbs up.

29th January 2011, 08:48 PM
Yep he does a little thing with the candle where you look at the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ of the flame and kind of use that as a gauge to find your mindspace. He says you only need to do that to find your mindspace i believe.Once you've got that part the candle isn't needed.

29th January 2011, 10:41 PM
Yep. I did it a long time ago, prob. when it first came out on YouTube, and I had to look at that flame for so long I thought I might have had some retinal damage, and it gave me a headache. The second time I did it without the headache, and it was a wonderful focus for 'having something to look at with my eyes closed' but it didn't help me project.