View Full Version : Visit by extraterrestrials in destroyers

23rd January 2011, 11:33 AM
I got a wonderful visit by ET this night in a dream. Ever since I got a rose quartz stone I'm always dreaming good dreams almost every night. Before this I was rarely dreaming or at least I didn't remember them.

It started with me thinking of some infrastructure problems. I've always wanted the subway/metro to extend to our municipality. I kept asking my guides to help me build a metro to my area. This has been planed for several years but the politicians never seem to make it happen. We're a bit closer though now than ever. In any case there was suddenly night. And I could see like about 14 lights moving in a wing formation. I could see the area transforming and suddenly we had a metro connection but it was on top of ground right on the bridge close to this area. I got some kind of short close up of the ships as they got closer and they looked like the destroyers in "Nexus the jupiter incident". Suddenly they changed formation keeping the wing but moving 4 ships in a quadrant behind the wing. This reminds me of a UFO sighting I saw during the 90's.

Here is the best picture of the destroyers I saw.

http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp33 ... 1260847685 (http://i424.photobucket.com/albums/pp330/akkan117/nexusDestroyer.jpg?t=1260847685)

The ships landed around our house and every pilot turned out to be a young blonde woman except one who was an older man maybe in his 50's. He seemed to be the squad leader or something like that. I walked towards him and we saluted and hugged. And I think I said: "I knew you would come!". But it was like the human looks were like projections into my mind.

Has anyone else got improvements with rose quartz while dreaming? I mean seriously, just from the day I put the rose quartz under my pillow I'm dreaming almost every night and the dreams are really interesting.

Neil Templar
23rd January 2011, 12:47 PM
funny you should mention rose quartz.
i've been trying out different combinations of stones with my moldavite under my pillow. the past 3 or 4 nights, i've had rose quartz in there with it.
here's what happened -
viewtopic.php?f=19&t=22892&start=210#p142720 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=22892&start=210#p142720)