29th March 2006, 04:47 PM
last night i am sure i projected but it was a spontaneous projection it happened three times ,i went camping this weekend and caught a cold so when i went to bed last night i felt quite strange due to the cold i was really tired but as i was falling asleep i swear i could feel another body inside of me swaying around it felt like it was out of control and just bumping around inside i didnt worry to much about the feelings so i just went to sleep then all of a sudden i was in my living room walking around and then all of a sudden i was looking at my front door and could not move i tried to move but could not, the strange thing was i could feel my physical body while all this was happening so i just concentrated on my leg because it was out of the covers and it was feeling cold and then i was awake again i got up from bed and walked round the house to do a check then went back to bed and then it happend again i fell asleep and found myself near my kids room but this time i could see a shadow moving around outside the window i knew i was in a projection and felt kind of scared but i tried to get outside to confront this shadow but again i was unable to move so i concentrated on my body so that i could awake myself and i did i did another check of the house because this time i felt something was trying to warn me i saw nothing and went back to bed no sooner than my head hit the pillow i was right back in the living room waiting to see what this shadow was but it never appeared again and i guess i just went in a sleep then cos i dont really have any recolection of anything happening after that it was really freaky has anyone else had an experiance like this before i would really like to hear about it